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<!-- #thumb --> <p>I have always found it curious when someone says to me “I am 100% vinyl in my system. *No use for digital audio whatsoever.” *Or, “I never listen to vinyl, too dated, sounds bad.” *Or, “I have sold all my CD’s and gone just to SACD.”</p>
<p>It’s curious because these extremes many of us go towards seem limiting and unnecessary. * I know we’re an extreme lot and it takes all kinds. *I respect that and find myself in the same position time and again.</p>
<p>But I gently kick myself every time I fall into the trap. *For the longest time I did not have vinyl in my system. *I spent decades working on vinyl, building better and better phono preamplifiers, studying how they work, what’s the best way to deal with a phono cartridge, building magic boxes that turned moving magnets into moving coils, the list goes on. *When CD finally came of age, the pleasures and sound quality were so wonderful I just sold everything vinyl and moved on.</p>
<p>The first time I heard a high resolution audio bit played on the PWT I thought to myself “I can never go back”. *CD’s sounded lame to me. *High resolution was just everything.</p>
<p>Over time I have added back my vinyl, I listen to CD’s, I stream all manner of music to the system, I play high resolution audio.</p>
<p>Maybe it’s just me, but I tend to be an extreme person, swinging the pendulum back and fourth. *Over time, the pendulum swings get shorter, and my listening pleasures increase. *How much fun to grab a vinyl disc and enjoy the pleasures within, to then hop on my favorite CD, to punch up the next track on my iPad. *I just love it when I play a track for someone and they say “wow, was that high resolution?” *”Nope, plain old CD.”</p>
<p>There are many mediums and if you can manage to have as many optimized systems in place to enjoy the best of what’s there, I think you’re ahead of the game.</p>
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[Source: http://www.pstracks.com/uncategorized/100-anything/11757/]
<p>It’s curious because these extremes many of us go towards seem limiting and unnecessary. * I know we’re an extreme lot and it takes all kinds. *I respect that and find myself in the same position time and again.</p>
<p>But I gently kick myself every time I fall into the trap. *For the longest time I did not have vinyl in my system. *I spent decades working on vinyl, building better and better phono preamplifiers, studying how they work, what’s the best way to deal with a phono cartridge, building magic boxes that turned moving magnets into moving coils, the list goes on. *When CD finally came of age, the pleasures and sound quality were so wonderful I just sold everything vinyl and moved on.</p>
<p>The first time I heard a high resolution audio bit played on the PWT I thought to myself “I can never go back”. *CD’s sounded lame to me. *High resolution was just everything.</p>
<p>Over time I have added back my vinyl, I listen to CD’s, I stream all manner of music to the system, I play high resolution audio.</p>
<p>Maybe it’s just me, but I tend to be an extreme person, swinging the pendulum back and fourth. *Over time, the pendulum swings get shorter, and my listening pleasures increase. *How much fun to grab a vinyl disc and enjoy the pleasures within, to then hop on my favorite CD, to punch up the next track on my iPad. *I just love it when I play a track for someone and they say “wow, was that high resolution?” *”Nope, plain old CD.”</p>
<p>There are many mediums and if you can manage to have as many optimized systems in place to enjoy the best of what’s there, I think you’re ahead of the game.</p>
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[Source: http://www.pstracks.com/uncategorized/100-anything/11757/]