Taiko Audio Olympus Music Server

It will be interesting to watch how the current Extreme owners react to this news.

Expect a slew of used Extremes for sale in the coming months. Hopefully the price will go down from what used to be the current going rate of $20k S/H, so that Extreme will become available to us mortals.
The new graphics from Taiko designates the new Olympus add-on as the Olympus I/O when used with the Extreme, and when used with the new Olympus server as the "Olympus O/I" (bullet point 4).

I wonder what the correct “descriptor” is for this "add-on" to the Extreme or new (standalone) Olympus server?
Expect a slew of used Extremes for sale in the coming months. Hopefully the price will go down from what used to be the current going rate of $20k S/H, so that Extreme will become available to us mortals.

These type of devices are computers (I believe this one s a PC running Windows OS). IME, ALL digital audio/video products devalue fairly substantially and very quickly to a mere fraction of its original price. It is the nature of the beast. Luckily your number will be called in shortly and you can enjoy it until... another technological improvement renders it obsolete. :D
That is what logic would suggest ... at first glance. However, if you look at Aurender W20 prices S/H (launched in 2014) or SGM Server (launched in 2015) they both retain more than 50% of their original MSRP and are still great sounding digital transports AD 2024.

Taiko is even better positioned to retain strong S/H value, simply 'cos it has 50x more computing power than even a power hungry Roon needs, so it is unlikely to run out of computing power in at least 15-20 years. Plus, you can always upgrade it with new I/O cards (USB, Ethernet etc), more storage space, or even a completely new MoBo as it uses a standarised computer MoBo. So in many ways it is much more future proof than any conventional streamer or even a DAC.
current peanut gallery comments (unverified) indicate that one might be able to trade in an extreme for full value for the Olympus. If that is true, it softens the blow somewhat and, importantly, might help preserve resale value. I own one and will admit to being pretty frustrated as this was not forecast at all (in the thousands of pages of taiko/extreme posts over on WBF or otherwise to my knowledge). Hopefully real world reports of how these various combinations sound will help inform one's decision. That said, I'm listening to the "plain old extreme" right now and it sounds pretty freakin good. So sitting still is not that painful (and much cheaper).
current peanut gallery comments (unverified) indicate that one might be able to trade in an extreme for full value for the Olympus. If that is true, it softens the blow somewhat and, importantly, might help preserve resale value. I own one and will admit to being pretty frustrated as this was not forecast at all (in the thousands of pages of taiko/extreme posts over on WBF or otherwise to my knowledge). Hopefully real world reports of how these various combinations sound will help inform one's decision. That said, I'm listening to the "plain old extreme" right now and it sounds pretty freakin good. So sitting still is not that painful (and much cheaper).

You are correct on the trade.

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I own one and will admit to being pretty frustrated as this was not forecast at all (in the thousands of pages of taiko/extreme posts over on WBF or otherwise to my knowledge).

This is "high-end audio"...there is always going to be a newer, yet "higher-end" model.

Personally, I'll wait for the Olympus Master Reference Platinum Signature Edition...:P :D
current peanut gallery comments (unverified) indicate that one might be able to trade in an extreme for full value for the Olympus. If that is true, it softens the blow somewhat and, importantly, might help preserve resale value. I own one and will admit to being pretty frustrated as this was not forecast at all (in the thousands of pages of taiko/extreme posts over on WBF or otherwise to my knowledge). Hopefully real world reports of how these various combinations sound will help inform one's decision. That said, I'm listening to the "plain old extreme" right now and it sounds pretty freakin good. So sitting still is not that painful (and much cheaper).

What are you frustrated about? It seems like the best of all worlds. You can 1) do nothing and enjoy your Extreme; 2) get an I/O to take advantage of their new XDMI interface; or 3) get the new Olympus while getting full trade in value for your extreme. I don’t see what else one could ask from a manufacturer.
What are you frustrated about? It seems like the best of all worlds. You can 1) do nothing and enjoy your Extreme; 2) get an I/O to take advantage of their new XDMI interface; or 3) get the new Olympus while getting full trade in value for your extreme. I don’t see what else one could ask from a manufacturer.

Agree that upgrade is inevitable in this space, particularly on the digital side. So, my frustration arises not from what happened, but from the way it happened.

There have been pages and pages and pages of talk over the last couple of years (including lots of discussion from Taiko/Emile) over on WBF regarding their enhancements to the Taiko ecosystem (router, switch, power distributor), each of which costs >$5K. They produced all of those and they all resulted (to my ear) in significant SQ improvements, to their absolute credit. It built a trust (speaking for myself only) that if they put it out, it was valid, legitimate and would lift the SQ. There was no mention of parallel development of an alternative solution that would surpass the Extreme (although I suppose on reflection that I should have anticipated it anyway). Then, they announce the Olympus and one of the first sentences states "after four years of research" - characterizing those four years as development of the Olympus, which they never said a single word about on WBF or otherwise to my knowledge.

So, folks that invested in building out their Extreme ecosystem who might not have or might have gone about it another way or might have saved their $$ for the Olympus kind of lacked the full deck of cards when they were making those investment decisions, but according to Taiko, they knew they were developing the Olympus all along the way. Contrast that with what they might have done, which is state a couple years that they were building out the Extreme ecosystem and users could further invest there, but they may also want to wait to see the results of the parallel development of the new product. The router/switch/distributor don't become paper weights with the Olympus, but some of that functionality is apparently built into the Olympus and those will be less impactful with the Olympus. Those items can also be used with products from other manufacturers, so if one switches, they won't lose all of their value in your system. Plus, they are offering full trade in credit for the Extreme, for which they also get credit, but I would have been even more frustrated if they had not done so.

Thus, and this is a real first world problem and I may be the only one with this viewpoint, it just feels like Taiko sold lots of stuff most closely associated with the Extreme ecosystem when they knew they were building another ecosystem and neglected to say anything about the looming alternative path. I will wait to see how all of this shakes out (particularly because I also own a LampiZator/Horizon and there may be changes to the Horizon that result from the XDMI interface offered on the Olympus or an Olympus with XDMI may displace a separate DAC altogether), but I am well reminded of the need to take everything that manufacturers say, and importantly don't say, with a grain of salt. The Extreme/Horizon combo sounds just completely freaking awesome in the interim, so maybe I won't do anything - which would likely be the best (and cheapest) path anyway.

I should have known, my stuff won't lose value (much) or functionality, and it continues to sound freaking awesome, so I really shouldn't complain, but the manner in which this rolled out does kind of grind on me. I have now violated my own rule of only making shorts posts in forums such as this.
Understood. Emile wrote a long post this morning on WBF discussing the development path of XDMI. It is worth reading to fill in the blanks.
NSM software (Taiko’s software) updated this morning to include QoBuz. The sound is unreal. Like, seriously next level.

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There have been rumors circulating about the Olimpus project for at least two years now. I'm surprised people are surprised :)

Plus, Taiko once the only true hi-end server in town, started feeling the breath of competition lately - I know of two audiophiles in Poland who switched from Taiko to Pink Faun Ultra servers and caim PF sounds even better - so Taiko had to up their game yet again.
Expect a slew of used Extremes for sale in the coming months. Hopefully the price will go down from what used to be the current going rate of $20k S/H, so that Extreme will become available to us mortals.

Doubtful. These owners are like a cult who think they own unobtanium and will demand high resale $$$$.