
The platform the speakers set on are just pieces of granite and wood from an Adona amp stand. It provides a solid base for the speakers and makes for easy adjustment when dialing in the speakers. My carpet has heavy padding underneath and this just makes it easier to move the speakers .

Ah ok understand.

Is this your system? If so, I think its awesome! Congratulations.

I spy some Nordost Odin speaker cables at the back of the room. Are they on trial?

Also, one of the Accuphase boxes seems looking at the rooms acoustics / RTA? Could you tell us more about that?
c-27.jpgWhat an absolutely beautiful system.

Would luv to hear the c-27 phono and the DG-48 eq

A200's?!!!! Nice!!!

Accuphase gear has a timeless beauty to it. The Japanese Conrad-Johnson.

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It's not the Japanese C-J or Japanese McIntosh. Accuphase has it's own sound and philosophy which is better sounding than C-J or McIntosh. It's a lot more expensive (here in the US) so it should be! They're not trying to copy well-known US companies...