Axpona 2014

They were playing jazz music when I went there in 2 separate ocasions. I went there 2 times just to confirm if what I heard on the first day was no fluke. Source was vinyl btw.

I did not appreciate the Dynaudio as the music played was somewhat like techno pop.

Thx, I thought that it would have been Classical music, but Jazz is real cool. ...And vinyl is ok too. ...Hi res vinyl from a music server? ;)

Yeah, my years of techno pop disco music are now behind.
..Nowadays they don't know how to reinvent themselves with sophisticated and pleasant taste, in general.
I much prefer world music with an edge towards the exotic/oriental new age.
Ramone, Great pix!!! I took a few but they weren't worth posting.:bonkers: You really did a nice job. That must be a nice camera set-up you have. Well done.
That's great Ramon. Were the amps for the Aida's the ARC DS450M's? Four of them? How big was the room?

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Yes those are 4 of the DS450M Class D amps and they are bi-amping the Aidas and it was truly special . See Frank's comment above. As I said above the Sonus/ARC room was definitely top five. It was one of the largest room in the show set up nicely by Mick at Quintessence.

The Alexias with Dag Momentums Monos and Dag Preamp were phenomenal. I see what you like about this match. The Alexias really are very musical (a little less clinical) than previous Wilsons I recall. In have this room in my top 5. I had a nice chat with Dan in the room too. Great guy.


That was a great room too. I was shocked by the dynamics of the ARC amps. Did you hear the AMG TT with that system. Spectacular.

I sat right behind Fremer in this room. He looked sorta like this=> :woot:

Others rooms that rounded out my top five in no particular order:

-- Focal Utopias with Aesthetix amps and Clearaudio TT

-- Scaena and Ayon Titans

-- Kharma DB-11S bi-amped with Constellation Centaur Monos and Stereo amp with all Constellation front-end.

As an aside, Kharma's new Signature speakers are really great with Constellation. The new Constellation Integrated with the S7's were truly exceptional in a smaller room. Very coherent presentation.


You got 4 of my top 5!!! Did you like the Kharma DB11S with Constellation? I really thought it stood out as an exceptionally musical system.
Great pics! Thanks for taking the time to do all that. I like this one myself:

Great picture. It is hard to get the perspective on how large those Ayon Titons are. They are monsters. I enjoyed this room as much as the Sonus Faber and ARC. These rooms tied for best in show for me. The Scaena /Ayon combination playing Louis Armstrong was sooooo cool.