Well last night got the system setup, we were initially comparing my USB to Renderer on the MSB and while the renderer was more spacious and open it was little shrill. The USB was using the Gobel's USB compared to the Audioquest Vodka.
I then put in the Gobel's Ethernet cable and just couldn't believe the transition. Absoutely stunning, easily surpassing in every aspect of detail, imaging, spaciousness, etc the Vodka and the USB solution. How much more the cable will improve with time I don't know but I was immediately blown away. Needlessly to say, the Renderer with the Gobel ethernet is my new go to. I do have one more tweak which is my Core Technologies LPS which I will hook to my switch.
When I told Vince from MSB, as he is interested in MSB customers experience with the renderer he sent me the following review. So I will post it here for your perusal. I haven't read it in detail yet as I literally just got it: