Greetings from Mount Elbrus - Europe's highest mountain


Active member
May 6, 2013
Mount Elbrus summit - highest peak in Europe (5642m asl). One of the Seven Summits (The Seven Summits are composed of each of the highest mountain peaks of each of the seven continents). My personal second, after Kilimanjaro.


Pictured with my guide, Tomek Kobielski (right), who has Mount Everest and The Seven Summits under his belt.

We have also summited Kazbek (5047m asl) as a part of our acclimatization program:


Next stop: Aconcagua (highest peak of Americas). But that in February 2018.
congrats Adam!!!

the Seven Summits is a very cool adventure you are on there. I will live it vicariously through you.

my son summited Kilimanjaro when he was 15 years old, 25 years ago now. I think it made a deep impression on him......
Congrats! Keep pushing! Good friend of mine was on top of Everest and several other 8000+ so I've been with him to Khumbu several years ago - best thing I did in years...
OMG! Adam. Amazing view and feats. That's so cool. Thank you for posting.
Congratulations Adam, well done! This coming from a long-time mountaineer (25 years) with a lot of hills behind him.

congrats Adam!!!

the Seven Summits is a very cool adventure you are on there. I will live it vicariously through you.

my son summited Kilimanjaro when he was 15 years old, 25 years ago now. I think it made a deep impression on him......

Wow, 15 years old ... that was quite an achivement ! It is great when teenage dreams meet a supportive father.
Wow, 15 years old ... that was quite an achivement ! It is great when teenage dreams meet a supportive father.

he had a girlfriend who's father worked for the Austrian government with the Maasai tribes in Tanzania, and so he traveled with her there for 5 weeks to be with her father. and while there did a trek to Kilimanjaro and summited. I'd like to take credit, but how could I say no to such an opportunity.

OTOH later (months later after he returned) we learned he contracted malaria on the way down from Kilimanjaro and lost 25 pounds during the trip. but at 15 years old you bounce back quick.
This is an exceptional accomplishment! I love reading and watching mountaineering - and my dad's business partner climbed Everest at age 60.

Congrats, Adam! Can't wait to read about your future mountain endeavors.
Hi Adam,

Are you still planning to climb Aconcagua in February 2018? A very big mountain, 6,961 meters (22,837 feet) to be exact.

Yes, leaving on Feb the 1st, on what is a 3 weeks long expedition. Super excited!
Will do, although chances for summiting are 50/50 (weather, acclimatisation, physical fitness etc.)
Will do, although chances for summiting are 50/50 (weather, acclimatisation, physical fitness etc.)

At almost 7,000 meters, altitude can be a real issue on that peak. Listen to your body, keep hydrated and bring the Diamox.

At almost 7,000 meters, altitude can be a real issue on that peak. Listen to your body, keep hydrated and bring the Diamox.


Sound advice.
The Aconcagua is not a difficult mountain technically, but the weather can be tricky, and above 6,000m, things get dangerous.
That is true - this is more a physical / mental excercise than anything else. Looks relatively easy on paper, but above 6000m - nothing is 'easy'. A few hundred people have died trying to scale that mountain, from altitude sickness, hipothermia, lost in a blizzards etc. The heli evac is only possible up to 5500m ... after that you are on your own.

I have checked the weather and the chill at the top last week was around -37'c (-35'F).
Stay safe Adam!
A good friend of mine has done this mountain.
After that, he did the 'Ojos del Salado' (100m less high, in Chile).
On his way up, he saved the life of a climber, dying of terminal long oedema, and left behind by his 'friends', who absolutely wanted to reach the top.
As you say, it will not be a walk in the park!