Audio Research Announces REF6SE and REF750SEL


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
The REF6 is officially now been updated to the REF6SE ($17,000 US Retail) and is in production now and will start shipping by the end of December or early January. There are no more REF6 units available and all current production is the REF6SE.

In January, ARC will make available a REF6SE Upgrade kit, consisting of vastly improved and higher quality capacitors, internal wiring, and a few other parts. The SE Upgrade kit price will be announced at that time.

For those that wish to have Audio Research perform the upgrade, the retail price is $3,000 and ARC will do all of the labor and testing to company standards along with the typical service warranty.

Additionally, we are proud to announce a special edition REF750SE. The REF750SEL (MSRP $37,500 EA) will replace the REF750SE effective immediately with first shipments in December 2019. We will build 20 serialized pair of this limited-edition model. Numerous component upgrades throughout yield dynamic sonic improvements: improved dynamics, bass impact, spatial dimensionality, purity and focus, speed, coherence, and transparency. The metal product label will state "SE Limited". Also, please note that no update kit will be available to convert the REF750SE to a REF750SEL. The changes are too substantial to make a field upgrade feasible. The REF750SEL is only available as a new unit direct from the factory.

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I’ve got a REF6SE on order. Rep told me it takes the REF6 scary close to REF10 level.

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I’ve got a REF6SE on order. Rep told me it takes the REF6 scary close to REF10 level.

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Of course, a REF10 SE is probably on the horizon as well. :D

Hi Mike,
As I understood the ARC email promo I got, the new REF 6SE is based on the new architecture that ARC rolled out with the REF 160M and 160S? Does that mean that they will be upgrading the REF 10 to a REF 10SE and will current REF 10 owners be able to upgrade like the current REF 6 owners or will the new top of the line pre-amp be more like the REF 750SEL, which is not permitted an upgrade for current REF 750SE owners?
Also, do you know what ARC plans to do with its REF 3 Phono -- will there be a REF 3SE Phono and will current REF 3 Phono owners be able to upgrade or will be a totally new phono stage? thanks, Larry
Hi Mike,
As I understood the ARC email promo I got, the new REF 6SE is based on the new architecture that ARC rolled out with the REF 160M and 160S? Does that mean that they will be upgrading the REF 10 to a REF 10SE and will current REF 10 owners be able to upgrade like the current REF 6 owners or will the new top of the line pre-amp be more like the REF 750SEL, which is not permitted an upgrade for current REF 750SE owners?
Also, do you know what ARC plans to do with its REF 3 Phono -- will there be a REF 3SE Phono and will current REF 3 Phono owners be able to upgrade or will be a totally new phono stage? thanks, Larry

No. REF 10 is done. No REF3 upgrade coming anytime soon.

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Thank you for the welcome. Really enjoying my ref6 and 160m combo. I put myself on the upgrade list at audio research for the ref 6se upgrade. It doesn’t come with a tube replacement. But for a additional $750.00 a new tube set would be tested and sent with it. Can’t really imagine how this could get better but looking forward to it.

REF6EE arrived today. Paired with the 160M’s in Triode mode. Speakers are Fyne F-12’s.

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Own the Ref 6. The innards of the 6SE looks identical to the 6. What's the change?

Any impressions yet on SQ?


Own the Ref 6. The innards of the 6SE looks identical to the 6. What's the change?

Any impressions yet on SQ?


ARC is working on a paper to outline the differences and describe the benefits. The new capacitors and upgraded internal wiring are the core parts used in the upgrade, but these are highly proprietary and ARC will not divulge any specifics.

The transient and pulse response is substantially improved, as is the overall speed and dynamics, improved and highly focused imaging, more accurate soundstage with more air and refinement, more powerful and accurate bass, and overall tonal improvements.

My takeaway so far is that this is a lot closer to a REF10.

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ARC is working on a paper to outline the differences and describe the benefits. The new capacitors and upgraded internal wiring are the core parts used in the upgrade, but these are highly proprietary and ARC will not divulge any specifics.

The transient and pulse response is substantially improved, as is the overall speed and dynamics, improved and highly focused imaging, more accurate soundstage with more air and refinement, more powerful and accurate bass, and overall tonal improvements.

My takeaway so far is that this is a lot closer to a REF10.

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The REF6 was not in the ballpark of the REF10 IMHO. I had both in my room and did a direct comparison. So the REF6SE must be a significant improvement over the REF6. Bravo ARC for improving an already fine preamp.


It has been 6 months since your last post on this thread. Can you please share your personal impressions of how the Ref 6 SE sounds. In particular, I am sure all of us would like to know if the SE upgrade makes a significant difference in SQ.



P.S. -- I am on the ARC SE upgrade list. Greg, ARC service rep, says ARC may be ready for my Ref 6 in late September or thereabouts.