Anyone going to the California Audio Show this weekend?

New guy

New member
Apr 10, 2013
The show is being held August 9-11th at the Westin Hotel by San Francisco Airport. I am going on Friday afternoon and maybe Saturday.
I am a bit disappointed that ARC won't be represented. I was hoping to hear the REF 10 or maybe it's a good thing that I won't get to hear it

Hope to see some members from the Bay Area.

ARC & Raidho is what I'm interested in and they won't be represented there, so I'll pass..
My wife has never been to San Francisco so that was my excuse to go. Of course that also means I don't have all day to be at the show. Trade offs --- there are always trade offs. Don't get me wrong - I am not complaining at all.
Should be a very pleasant upcoming weekend in the bay area; you two should have a very good time.
My wife has never been to San Francisco so that was my excuse to go. Of course that also means I don't have all day to be at the show. Trade offs --- there are always trade offs. Don't get me wrong - I am not complaining at all.

Jock, I hope you and your Bride have a great time !!! Good food,cocktails, and maybe a little romance !!!!
I did a quick look at the rooms yesterday as soon as they opened.

All in all it's a very well run show. I was pleasantly surprised at the head phone room. It wasn't as confined as past head phone rooms that I've seen. Some very good stuf in there.

Unfortunately, going first thing on the first day is not so good as a lot of rooms were still working out some issues. My plan is to go back this afternoon and listen again.

Sony was doing a DSD demo that would have been amazing to see and hear but I wasn't able to be there at the right time. They had a small duo/trio playing live and recording it and then playing back what they recorded to show DSD off. Tall about live vs recorded. I did hear them going through some set up trials and it sounded impressive.

Other than that - best sound was the room w Von Schweikert $140,000 speakers using Raven amps.

Runner up was the Vivid Giya's w VTLs.

Most disappointing was the Wilson Alexia's. The room was really bad. Alexia's are way better than that. On the plus side for Wilson, I thought the new Duettes were excellent using the new Ayre pre/power amps.

More later - off to the redwoods first.