TAD R1 incoming!


New member
Sep 20, 2015
Well I did something a bit rash and ordered some Tad R1. :snicker:
I wasn't planning on upgrading speakers as the WB are very engaging and only a year old but I have always wanted to try Tad and I decided to jump on a good offer that was available.

Still weighing up whether to keep my current speakers (as I really do enjoy them) and build a second system or be "sensible" and just have the one system.
Im a bit reluctant to go the second system route as I have found having 2 set of cans has resulted in 1 set just sitting around not being used. Anyways I can make that decision later.
So about 1 month until they arrive, not that ill be checking the calendar on a daily basis :disbelief:

I will be running the R1 with darTZeel CTH8550, TAD Dac, Antipodes DX, Siltech prince sp and princess xlr.

Keen to hear of others experience with these speakers esp in regards to component matching.
The TADs are superb speakers as are the Wilson Benesch, but they're very different sounding when compared to each other particularly in their high frequency presentation. I hope that you get much enjoyment from them and please let us know your thoughts in due time. It's always exciting to get new gear!
Agree Bill the WB speakers are superb and mine are only getting better as all my components get some hours on them. the darTZeel sounds wonderful with the WB

I'm tempted to have a digital rig in the family room and a analog rig in my music room.

I really like the look of the Absolare integrated or the Analog Domain integrated as an option for the R1 with the option to add a second AD unit later on.

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Agree Bill the WB speakers are superb and mine are only getting better as all my components get some hours on them. the darTZeel sounds wonderful with the WB

I'm tempted to have a digital rig in the family room and a analog rig in my music room.

I really like the look of the Absolare integrated or the Analog Domain integrated as an option for the R1 with the option to add a second AD unit later on.

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If you can afford to do it, that's a great idea (digital in family and analog in music rooms). Both speakers are great and nice to have options/flavors for diff moods. :thumbsup:
Thanks guys, definitely a speaker I've wanted for a long time.
Couldn't pass up the opportunity!

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Contratgs!!! but the cth8550 is sure not enough to the R1!!!

the monitor CR1 with FM ampli 2x400watt, with the Pass xa160.5 dont sound good: they was not enough!!! You need a lot of electricity!!!! TAD speakers need much more from the 8550.

the CR1 with the Soulution stereo is really just enough the have the great sound from this speakers.
Fun times ahead with amp matching by the sounds of it :)

Smart move is probably to go straight for a TAD amp?

i'm sure that the 8550 is not enough for the CR1 monitor......with the R1 forget.....

a 2x monobolck TAD? yes..and you have the DA1000 too -> a fully sysmte TAD will be great......but lot of $$$$$$ :) if is not a problem go listen the TAD...

I can only say you that's crazy how this speaker eat ampere! and not like B&W and CO......to have the Great sound that they can do you need a Nuclear energy available :P
Well Father's Day is almost here but I'm thinking a nuclear plant might be pushing my luck [emoji3]

I'm sure the darTZeel will do a great job and later down the track I'll look at some mega amps.
I really like the look of the constellation centaur as well as the amps from Tad.

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If your insinuating darTZeel is Hifi I would say that's a load of rubbish. It's the least Hifi component I've had in my system

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Thanks Mike!
I will use the darTZeel CTH but also try out some other amps in time. No rush though.

A mate has a TAD m2500 that he is willing to let me try (as he is upgrading to m600) so i'm looking forward to that.
Nice. What cables are you thinking about using?

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Still haven't decided. But I already run siltech princess ic so I was thinking of getting Prince to match. I don't want to go megabuck cables. I will concentrate on power and room treatments first.
Still haven't decided. But I already run siltech princess ic so I was thinking of getting Prince to match. I don't want to go megabuck cables. I will concentrate on power and room treatments first.

That's exactly what I use and would recommend.

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