Soulution 711

Compared to Accuphase:


It uses 10 2SK3497 and 10 2SJ318 Mosfet output transistors pr side, each deliver continuous up to 10A each.
But unlike bipolar mosfet like heat. They can be used up to 150 degrees - if under it the mosfets can deliver up to 20A peak and 30A pulse power each.

Slew rate is ?, but damping factor is 800 means a lot of global feedback is used.


It uses 8 2SK3497 and 8 2SJ318 Mosfet output transistors pr side, each deliver continuous up to 10A each.
Slew rate is fast - rise time is 100V and fall time is 150V.

Residual noise specs on M-6000 is phenomenal - close to -120dB.
On Soulution not so good - unbalanced/balanced -113/-102dB.

I believe these are the ratings for the 710. The SMPS in the 711 significantly improved the noise floor. The web site failed to update this stat in the ratings spec on the site but added the following:

"Noisefloor reduced by SMPS Technologie

The noisefloor measurement of the 710 stereo*amplifier clearly shows the in*fluence of the big toroidal trans*formers. Despite massive shielding of these trans*formers thte magnetic fields could cound induce noise arte*facts with amplitudes of -100dBr compared to the music signal. This is "state of the art" although it would be better to not have any noise artefacts at all. With our new SMPS based power supply we could significantly reduce this impact. The noise*floor measurements shows as well that the SMPS modules do not emmit any residual noise. A clear improvement!"

Noisefloor for 710 Stereoamplifier


Noisefloor for 711 Stereoamplifier

The 701 noise floor is claimed to be -160 db; the 711 is not not too far behind that (cross talk aside).


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I've corrected it:

Residual noise which is not normal S/N specs on M-6000 is phenomenal -119,5 dBr.
I believe this is because of the global double feedback and instrumentation input amplifier they use.

On the older Soulution 710 not so good - unbalanced/balanced -113/-102 dBr.
S/N on 710 was -107 dB.

S/N on the 720 preamp was -140 dB, but residual or silent noise is unbalanced/balanced -116,5/-102 dBr.
Here's the residual spec of 710 at Stereophile.


Soulution 710, spectrum of 1kHz sinewave, DC–10kHz, at 101W into 8 ohms (left channel blue, right red; linear frequency scale).
Is there a preference to running the 711 / 701 / 725 balanced or single ended? Has anyone done any comparisons?
Last time I was at Davids, it was the best thing we listened to also. I was surprised because I really haven't liked past versions of Solution gear.

Hi Jock,

I have a system similar to yours, a full Naim 500 series, except for the speakers. I have the Magico S3 MkII.

I'm planning some changes.

Changing speakers for a pair of Magico M2, or changing electronics for a Soulution 760 DAC and Soulution 711 amplifier combo.

Considering you own a Naim/Magico system and have auditioned the Soulution 711 I thought your opinion could be of some help.

Considering that I listen mostly to classical music and value instruments separation, layering and accuracy in sound-stage, I believe changing electronics could bring a lot, perhaps more than changing speakers.

Thanks for your help, inputs.
