
Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
999 bottles of beer on the wall....999 bottles of beer....wait....wrong song....

Well Sharks, sometime today we will pass the Millennium mark for members. That's 1000 members in just over 6 months. Amazing. Other than a few spammers who snuck in (and I think we've done a good job of keeping those guys out now), all of our members are real. No phony names. No one sitting in a back office somewhere dreaming up members. Real people. Real audiophiles. And real hard work to get here.

Throughout the past 6 months, it has impressed me how we have remained civil to one another. I believe it was Norman who said to me the other day, "I love Audioshark. It's an oasis of civility." OK, maybe not an oasis, but we are certainly a welcoming and civil online social gathering spot. We don't need a Lieutenant Dan because we police ourselves and act respectful to one another. As our site grows, this will become a challenge, but I know that the core group of founding members will ensure civility remains the underlying current in the waters of Audioshark.

Other sites are envious in not only our organic growth, but in the new friendships that many of us have shared and discovered.

As we claw and scratch our way to 2000 members, I look forward to hearing more from our quieter members. You know who you are lurking in the background! :) Speak up! Everyone has something to say!

Again, I want to thank all of you for making Audioshark.org such a fun place to share in this interesting, and sometimes crazy hobby of ours.

We're just getting started....

Mike you deserve a good chuck of the credit.Thanks for getting going and keeping it going.
Thanks for putting in the time. I'm sure it keeps you busy and other senior Sharks. Thanks to them as well.
Well, here is to making it to 1998 members, and more.

While civility is nice, stopping spammers is worthy of an Internet Medal of Honor, if it existed. I also visit the Polk Audio site, which uses the same forum software, and it is constantly flooded with spammers. In my mind, it gives a bad impression of a manufacturer to tolerate this activity.

Keep up up the good work.
You guys rock!!!!!thanks for this place!!!! Congrats and best of luck in the future!!!
Felicidades a todos !!!
Big Congrats to the founders and all the people
made this forum become THE BEST OF THE BEST !!

Excellent...I know there will be continued growth and success. Thanks Mike.
Congrats Mike. Please give yourself a pat on the back, you deserve it. You've made a nice place here where you don't have to log in to see what's going on, where information is shared from everywhere and everyone and isn't censored depending on who the sponsors are. The camaraderie here is unbelievable and infectious and will only bring more people that want to participate.

Thanks also to Joe and Mark and anyone else who is responsible for helping out behind the scenes.

Thanks everyone. You all make this a fun place to hang out.
Great job Mike, Joe and Mark!
This site has a huge wealth of expertise and enthusiasm. Congrats.
I also want to say thanks to Mike and Joe !! You guys are the best :heart:

I really appreciate all our members !! This has to be the most civil bunch of people I have ever seen on the internet. It's so wonderful that we can have intelligent discussions and even disagree over things, but never let it degrade into name calling or being critical of other peoples choice of gear.

I'm so proud of all of you !!!!!!
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