Reference DAC (maybe Select II also) Display Question

Jan 17, 2014
We have our Reference DAC Display set to "On" and "Small" which means that it will show the Volume on top of the bit depth and sample rate. So, when playing a CD it will normally show "98" as the volume and "16 - 44k" as the bit depth and sample rate as expected.

While I have noticed that the bit depth/sample rate change to "0 - 44k" temporarily in between songs on a CD (using the MSB Reference transport and spinning discs) before going back to "16 - 44k" when the next song kicks it, yesterday I noticed something that was not apparent to me before.

Mind you, I don't normally look at the display other than when powering the unit up or placing a new CD in the transport, so the observation I will shortly describe might happen more than I think. Furthermore, I normally listen to rock music which doesn't tend to have any "quiet passages" during a song. However, yesterday I was listening to some Tudor court music (circa 1500s) which indeed does have silent/quiet passages during the actual track and noticed....

Observation: Whenever there was a break in the singing/music during the track such that there was a short silence (singers gathering their breath, etc.) the display would move to show "10 - 44k" or "11 - 44k" before quickly going back to "16- 44k". This appeared to consistently happen whenever there was a short silence during the track.

I found this odd since even if there is digital silence, I would think the bit rate and sampling frequency would still be "16 - 44k". I am speculating that maybe MSB's display shows the bit depth as the highest order bit that is set to one, but that is just speculation (and probably a question for MSB) which, to me, would be odd.

My question to those who have a Reference DAC (or a Select II) is if anyone else has;

1. Seen their display change to "0 - 44k" in between CD tracks?
2. Seen their display show <16 bits with a 44k sampling rate during an actual track when the music goes silent for short periods of time?

Thank you.
Hello Anthony, congrats on the MSB Reference dac + Reference Transport + 33 Femto clock!

don't spin any discs, but listen to lots of 16/44 and other PCM and i have never 'noticed' any 'odd' bit values other than 16, 24 or 32. i do lots of files of all types, Quboz, and Tidal.

i have seen the '0-44' between tracks very occasionally; could happen more than i realize.

i will try and watch for this to happen.
We have our Reference DAC Display set to "On" and "Small" which means that it will show the Volume on top of the bit depth and sample rate. So, when playing a CD it will normally show "98" as the volume and "16 - 44k" as the bit depth and sample rate as expected.

While I have noticed that the bit depth/sample rate change to "0 - 44k" temporarily in between songs on a CD (using the MSB Reference transport and spinning discs) before going back to "16 - 44k" when the next song kicks it, yesterday I noticed something that was not apparent to me before.

Mind you, I don't normally look at the display other than when powering the unit up or placing a new CD in the transport, so the observation I will shortly describe might happen more than I think. Furthermore, I normally listen to rock music which doesn't tend to have any "quiet passages" during a song. However, yesterday I was listening to some Tudor court music (circa 1500s) which indeed does have silent/quiet passages during the actual track and noticed....

Observation: Whenever there was a break in the singing/music during the track such that there was a short silence (singers gathering their breath, etc.) the display would move to show "10 - 44k" or "11 - 44k" before quickly going back to "16- 44k". This appeared to consistently happen whenever there was a short silence during the track.

I found this odd since even if there is digital silence, I would think the bit rate and sampling frequency would still be "16 - 44k". I am speculating that maybe MSB's display shows the bit depth as the highest order bit that is set to one, but that is just speculation (and probably a question for MSB) which, to me, would be odd.

My question to those who have a Reference DAC (or a Select II) is if anyone else has;

1. Seen their display change to "0 - 44k" in between CD tracks?
2. Seen their display show <16 bits with a 44k sampling rate during an actual track when the music goes silent for short periods of time?

Thank you.

1. Yes. Shows 0 - 44K between tracks. Shows 16 - 44K at the start of track.

2. No.

Hello Anthony, congrats on the MSB Reference dac + Reference Transport + 33 Femto clock!

don't spin any discs, but listen to lots of 16/44 and other PCM and i have never 'noticed' any 'odd' bit values other than 16, 24 or 32. i do lots of files of all types, Quboz, and Tidal.

i have seen the '0-44' between tracks very occasionally; could happen more than i realize.

i will try and watch for this to happen.


Thank you for the reply and please let me know if you notice any odd values. BTW: Congratulations on your NHB-468s (noticed on another thread). Sigh. You lucky man!

I reached out to MSB and they relayed that both items above are expected and normal.

The bit depth readout shows how many bits are changing in a certain time window. Since silence or quiet passages during a song have very few bits changing and silence has no bits changing during the window, it is possible to see a display of "<16 - 44k" when playing a CD/file (BTW: it is possible in high-res discs/files too). That is also why the display could show "0 - 44k" in between songs.

Thanks to all who replied as I initially wanted to see if anyone else saw this prior to pinging them.
The key is what bit rate and sampling rate are showing when music is playing. Congrats on your Reference DAC, it is really something special.
