T+a pa3100hv

It’s important to understand the history of T+A in America to gain perspective on things. They had one mediocre distributor and one really piss poor distributor. Now they are direct to dealer and have some experienced guys running the show for them here in the U.S. My only complaint has been the big price increase 18 months ago, but they’re aware of that. Otherwise, since they’ve taken over distribution for themselves, it’s been first class all the way.
Marketing is picking up. I've seen some very well done ads in both consumer audio mags..

I have seen an uptick in T+A ads recently and I have seen a few more reviews in audio mags popular in the U.S. Reviews are always over the top and seem to mention the T+A heritage and quality through out.

That one distributor attempted to hurt T+A here in the U.S. He told Stereophile that the DAC 8 DSD was being discontinued as his final parting act. This stopped the DAC from being listed in their ratings. They discover his nonsense and published an update which only helped a little. They also added it back in the online listing giving it an A+ rating.

Signalyst, the maker of HQPlayer that many consider one of the finest digital music playback engines, list the DAC 8 DSD first on their list of recommended DACs, as another example!
We had that on display for 3 years. Great integrated. Was even tastier at the pre April 2018 price!

Same goes for the latest super DAC and SACD transport. No doubt great products but these have become very expensive indeed. I am glad I got my Amp and CD player before the latest price hikes.

Lets hope they know what they are doing!
They’re good, but not the best.

I’ve heard all of the HV series components, and have had almost all in my system, but it was never enough for me to make a purchase decision.

The 3000 series amp lacked bottom heft, the 3100 missed the delicacy on the top IMHO.

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They’re good, but not the best.

I’ve heard all of the HV series components, and have had almost all in my system, but it was never enough for me to make a purchase decision.

The 3000 series amp lacked bottom heft, the 3100 missed the delicacy on the top IMHO.

That is fair and great that you have had the opportunity to check them out in your system. Of course your preamplifier and amplifier are almost 4x the price of the T+A integrated...

The same as the review in Stereophile. His gear that he mentioned and compared in the article were about 7x the price. He said some nice things about T+A but keep saying that mine give just a little bit more of this or just a tad more of that (paraphrasing of course).... as should be expected with an amp and pre-amp that cost over $100,000 more. :)
On another note a buddy in our audio club just picked up a pre-owned 3000 series DAC / transport. He had a very nice dCS unit is his system which consists of mainly MBL (pre, mono amps and speakers), a basis table, ARC Ref 10 phono stage, etc.

I have not heard it yet, but I spoke to our club president who has and said it is beyond amazing!
Oh yeah. Over a year now with this. As weird as this sounds for me, changing my amps have not crossed my mind since I got this on November 2019


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That is fair and great that you have had the opportunity to check them out in your system. Of course your preamplifier and amplifier are almost 4x the price of the T+A integrated...

The same as the review in Stereophile. His gear that he mentioned and compared in the article were about 7x the price. He said some nice things about T+A but keep saying that mine give just a little bit more of this or just a tad more of that (paraphrasing of course).... as should be expected with an amp and pre-amp that cost over $100,000 more. :)

Any reviewer should put the kit under review into its proper context, technical and price wise. Its typical for JVS @ Stereophile to compare even mid priced kits to his reference rig instead of similar priced kits, and conclude that this or that amplifier would work well in his kitchen instead of his listening room. Its kinda disrespectful to consumers with normal incomes for which the high-end kits are out of reach. For the life of me I cannot understand why Stereophile lets Jason review mid price kits he has clearly has no interest in.

Having said that I found the T+A review fairly positive (and you cant call it midprice either :))
Having said that I found the T+A review fairly positive (and you cant call it midprice either :))

I do agree with this. It is not fair compare the T+A to his gear, but on the other hand it is quite a compliment to be compared fairly well to such gear. I would love this T+A amp, but as you said we cannot really consider it midprice either. A piece like this would be out of my price range at this point anyway... but one can dream :).
Oh yeah. Over a year now with this. As weird as this sounds for me, changing my amps have not crossed my mind since I got this on November 2019

That N-01XD in the back? Looks outstanding!