Taiko Extreme

Taiko sounds like an extreme product focused on the optimization of the Roon platform. Roon itself is focused on Tidal and Qobuz. The future of either is still somewhat murky... Both are yet to turn a profit... As much as admire the effort, from my point of view, it is a bit premature to jump into that pool of unknown depths head first...

That is not true given that taiko audio has created its own music player which people can use instead of Roon.
That is not true given that taiko audio has created its own music player which people can use instead of Roon.

Meaning if Roon, Tidal and Qobuz are removed from the equation, I can still listen to Taiko? What did I miss? I have but a handful of downloaded high resolution files I like to listen to. The rest is all streaming.
Meaning if Roon, Tidal and Qobuz are removed from the equation, I can still listen to Taiko? What did I miss? I have but a handful of downloaded high resolution files I like to listen to. The rest is all streaming.

Yes, you can listen to local files with the Taiko with out Roon. If Tidal and Qobuz go away anyone who relies on streaming will have an issue unless they can access another platform.
Yes, you can listen to local files with the Taiko with out Roon. If Tidal and Qobuz go away anyone who relies on streaming will have an issue unless they can access another platform.

I see. Thanks. The $30k solution to playing local files is not my cup of tea. Let's hope Roon, Qobuz and Tidal all succeed. I like streaming very much.
I see. Thanks. The $30k solution to playing local files is not my cup of tea. Let's hope Roon, Qobuz and Tidal all succeed. I like streaming very much.

Understood, but the streaming issue if these providers go away isn’t limited to the Extreme. It is an issue for any server. I would be very surprised if some streaming service other than Amazon doesn’t survive. There is too much interest in it.
Understood, but the streaming issue if these providers go away isn’t limited to the Extreme. It is an issue for any server. I would be very surprised if some streaming service other than Amazon doesn’t survive. There is too much interest in it.

The subscription numbers are not very impressive yet. 3 Million Tidal and over 200k for Qobuz. Roon is not exactly cheap either (but I am a life subscriber and it probably has almost paid for itself over 2 years, I think..) Turning a profit is still a necessary component for future viability as a business model... So far Tidal and Qobuz are not exactly there yet. I don't think streaming will go away. There is no going back to physical media and paying for it. Just not going to happen anymore, that ship has sailed and the masses want their music for nothing. Youtube....
I don't think streaming will go away. There is no going back to physical media and paying for it. Just not going to happen anymore, that ship has sailed and the masses want their music for nothing. Youtube....

I totally agree. There will always be a few diehards that feel better owning physical media but that number keeps shrinking. As far as streaming, Spotify with nearly 150 million subscribers and global reach will survive (even if bought by a big tech company).
I had the SGM Server, the second generation SGM EVO version and now the Extreme.

The Extreme has undergone three upgrades since its initial introduction: the development of the Taiko (TAS) server software (Beta version); the proprietary Taiko driver for specific DACs; and the Taiko USB card.

Each upgrade has resulted in significant lowering of the noise floor that has translated into corresponding improvements in sound quality. In my specific case, I’ve experienced the improvements of the Taiko (TAS) server software and the Taiko driver. I received the Taiko USB card, but it’s implementation will require an update of the totaldac reclocker which Vincent Brient (Totaldac designer) was coincidentally working on. So hopefully soon, totaldac owners will be able to enjoy the full impact of the Extreme.

In any case, I’ll cut to the chase. The Extreme with just the TAS software and Taiko driver is a transformative digital component, even without the Taiko USB card. The resulting reduced noise floor has unleashed the true potential of my system components (Totaldac DAC, Totaldac amplifiers, Rockport Lyra speakers) to heretofore unrealized levels in my room.

It’s no longer about the traditional audiophile criteria (timbre, soundstage, coherence, dynamics etc). That’s a given. It’s now about experiencing the emotional immediacy of the music/artist directly in your room.

And as I said, that is without the effect of the Taiko USB card which is reportedly confirmed by various credible sources to be another leap forward.

It’s my understanding Mike has a full Taiko rig in his store. Do yourself a favor, and arrange for a live demo. If you’re not careful, you might learn something. Of course YMMV, but what have you got to lose?

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Taiko with the new USB card and running TAS is just un-freaking believably good. Listening this morning after letting it run all weekend.

If they could get the TAS interface up a few notches (or more). Oh boy, that would be special.

Hard to believe a 1600 Euro USB card and software (software!) would make this dramatic of an improvement.

I had Jay in the store for a few hours this weekend. He was near speechless.

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Taiko with the new USB card and running TAS is just un-freaking believably good. Listening this morning after letting it run all weekend.

If they could get the TAS interface up a few notches (or more). Oh boy, that would be special.

Hard to believe a 1600 Euro USB card and software (software!) would make this dramatic of an improvement.

I had Jay in the store for a few hours this weekend. He was near speechless.

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hell yeah! it's outrageous and every time someone else hears it i feel a little less crazy. horrible audio cliche aside, my gf noticed it immediately and she's not into this hobby.
the tas interface is a little clunky...in some ways the one-track-at-a-time vinyl feel is kinda fun but deff not a long term thing. also i noticed that my tidal playlists imported weird. however, for a beta it works really well and the sound quality is deff a proof of concept. once the ui gets locked in and, who knows, maybe even some more sound improvements (not even sure what that would be) it's going to be a game changer.

i love the telsa aspect of this server. it's super expensive but the extreme i bought is no longer the extreme i have because of the software update, hardware update, and general flexibility. it's always nerve wracking to spend that kind of money on a computer of sorts because those get outdated fast. the taiko team was ahead of the curve imo and now are pushing even farther ahead.

the crazy thing is the only way i can describe the extreme, then the usb, then the usb + tas is just "more of everything". play audiophile bingo and pick a word - very likely the extreme has improved that aspect of a system.
my Taiko Extreme USB card had about 60 hours on it as of this morning and it's getting better.

what's interesting is as i multi-tasked this morning the music drew me into it at a different level than prior. i just could not ignore it. an anecdotal moment but telling as to where this is going.
my Taiko Extreme USB card had about 60 hours on it as of this morning and it's getting better.

what's interesting is as i multi-tasked this morning the music drew me into it at a different level than prior. i just could not ignore it. an anecdotal moment but telling as to where this is going.

That’s exactly what I’m feeling/hearing Mike and in my case without yet the advantage of the Taiko USB card.

The music just draws you in emotionally with the immediacy of the presentation as you well put it: “at a different level than prior”.

- The effect of lowering the noise floor at the source to unleash the inner potential of the rest of the electronics. Truly a transformative product.

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Just listen to instrument decay. It goes on forever.

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i know magicos are sometimes considered dynamically shy...but the way the magicos have opened up with the taiko is more so than when i changed amps. it all adds up but it the taiko truly took my system from hifi to holy sh*t lol
Any news when they are gonna sell the card separately ? (for us mortals)

I may end up borrowing the card from friend's Taiko Extreme.
I am in full agreement with the comments above, both on the Taiko Extreme uplift and then an additional level up with the USB card.
In my system (MSB Select II with ProISL, Shunyata Omega USB, and Everest loom with Omega cables) I have a hard time clearly differentiating between the Taiko player and Roon. It could be down to the fact that I do not have full range speakers (SF Electa Amator III). Amplification is Naim Statement.
Best, GN
Any news when they are gonna sell the card separately ? (for us mortals)

I may end up borrowing the card from friend's Taiko Extreme.

It is not clear they are going to sell the card separately. As of now they haven't stated that they will. They seem very busy trying to keep up with the current demand for Extremes as well as servicing current customers.
It is not clear they are going to sell the card separately. As of now they haven't stated that they will. They seem very busy trying to keep up with the current demand for Extremes as well as servicing current customers.

how many takio extremes are in the wild? assuming the USB PCIe card manufacture is outsourced -- it would seem selling the card separately to be a relatively easy business opportunity to undertake (just order more) once the small universe of existing customers have been quickly upgraded ... not to mention a means for takio to address the horrible server inequality situation.
