2016 Brazil Olympics & Zika


Active member
Nov 25, 2013
Any cause for concern for attendees or participants?

I don't recall any previous Olympic venue with as many challenges as Brazil is appearing to face with this one.

Are they ready?.....Zika preparedness or not?
Zika is probably not as big a concern as all the polluted water they are having people swim in. Most of the raw sewage just gets dumped in it. They had test swims a few months ago and people got sick right away.

Hard to believe they would pick such an unsafe location for an Olympics even before Zika came into the picture.
Zika is probably not as big a concern as all the polluted water they are having people swim in. Most of the raw sewage just gets dumped in it. They had test swims a few months ago and people got sick right away.

Hard to believe they would pick such an unsafe location for an Olympics even before Zika came into the picture.

Agreed. When I wrote, "I don't recall any previous Olympic venue with as many challenges as Brazil is appearing to face with this one." it reads as if if Zika was / is the only concern. I meant the "with this one" to mean the Brazil Olympics in general. There are tons of problems with the Brazil Olympics and Zika is just one of the more recent.
No security, no way to get around and the high possibility that a high percentage of athletes get very sick. It is said that the water tested has so much bacteria in it, it is = to raw sewage and 3 teaspoons worth ingested and you are very sick.

See the video at the bottom


If I was an Athlete, I don't think I would go and subject myself to blatant and known health hazards.
Zika is probably not as big a concern as all the polluted water they are having people swim in. Most of the raw sewage just gets dumped in it. They had test swims a few months ago and people got sick right away.

Hard to believe they would pick such an unsafe location for an Olympics even before Zika came into the picture.

Exactly. Can imagine the lawsuits and other backlash the IOC will (justifiably) face if the aquatic get sick or die from competing in that water. What a disgrace.