Review of the Everest

Yep, Vance is a friend and sent me a link when the review went live.

It's an excellent review, very well-written.
Very well deserved. Everest is Patrick Mahomes of power conditioners. At a level all by itself.
The Everest is indeed remarkable.

It basically removes any power bottleneck and, together with the right power cables, unlocks the full potential of the equipment plugged into it.

I wish there were a way to make you guys hear what I hear at the moment in my system.

Btw, I ended up introducing the brand new limited edition S10 hub from Melco, and although there is no reason why it should, it has just removed the last bits of veil there may have been and works amazingly well with the Omega Ethernet.

Btw, in my environment the Melco is significantly better than the EtheRegen I had clocked by a Cybershaft OP21a-D. Additional discussion tells me that the use of an Uptone LPS-1.2 may not have let the EtheRegen deliver its full potential, but anyway the Melco S100 (the S10 being even better) is doing an amazing job.

This is just insane and the Everest is the big enabler.

As Mike carries both Shunyata and AudioQuest power products, I have quizzed him extensively on the two product lines. While the Everest is now one of the top performers in noise reduction and current delivery, what I have gleaned from these conversations is that to maximize performance on either brand, you really need to stick with the same brand power cords. Both Everest/Omega and Niagara/Dragon are tremendous!

I have a question about the Everest. In this review it says and I quote "Gabriel has equipped the Everest 8000 with patented QR/BB modules that are three times the size of those found in the first-generation Denali products". How does that statement relate to the Denali V2 as far as the QR/BB, is three times the size on the Denali V2 to?

it's my understanding the answer is YES... there is also a CMODE filtering device in the Everest that previous models don't have .. perhaps the new 2 port device that is soon to be release will add this functionality to the 6000v2
Thanks for your input. I order the Everest and Sigma XC thanks to SunCoast,looking forward to the new unit.
I have a question about the Everest. In this review it says and I quote "Gabriel has equipped the Everest 8000 with patented QR/BB modules that are three times the size of those found in the first-generation Denali products". How does that statement relate to the Denali V2 as far as the QR/BB, is three times the size on the Denali V2 to?

The original Denali had QR/BB applying only to one of the three duplexes/zones. This was referred to as Zone HC. The zones/duplexes are all the same on the Denali v2, as I understand it. I wonder if it’s just the same size QR/BB module in both but there are three modules in the v2 vs one in the v1.