Bryston speakers

MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: Announcing the Model A ‘MICRO’ Center Speaker

October, 2014

Hi Folks,

A number of dealers/distributors have asked us to provide a smaller Center channel speaker which would be more appropriate when combined with the Bryston Mini A Bookshelf speakers or the Bryston Model A3 floor standing speaker in a surround system.

Announcing the Bryston AC-1 ‘MICRO’ Center speaker.

AC1 Micro Center1.jpg
AC1 Micro Center Grill1.jpg

The Bryston AC-1 Micro Center utilizes two 6.5 inch woofers and a single 1 inch dome tweeter which are identical to the drivers used throughout the A Series speakers.

Retail Price - $490.00
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers

October 2014

We would like to welcome ‘MAFICO Audio-Video in the Netherlands’ as our latest Bryston Speaker Dealer.

Weg en Bos 2, 2661 DH Bergschenhoek, Netherlands
Ph: 3110 4148426
Fax: 3110 40 48863
[email protected]

What are you using to drive your Model/Middle Ts?

I heard the Middle Ts with Parasound Halo JC2 Pre and Parasound JC1 this weekend...AMAZING?

MJ Audio.jpg
Dear James,

Please see attached Mini -T review, which appeared in the Polish edition of the Audio Video magazine. Some sentences from the review below:

“The choice of a very strong, compression resistant woofer resulted in a very American sound, with a strong emphasis on power and extension, in which Mini T is one of the kind”.

“The sound class of these monitors is unquestionably high. It is expressed in the mids and trebles consistency and the overall homogeneity, resolution and a very high dynamics.

Another advantage of the Mini T is its soundstage. Well, instead of giving a short summary I’ve almost written a second review, but the Mini T is a really complex case. I strongly encourage you to spend some time on a private listening, especially if you like an "American-flesh sound", as well as small cars with big engines”.

Now we look forward to Mini A shipment, while the order for the Mini T will come shortly so please add MJ Audio Lab as a Bryston speakers distributor.

Best regards

MJ Audio Lab
Hi Mike

Dynamic and full range without compression according to the Polish dealer. Because they have very small rooms in Poland generally they tend to like speakers with rolled off lower frequencies.

Hi Mike

Dynamic and full range without compression according to the Polish dealer. Because they have very small rooms in Poland generally they tend to like speakers with rolled off lower frequencies.



The Mini T is a real tough speaker to beat - especially for the money.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

The Mini T is a real tough speaker to beat - especially for the money.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk HD

Hi Mike

Yes thanks the Mini T has really surprised a lot of people as to how full range it is for a big bookshelf. Also starting to make some inroads on the pro side in studios as a near field and mid field monitor.


On Oct 28, 2014, at 9:24 PM,
Jan Patrick Lucas

Hi James!

I absolutely adore these Model T speakers! Your design is tremendous!

For me it's rock, blues and metal, and no speaker does it better than the "T's" . Interested in the new tweeters. I'm just thrilled at the idea of a slight upgrade.

All the best to you!

Jan (Thunder Bay)
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: Customer Feedback from Israel

Bryston BP-6 Preamp, 4B SST2 Amp, and the Mini T's


“Though I’ve heard quite a few top end system combos which cost way more in the past years, not one hit the spot for me like the Bryston 4B and Mini T's combo.

I like everything about this speaker: size, build quality, driver arrange-ment and above all performance.

This is the first 3 way I’ve heard that handles all the frequency spectrum from sub to high frequencies with a kind of two way integrity and agility.

The Bryston Mini T's are no less than a revelation. The new Bryston T's monitors are one of a kind 3 ways that can run from ultra low frequencies to highs beyond the best two ways. They do it fast and agile while keeping control and grip.

A very fine achievement.

Thank you Bryston, we are in our debt.”

Itshak Vodzilovsky
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT:Bryston Dealer Feedback

Hi James

System set-up: Bryston BP-26 Preamp, 4B SST2 Amp, BDP1 Player, BDA2 DAC on Model T's and Mini T's. Short story for you.

photo 2.JPG

Upon unveiling these speakers with anticipation one wondered how good can they be? Well let me tell you, they play as big as they look. These speakers are silky smooth and the timbre is amazing even as I kept turning the volume up and up on this BP-26/4B SST2 combo. Not once did I hear compression happening in the midrange nor tweeter at these volumes.

photo 3.jpg

These Bryston speakers are nice and relaxed but yet detailed…no listening fatigue with either one. Both speakers are fast and the bass extension is unreal…are you sure there is no sub on? The woofers are built like a massive car subs..Don't believe me take one out, I did..WOW!

For a company just new to the speaker industry I think Bryston is on to something amazing here! Can't wait to see what the future holds for Canada's finest…

Calvin Rhead
Krazy Kiley's
2220 Dewdney Ave.
Regina, Sask.
Hi James,

Bryston Mini A at Warsaw Audio Show 2014-photo attached.

Very clever beast yet - ideal for small spaces

Mini A.jpg

Very positive response at show James , in fact, very faithfully play with low gain so you can safely listen late at night with full control of the mids and bass with no chance for an unexpected police visit.

Best regards
MJ Audio Lab
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers

Hi Folks,

It is always nice when people who have been in the industry for decades acknowledge your products:


Hello James,

I have to say that it was wonderful to have the opportunity to work with the Bryston Team at RMAF 2014.
It was my first time to hear the Bryston speakers. We had the Middle T’s for the show.

What an impressive speaker!

A big, spacious soundstage, tonally neutral, with impressive dynamics, and powerful bass for that size speaker.

The Middle T’s reach down low without sounding boomy or bloated. The 28B SST2 amplifiers gave an overall effortless presentation.

Truly an incredible value for the money.

Jerry Willsie
MEMO: To All Bryston Customers

December 2014

“Hello Peter.

Noticed your little review on experimenting with Bryston's new Mini-T loudspeaker for mixing in a recording studio. I am considering auditioning a pair of Mini-Ts for home use with my Simaudio integrated amplifier next time I am in Toronto.
Mini T Pair.jpg

Noting your extensive audio experience, would you have any comments on the following:

1) How fussy are the Mini-Ts regarding room placement? I.E. Can they perform well if their backsides are only about 12 or 18 inches from the front wall?

2) Do the drivers integrate well at a reasonably close listening distance such as 7 feet? Asking you, since I suspect that studio use might be more of a near-field experience.

3) How are they at quieter (lower decibel) listening levels? Any opinion if they lose their "magic" at quieter loudness levels?

I realize this e-mail is out of the blue and not related to your Mastering studio.”



“Hi Ron

We are all subjects to the laws of physics! They are a rear firing port design and at 18" they perform very well.

One of the great features of the Bryston Mini T speakers is their lack of localization of the drivers in a near-field set up. This indicates a extremely coherent phase complimentary cross over design. These speakers suffer the least from the Fletcher Munson Curve (or what you call loss of magic) of any we've tested. We notice a reduction in monitoring levels because the mid to low bass is well represented at lower volume levels. (Charles Mingus would be happy)

These are not an incremental evolutionary improvement over existing speakers! These are a revolutionary price / performance improvement over existing speakers!

A lot of audiophiles are more into "fashion" then accurate sound and become easily bored, so be it. In our business, we live or die on how accurate and true we are to the the master recording and the new Bryston T series helps us achieve that.”

Yours Truly,
Peter J. Moore,
The E Room Mastering Studios/MDI Productions.
Eatlxtr on Today at 11:00 am

I listened to the Mini T's today T my Bryston dealer and they were truly stunning.

The absolute clarity and dynamic power was amazing. The only issue I had is that my listening room is only 10 by 13 feet and these can not be more that 12 inches from the back wall. When I moved the speakers that close to the back wall they produced slightly to much bass. The dealer suggested port plugs but I am concerned about messing up the balance of the speakers. I do have a Rythmik 12 inch sealed sub that can take the extreme low end (20 to 120Hz). Anyone with any idea how the plugs would work?

Thank you


BTW, I posted my demo review on WhatHiFi if anyone wants to read it. Called 'Bryston Mini T / PMC 24 Back to Back'

Hi Earl,

If you do get a build up of low bass in a small room the port plug helps a lot. The plug just allows the low frequency response to roll off a little sooner so it does not overload the room if the room is having issues. It will not change the Balance of the sound just the roll off point of the very low bass.

That being said I have them in my 3rd sound room and it is 10 x 13 (no plugs) as well (see below) - I have them on the long wall about a foot from the back wall and they perform superbly! Anyone who hears them always comment on how BIG the soundstage is and how they disappear in the room - not to mention where did you hide the SUB?


MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT:Bryston Middle T – Best of 2014

Hi James


You’ve won a Home Theater Review Best of 2014 Award for the Bryston Middle T loudspeakers.

2014 Best.jpg

As a company known for high-end audio electronics, Bryston took a risk this year by moving into the crowded speaker market. That risk has certainly paid off with the Middle T, which received a “five-star performance rating” from Brent Butterworth.

Its appearance is as straightforward as they come, but its performance will definitely seduce you.

MEMO: To All Bryston Customers
SUBJECT: Bryston Mini A Speakers

December 2014

Bryston Mini-T Bookshelf/Stand Loudspeakers.

Winner of Everything Audio Network ‘Stellar Sound Award’

EA Logo.jpg

“The Bryston Mini-T speaker easily exceeded my high expectations of the company producing a no-fuss, accurate loudspeaker with smooth clarity and excellent bass for its size. These speakers sound fantastic, and in the audiophile world they are a bargain — especially for a North American-made speaker

Mini T.jpg

The tweeter is neither dull or sizzly, instead exhibiting an optimal balance of transient tonality, which contributes to an expansive soundstage for such a compact speaker. The midrange does not draw attention to itself with any sonic quirks, just a truthful projection of midband sounds, such as voice and acoustic guitar.

And the Mini-T’s sonic character was consistent from amp to amp, even with different designs. From an old Macintosh MC275 to Rogue Audio’s highly recommend tube/digital hybrid and Benchmark’s ultra-quiet ABH2, to a pair of $65,000 Pass Labs Super Class A Xs-150s, the Mini-Ts always sounded great.

Whether you are an audiophile, semi-serious home listener who appreciates real hi-fi, or an uncompromising professional recording engineer who still likes to match his own amp and speakers, the Mini-T is a speaker you must consider.

If you want to stay in the family, a pair of the Mini-Ts and a Bryston 4B SST-II amplifier would be an ideal combo. But regardless of the amp ultimately chosen, I believe that once you audition a pair of Mini-Ts, you will agree with our assessment that they are worthy of our Everything Audio Network

S-T-E-L-L-A-R S-O-U-N-D Award”

John Gatski
Everything Audio Network