We've reached the Summit and...it's Everest!

Super set up Puma--What is the cost please for this achievement of sonic "Everest"

Super set up Puma--What is the cost please for this achievement of sonic "Everest"


You'll have to wait for Shunyata to release the price when the product is officially launched. which is on June 1, IIRC.

This unit was shipped to me for specifically for product photography.
Puma Cat many thanks for both the photos of the Everest and your nice system. The information you shared is also of great assistance. Thanks.
Puma Cat many thanks for both the photos of the Everest and your nice system. The information you shared is also of great assistance. Thanks.

Cheers, mate!

Tomorrow I'll upload a pic of the power cables going into the back of Everest. Its a very tidy setup; the tower format is very convenient.
Be prepared to buy it once you hear it....there's no "going down the mountain" once you've scaled its heights. TRUST me on this.

Since it is replacing the Triton v3 and the Typhon QR I suspect the sound might be a bit better, but not enough to justify scraping the other gear and buying an Everest. Maybe in a few years when used ones are for sale.
Since it is replacing the Triton v3 and the Typhon QR I suspect the sound might be a bit better, but not enough to justify scraping the other gear and buying an Everest. Maybe in a few years when used ones are for sale.

I can't say as I have never heard a Triton V3 in conjunction with a Typhon QR. If I were to hypothesize, however, I would predict that Everest outperforms Triton V3/Typhon QR as is a newer, state-of-the-art design with the latest Shunyata technologies and embodiments of core compentencies, and because it has a very large CMode filter that Triton V3 does not have. The CMode filter brings a lot to the party.

What I am confident in saying is that 1) Everest is considerably superior to Denali V2 for any sonic attribute you'd care to consider and 2) I am very confident that you will VERY happy with the performance of Everest.
Well, the Everest is supposed to be replacing the Triton v3/Typhon QR. I can see the space saving aspect, and I am sure it sounds good. But I can’t imagine the sound is so much better to justify scrapping the Triton/Typhon for it.
Do I remember correctly that Typhon QR is 9 times the size of Denali QR/BB? Everest might have near the physical QR/BB volume of the Triton V3?

Engineering feats as the Cmode filter and other optimizations might make up for this. Would ofcourse be interested in the comparisons with the Triton V3/Typhon QR sporting the new XC cables/umbilical which I feel makes this combo even better than ever.
You'll have to wait for Shunyata to release the price when the product is officially launched. which is on June 1, IIRC.

This unit was shipped to me for specifically for product photography.

Are you beta testing? Is that how you have the product ahead of release?
Are you beta testing? Is that how you have the product ahead of release?

As I mentioned in the post you've quoted above, I was sent this unit specifically for product photography; it is a production unit so it is past beta.
As I mentioned in the post you've quoted above, I was sent this unit specifically for product photography; it is a production unit so it is past beta.

That I understand. However, many of your posts are about your comments of the products performance in system. That's why I asked since performance descriptions are different from photography and didn't know if you had the product for any additional reason.
Well, the Everest is supposed to be replacing the Triton v3/Typhon QR. I can see the space saving aspect, and I am sure it sounds good. But I can’t imagine the sound is so much better to justify scrapping the Triton/Typhon for it.

Each customer has to decide for themselves which market offerings in a company's product portfolio constitutes a value proposition.

As I mentioned above, I can't comment on products I have not heard or used; to put it from the perspective of a scientist, I can't make meaningful inferences in the absence of data.

What I can say is that Everest significantly outperforms Denali V2 on a number of levels, but Denali V2 remains better than any other power distributor or conditioner I've used by a considerable margin.

My analogy comparing the Porsche GT2RS vs. the 919 Evo Hybrid at the Nordschleife at Nurburgring is still the best analogy with respect to performance envelope of each product that I can provide for folks to view to provide an accurate sense of the performance of each. If you haven't watched those videos, I recommend that you do because in my view, they provide an excellent visual analogy to the audio experience.
That I understand. However, many of your posts are about your comments of the products performance in system. That's why I asked since performance descriptions are different from photography and didn't know if you had the product for any additional reason.

Understood, but that was not the principal reason that this unit was sent to me; it was sent for photography.

And, yes, I have listened to the Everest for a few days, and have formed initial impressions I'll coment on those as "first impressions" later.

However, the majority of the time Everest has been here, it was being lit and photographed for commercial product photography.

Professional product photography is a lot more complex than folks think: the product shot is "built up" from multiple frames using multiple lighting solutions, then edited as a layer stack comprised of multiple frames in Photoshop. On top of that, I may need to perform luminosity masking in Capture One and frequency separation on parts of the product in the process of retouching in Photoshop. In addition, I have to cut paths for each shot of the product (and cables) so that Shunyata can drop in various backgrounds behind the product for compositing and layout. With all that work, Everest has spent >85% of its time here being photographed and/or with me working in C1 and PS.
I'd be happy to see product photo's taken with an iPhone. Something sits uncomfortably with me knowing marketing photos have been photoshopped.

Here is a shot from the side showing the power cables from the components in the rack plugged into the back of Everest.

I have an original very heavy Hydra and plugged into the wall sounds a lot better - more natural, more dynamic. I have found that with most conditioners or PS power plants I have used in the past.

I do have a separate line for my audio thou - but that cost is peanuts compared to some of these power conditioners - I hope most have tried separate power lines for their systems.

Yet, many people swear these things sound better. Perhaps it's a 240volt thing down here in Australia?
Puma Cat,

I’m in the process of planning my racks. When you have the time, can you give me the exact measurements of the Everest? No hurry ...

I figure I’ll put it in-between both racks, so I’m determining what my top shelf overhang will be that way it will fit nicely between the shelves with no gap at the top.

Thanks in advance.
Width: 8.0 inches at base (20.32 cm)
Depth: 14.75 inches with cable cradle (37.47 cm)
Height: 20.75 inches (52.71 cm)
Weight: 34 lbs (16 kg)