Audio Research GSPre/GS150 Review


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
Jose' Victor Henriques reviews the ARC GSPre/GS150 in this months HiFi News - Hi-Fi News & Record Review

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He concludes: "The GS150 is not only the finest sounding but also the most beautiful stereo amplifier Audio Research has ever built, which is saying a lot for a company that makes some of the best tube amplifiers in the world. The GSPre is the perfect partner both aesthetically and sonically, its beauty within matching the beauty without. Together they've restored my fading faith in vacuum tube technology!"

In comparing it to the REF 5SE and REF150, he concludes, "The GSPre/GS150 won hands down."

Regarding the phonostage in the GSPre, he concludes, "I regret to say the GSPre phono stage is not a match for the remarkable PH2 SE phono preamplifier. To put it bluntly, the GS150 is a much better amplifier than the REF150, anyway you look at and listen to it. And the GSPre is a marginally better choice (than the REF5SE) - more open, transparent and musically relaxed - but the PH2 SE walks all over the GSPre's phono stage which is more of a bonus than a real asset to the preamplifier."

He also advises owners of the REF series to try the KT150's in their amps before considering a move to the GS series. He quotes ARC in his article as saying "Owners of the REF150 will probably be wondering if they might achieve a better sound still, with KT150's." "They'd undoubtedly sound more similar" says Warren Gehl of Audio Research, the person responsible for "sonic design" at ARC. Gehl continues, "but other design changes and advancements will still provide the GS150 with an edge over the REF150."

He mentions that ARC designers did consider implementing a DAC in the GSPre, but real estate inside the case wouldn't allow it.

ARC sees the GSPre as a Preamp that nears the performance of the REF5SE/PH8 Phono Pre.

On the bench, the ARC GS150 offers 170 watts per channel into both 8 and 4 ohm loads, with a dynamic output of 185 watts on the 8ohm tap and 185 watts on the 4 ohm tap.
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I should add that in terms of noise floor, the GS150 and GSpre also measured very well.
Uh oh.....................I know what this means :exciting:

Yep, I've got a GS150 boner. My wife's not going to let me out in public!

I put one of those SOtM USB cards into my music computer last night. My DAC8 just got a lot better, like adding a Shunyata Zitron power cable--nice reduction in noise. Listened last night and this morning. The REF10/REF75/KT150 combo is approaching 150 hours and keeps getting better. The GS150 would look awesome in my rack, and I'll bet feeding it with the REF10 would be sublime. Now if I could only audition the REF10 Phono!
Bob - in lieu of a PC, have you considered any of the network player products like the Auralic Aries?
I've consider pinging you wrt Lumin, because my DAC has acted up a little lately. I'm a little afraid to invest in digital considering how fast things are changing in that arena, and because my first preference is to spin the big black platters.
I've consider pinging you wrt Lumin, because my DAC has acted up a little lately. I'm a little afraid to invest in digital considering how fast things are changing in that arena, and because my first preference is to spin the big black platters.

I don't blame you!

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Mike -

Thx for starting this thread. We are finally seeing some more information coming out of ARC on this new line. Marketing did not do a good job to launch the new series.

Nelson has been very high on the GS150. Starting to understand why that's the case.

Bob -

The ARC Ref 10 with the GS150 and the Alexias should be a wonderful combo. Like you, I have a DAC8 that I'm considering replacing very soon. Yes, the Lumin is in the running...:)
I really like the looks of new ARC series. Does still share same old ARC house sounds ? Or something different ?
The GS design is starting to grow on me.

Nelson - Is the front plate thinner than the one on the Ref series?
If you look at the preamp, you can see it has more SE inputs than balanced and I question whether or not it's truly balanced. I will have to see the specs. In any event, it doesn't appear to be in the same ballpark as the Ref 5SE.