Thank you Franco Serblin for Sonus Faber Stradivarius speakers ...


Super Moderator
Apr 4, 2013
My Strads are PERFECT! Exactly what I wanted in a speaker. :heart:
+1. I am soooooo happy (again). I don't care who tells me how good these new Sonus Faber Lillium speakers are - I'm not changing.

The Strads are his timeless masterpiece....and one listen confirms that.


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Thank you Paul. They are beautiful and sound amazing.
Congrats to you both, especially Joe. You waited a long time to get your dream speaker :congrats:
Congrats Joe and Mike :thumbsup: pics please when you get a chance. Thx
I can't resist-Any bets on which pair goes up for sale first? :rolleyes: Since Mike already sold a pair only to buy them again, my bet is on Joe. Seriously, I hope you both remain happy with them for many years.
I am actually going to bet these stay for a while while other speakers and/or components come and go :thumbsup:
Congrats Joe and Mike! Glad to hear the Strads are rockin' your worlds!:oley:
I am glad you have found what you were looking for. Not only do they sound good but they are great looking speakers too!
Audio happiness

Absolutely fantastic!

Thanks Jock!

Lovely speaker, congrats. Now all you need is a Tenor 175s amp, right Paul!!!!


We might have to talk. I've been busy. I'll get to my pm's shortly. :)

Congrats Joe and Mike :thumbsup: pics please when you get a chance. Thx

Thanks Cyril.

I can't resist-Any bets on which pair goes up for sale first? :rolleyes: Since Mike already sold a pair only to buy them again, my bet is on Joe. Seriously, I hope you both remain happy with them for many years.


I've been obsessing about these for a long time. These are not going anywhere. As Cyril says, other gear may come and go, not the Strads.

I am actually going to bet these stay for a while while other speakers and/or components come and go :thumbsup:


Strads + Tenor = PARADISE ~!!!!

Hmmm. I may need a demo :)

Congrats Joe and Mike! Glad to hear the Strads are rockin' your worlds!:oley:

Thanks Allen. I am happy now, there's no other place to go.

I am glad you have found what you were looking for. Not only do they sound good but they are great looking speakers too!

Thanks Jim,

These truly are what I wanted. I can not believe they are in my room.
Congrats joe and mike!
Enjoy! It would be good to hear what things you tweak (setup toe in, rake, cables and isolation feet or bases, etc.) to maximize the speakers.
Audio happiness

Absolutely fantastic!

Thanks Jock. I hope you get to hear them one day.

Lovely speaker, congrats. Now all you need is a Tenor 175s amp, right Paul!!!!

It's a great amp and was certainly on my list. But I think the Pass XS150's will be wonderful. There is a great Strad/Pass synergy. I had it the first time around with my XA160.5's too.

Congrats Joe and Mike :thumbsup: pics please when you get a chance. Thx

Thanks Cyril. No one ever wants me to take pics. :)

I can't resist-Any bets on which pair goes up for sale first? :rolleyes: Since Mike already sold a pair only to buy them again, my bet is on Joe. Seriously, I hope you both remain happy with them for many years.

Mark - I moved from the Strads to the Aidas, to the D1's, to the D3's (rev 1) to the S5's to the D3's (Rev 2) to the Alexia's and back to the Strads....heck, I'm tired! The Strads work in my room. That's enough to keep them there for a very long time. Anything else would be a gamble as to whether they would work in my room or not.

I am actually going to bet these stay for a while while other speakers and/or components come and go :thumbsup:

You're right Cyril.

Congrats Joe and Mike! Glad to hear the Strads are rockin' your worlds!:oley:

Thanks Allen. Are they in your future? ;)

YES!!! Speakers with a soul will do that.

Congrats joe and mike!
Enjoy! It would be good to hear what things you tweak (setup toe in, rake, cables and isolation feet or bases, etc.) to maximize the speakers.

Thanks Chris. You know what these babies can do! :audiophile: