Audio porn

Yes, the best audio pictures are all from Wizard, the one and only! :cool:

+1 Bob......really great pics!!

I also really enjoy the excellent pics by MY-HIEND.COM.....the only problem is.... you may have to use Google translate to read what they're saying. :rolleyes:

Google Translate

I go to some International audio sites regularly (Canada, USA, UK, France, Italy, Germany, Japan, ...) and I don't have any problem whatsoever with English and French audio sites. :)
As for the others; very easy with our [Translate] toolbox feature from our Google's toolbar. :)

* Nowadays, with the Internet, language is no longer a barrier with anything, including audio electronics.
...And Music is of course Universal; it has always been.

Anyone now can fly a submarine. ;) ...From anywhere, with any language instructions, and in any kind of waters from all across the planet.
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