Gauder RC7 MK2

The black edition update is here. Now I have a Gauder Akustik Berlina RC 7 Mk II Diamond Biwiring black edition. I prefer it without the bass Booster (in my room). The speaker is definitly better, the sound is more colourful and detailed. The bigger terminals are better. Worth the money.
Congratulations! I very much like the approach of Gauder to continuously offer updates at reasonable prices.

Have you heard the RC7 Black against the DARC 100?

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Tried Ansuz Darkz ( old A with new titanium balls) under the floor protectors. Much better than Harmonix RF-900 Mk2, but sucked all the life out of the speakers. Sounded precise but dead. Does not work for me on my floor (concrete-screed-parquet).
Hi I am running RC7II Diamonds fed from an Antipodes DX3/Mola Mola Makua DAC/AVM SA8.2. The Gauders replaced my B&W 803N and were a massive improvement but also a challenge as initially I was getting an etched sound that was fatiguing. The B&W were much easier on the ear but a bit fat and lazy.

I changed the speaker cable from silver to 9guage copper and that certainly helped smooth things. Next I moved the speakers around in my room (15’ x 23’ x 10’ ceiling) and angled the speakers in only 3 degrees. This helped further. Then I reduced the bass output to -3dB (pulled out the bass selecter pin).

Then I used the services of home audio fidelity in the Netherlands to provide room correction filters that I applied in Roon with excellent results. Read the review below.

It cost me about $100 for the Dayton microphone and $200 for Thierry’s services. So for $300 all up I was able to get a massive improvement. See the review in HiFi-advice for a nice run down on Thierry’s services.

The Gauders now brought an amazing tautness to the bottom end and instruments took up firm images in the room with amazingly fast transients. And I can listen for hours with no fatigue.

Diasoft I am interested to understand the audible differences you have found between RC7MkIID and the black version. If you share your experience that would be great.
Welcome to the forum Mark P., sorry for the delay in approving you.
I bought the RC7 mk ii Black edition on Oct 19. Almost give up on them after 2 months. The speakers are really hard to tame in lower region. Bass is blur due to room size and speaker placement (my room size is 4.5x5.5 btw). However, I have no complain about their speed. These are the most accurate and resolution with natural sense speakers to me. I think they require quite space and special room treatment to shine.

After flipping my room around and play with the placement. They sound better and better but still not at their full potential. Thinking about sending an email to the manufacturer to ask about their perfect reference room size for these speakers. I plan to build one just for them in the future.

My equipment
Intel NUC > Auralic Aries G1 > Chord Hugo M Scaler > Chord Dave > A Arts Tube Preamp II MK II > AVM Ovation SA8.2

I bought the RC7 mk ii Black edition on Oct 19. Almost give up on them after 2 months. The speakers are really hard to tame in lower region. Bass is blur due to room size and speaker placement (my room size is 4.5x5.5 btw). However, I have no complain about their speed. These are the most accurate and resolution with natural sense speakers to me. I think they require quite space and special room treatment to shine.

After flipping my room around and play with the placement. They sound better and better but still not at their full potential. Thinking about sending an email to the manufacturer to ask about their perfect reference room size for these speakers. I plan to build one just for them in the future.

My equipment
Intel NUC > Auralic Aries G1 > Chord Hugo M Scaler > Chord Dave > A Arts Tube Preamp II MK II > AVM Ovation SA8.2
I bought the RC7 mk ii Black edition on Oct 19. Almost give up on them after 2 months. The speakers are really hard to tame in lower region. Bass is blur due to room size and speaker placement (my room size is 4.5x5.5 btw). However, I have no complain about their speed. These are the most accurate and resolution with natural sense speakers to me. I think they require quite space and special room treatment to shine.

After flipping my room around and play with the placement. They sound better and better but still not at their full potential. Thinking about sending an email to the manufacturer to ask about their perfect reference room size for these speakers. I plan to build one just for them in the future.

My equipment
Intel NUC > Auralic Aries G1 > Chord Hugo M Scaler > Chord Dave > A Arts Tube Preamp II MK II > AVM Ovation SA8.2


The first thing to do is to put the bass selector in the rear of the speakers to -1.5 dB. In addition you can put some absorber material in or under the bass reflex tunnel.

When our second kid was born and after a moving, I moved with my stereo into one of our basement rooms. Quite the opposite of an ideal listening room: 17 square meters with a low ceiling.

I found a good compromise for the speaker positioning and did some heavy room treatment including bass traps. Now the sound is great again.


The best receipt is a mixture of speaker positioning and room treatment:)

I hope you’ll be happy with them!

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Anyone tried an REL subwoofer with Gauder RC7s?

RC11+REL No.25 stack: [FONT=Verdana,Arial,Tahoma,Calibri,Geneva,sans-serif][/FONT]
Congrats Marcin, beautiful speakers! Hope you held off on the celebratory whiskey until after the setup was completed.:D

Hi Marcin,

Wonderful speakers! For me they are the sweet spot of the DARC range. My dealer even prefers them over the DARC 200 due to their smaller and quicker bass drivers.

I am curious about your impression.

By the way and back to the title of this thread...;)

In January I met Dr. Gauder at a dealer presentation of the DARC 100 and 200 with the new top of the line T+A Electronics. As I was considering trading in my Berlina RC7 D MKII with a pair of DARC 100, I asked Dr. Gauder about his opinion.

He told me that a large number of Asian customers still prefer the Berlina series to the DARC series to to their fuller sound. However, he told me that with the Black Series update, the Berlina RC 7 would make a big step towards the transparency and bass performance of the DARC series.

Due to the lockdown it took me until June to bring my Berlina speakers to Gauder Akustik. The good thing about such a small and customer oriented manufacturer is that you can ask for any kind of customization. I therefore asked Dr. Gauder to go beyond the update to the Black Edition version and get me the best available sound from my Berlina RC7... and Dr. Gauder had already some speciall tweaks in mind..... ;)

When I went to pick-up my upgraded Berlina speakers, me and Dr. Gauder had a test run in their listening studio and the big leap forward in sound quality was clearly audible - even in this unknown environment. The clarity and soundstage was just stunning! The Berlina Black Edition speakers are a kind of mix between the Berlina MkII and the DARC speakers: transparency with body and weight.

The official name of my speakers is now: Berlina RC7 Diamond Black Edition Double Vision :D

Another great feature of the Black Edition speakers is the Bass Extension which boosts the low bass (I measured below 60 Hz +3-4 db). If you don‘t need this boost (like me), the amplifier even sees a simpler load which is great for my Grandinote monos.

So I heavily recommend the Black Edition Upgrade!

In the price lists there are two extras for the Berlina and DARC series, called VU-meter and musiclight. What are they? I cant find any information on the internet.