Audio Deske Record Cleaning Machine Special for AS members only!


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
I was able to negotiate special pricing with the US distributor of the Audio Deske RCM for Audioshark members only.

If you're interested, PM me and I provide you with the special code and contact information for the Distributor and you can contact them directly to discuss.

P.S. I have one of these and love it!
And now that Jeff sells them, there is a better reason to get one!
Looks like a great machine, I was reading about em yesterday.
Put that on the dream list. Lol
I have cleaned 81 records so far with mine. Not only easy peasy but also better (quieter) sound from vinyl. Well worth the investment. The convenience now takes much of the headache away from vinyl (I used to dread cleaning records ESP if I had a pile of new vinyl).
I want one !!!! But I'm too cheap !!


Your not cheap, your wise. This thing has a kind of large diminishing return aspect to me. I have a VPI 16.5 that actually does a better job in my opinion as it allows for use of different chemical compounds and if needed you can adjust your cleaning method too. Just my worthless opinion though. An RCM with a vacuum is a good thing to have in any color if you have enough records or need to justify it.
Your not cheap, your wise. This thing has a kind of large diminishing return aspect to me. I have a VPI 16.5 that actually does a better job in my opinion as it allows for use of different chemical compounds and if needed you can adjust your cleaning method too. Just my worthless opinion though. An RCM with a vacuum is a good thing to have in any color if you have enough records or need to justify it.

Nobody's opinion is worthless, especially not yours. Mark is the king at finding value and has the system to prove it.

I do want the Audio Deske but may end up with the VPI 16.5. We'll see. I get lazy and the Audio Deske is right up my alley :) Plus I get a little squeamish handling the vinyl.
I want one, but I am to broke!!!

I'm waiting for a new product from Clearaudio that will have both cleaning systems.
They say to wait 3-4 months
I have the VPI 16.5 and its yours, you only have to pay for the shipping from DR.

I'm waiting for a new product from Clearaudio that will have both cleaning systems.
They say to wait 3-4 months
I have the VPI 16.5 and its yours, you only have to pay for the shipping from DR.


I can send you a FedEx number :)
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No matter where you are in this small world.

Your welcome my friend.
Audioshark is a BEATIFUL place to share
No matter where you are in this small world.

Your welcome my friend.

Oh dear me, I just saw this. A thousand apologies.

Please remember this humble friend - fellow sharky from Singapore. Anything similar like this (Its OK this time cause I already had one), consider me please. I am also becoming broke. Thanks. :exciting: