Audioarts NYC Welcomes Robert Koda

TONEAudio Magazine

New member
Apr 19, 2013
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<p><img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-8911" title="koda" src="" alt="" width="600" height="370" />Audioarts NYC proprietor Gideon Schwartz is proud to announce that they will now be the official US importer and distributor for Robert Koda products.</p>
<p>Very favorably reviewed in issue 51, their K-10 preamplifier remains a reference component in the TONEAudio studio, and the rest of the product line looks equally enticing. *Schwartz says, “All the accolades can not properly describe the level of fidelity these jewels are capable of.”</p>
<p>Watch for more information here, and an expanding dealer network in the US shortly. *These are not to be missed. Should you be in New York City, contact Audioarts NYC for an appointment.</p>
<p><a href="" target="_self"></a></p>
