New Falcon Northwest Laptops

Randy Myers

Active member
Nov 7, 2015
My wife has been wanting to get a Falcon again.... nothing wrong at all with our Alienware she just misses Falcon after moving from desktop to laptop computers in our office.

So I order us new Falcon laptops, true desktop replacements. They use Desktop CPU and no longer use the Nvidia M version GPUs but the more powerful ones!

Well just arrived at work (they took about 6-7 weeks to get). Absolutely gorgeous. Guess I am going to be setting up new Laptops the next couple days :)...

8 core i7 CPUs, GTX2060 graphics, M.2 SSD drives, 16 GB DDR4 RAM, automotive paint custom covers (gorgeous), etc., etc. Cheryal is going to flip out when she sees her's. It is amazing looking!
They are Windows 10 Pro... mine is Metallic Blue with a Silver Falcon Logo. Cheryal's is "Bordeaux", sort of maroon, metallic also with black Falcon logo!

Thanks... amazing nice packages! Will have to build her's out first :)... and then I will get to start configuring mine.
I have found that downloading and adjusting settings within the free tool "shutup10" is very helpful to optimize this chatty OS. YMMV.
I pretty much have both machines up and running, configured and most all software installed. I am tired :)... These laptops are gorgeous, and fast....

8 cores all running at 3.6 Ghz and turbo up to 4.9 Ghz! Nvidia RTX-2060 graphics, 16 GB RAM, two M.2 drives, 144 refresh rate on the displays, etc., etc.
Awesome Randy. I’ll check them out.

I’ve been starting to play around more with Windows 10pro on a few machines. The most recent a Dell T30 server. I upped the memory and added an SSD drive. It’s nothing like yours but I’m very impressed. I’m not a gamer and it’s damn fast for me.
In my almost 40 years of playing with computers and operating systems I personally feel that Windows 10 Pro is by far the best of the best.

The Falcon Northwest Tiki that I have configured as my music server is outstanding even though it is now a few years old. These laptops are simply amazing! :)

I really like the M.2 SSD drives (they look and install just like memory chips :)... the laptops have slots for two plus two additional 2.5" SSDs could also be added if I ever desire. Most of the data I keep on external drives and my NAS so I probably really don't need more in the laptop at this point.

Speed spoils you very very quickly!
I just recently started looking at upgrades and was astonished to see how far memory and storage has progressed. Sure I built my Roon Rock nuc in late 2017 with an M.2 drive but holy cow, it’s even more insane now. I’m excited at the possibilities.

You’re right, Windows 10 pro is the best yet. With only a few things I’d change like the auto update “feature”, overall it’s superb and I’ve always been more of an OS X and Apple fan.

One thing that Apple does that I hate is they obsolete older machines by preventing OS updates for them. I have a few older Mac computers that are still extremely viable with 2-3 generation old OS X versions on them. It’s their own hardware for goodness sake, let me run the current OS with security updates. Geez.
I have never been a big fan of Apple. I simply do not like a manufacture that does not allow me to do as I please with my own equipment (ala Big Brother :)). I guess it is the open system versus a closed system mentality.
I understand that and both approaches have their benefits and disadvantages.

I think starting with windows 7, stability has really been great. Windows 10 pro could sway me away or at least take center stage.
I agree, there certainly are advantages and disadvantages with both approaches. Windows 10 is very good, but it also is very deep. Scratching the surface it is straight forward and easy to use. Excellent user interface, etc. But you can also dive very deep in the system and do things that you probably never imagined.
I know this is an old thread but.......The really nice thing about Falcon NW is their service. If you have to call them for service you get the same guy every time.
Yup and I love that they even advertise that your questions will be handle by one of their staff members right here in the US (Medford Oregon actually).

Short story, when my brother-in-law passed several years ago now, he lived in Medford. Cheryal and I spent a week there takin care of things, etc. We had one off day in the middle of the week and Falcon invited us over. They gave us the tour... we meet the folks we have spoken with on the phone for years, we saw their techs building machines, we even saw the room where they keep some of those extreme paint jobs that they have done.

An absolutely amazing American company that I feel make the best of the best. The whole is better than the sum of its parts and Falcon Northwest is one of those companies that prove this on a daily basis. Cheryal and I will buy nothing but Falcon computers for our needs because of this and a whole lot more!
Decades ago, I got out of PC gaming in favor of the consoles. I was a more casual gamer and for the occasional title the consoles sufficed.

However, I always knew of Falcon (PC and gaming magazines) and lusted after one.

Last year, call it nostaliga or whatever, I purchased my first PC in almost 20 years.

It was a Falcon Talon.

What an incredible product. I had to engage their support for one minor issue and it was fantastic as mentioned above.