Well alrighty then... let the games begin.

Correct me if I’m wrong here. One type of use would be Roon nucleus > the full pro usb set up. I assume this handles MQA decoding AND rendering? If that is the case then MSB users would look to do a shootout between this and the MSB Ethernet renderer V2..? Kind of like the LUMIN X1 fiber vs ethernet connection debate...?
as mentioned before, fiber input is the future... delivers a pure digital signal sans all the accumulated upstream electrical noise. wonder why MSB went with a proprietary solution (pro ISL)? would seem to make for compatibility issues in the future.
as mentioned before, fiber input is the future... delivers a pure digital signal sans all the accumulated upstream electrical noise. wonder why MSB went with a proprietary solution (pro ISL)? would seem to make for compatibility issues in the future.

They believe EVERYTHING sounds better via their pro ISL. I have had many discussions with Vince regarding this versus their other inputs.
Posted in another website by someone named JMSB from MSB.

I’m from MSB Technology and I would like to share a few of the technical advantages the Pro ISL interface (and Pro USB) has over other digital audio interfaces. The only downsides of the Pro ISL interface are 2W of power consumption and compatibility only with MSB DACs.

DAC syncronous scrambled streaming data. Clocking of the data stream is syncronized to the DAC with a separate clock feedback link in a second fiber. Unlike block based protocols like Ethernet or USB, the Pro ISL interface does not generate electical noise in the audible band upon reception.

Strong forward error correction (optionally traded for more audio data channels) instantly corrects most errors including up to 1024 bit gaps in the audio data stream upon reception.

Very strong CRC based error detection (an HD8 CRC polynomial protects each 64 bits of audio data, an HD10 CRC polynomial for misc data). Allows quick identification of failing links and prevents playback of erroneous data.

Less than 10 milliseconds to lock to an active data stream.

Very low noise reception due to very low noise hardware decoding, data stream scrambling and balancing. Ethernet for example requires a complex operating system and usually an electrically noisy general purpose processor for reception and decoding. Ethernet, even optical Ethernet, also uses large asyncronous data blocks that generate much low frequency noise during decoding.

Perfect isolation from the non conductive single mode glass fiber.

Greater than 1km cable lengths are possible. Also no EMI radiation or conduction due to non conductive cabling. Cabling is safe safe to run anywhere because it is non conductive.

Much lower received jitter than any other digital audio interface. Cabling even at extreme lengths adds almost no jitter because single mode glass fiber cable has nearly zero dispersion and extreamly low attenuation of the modulated infrared laser light.

Supports 12 channels of 32bit/768Khz PCM data with forward error correction or many more channels without. Supports up to 32bit/3Mhz 2 channel PCM data. Supports 8 channels of 16x native DSD. Support for data stream format extensions for future data formats. Simple mailbox style communication channel for misc information. Strong CRC based error detection for all data. The Pro USB uses just a subset of the complete capabilities of the Pro ISL interface so it is ready for future expansion.

The Pro USB is as easy to install and configure as any other of our USB interfaces."


Testing it out today.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Posted in another website by someone named JMSB from MSB.

I’m from MSB Technology and I would like to share a few of the technical advantages the Pro ISL interface (and Pro USB) has over other digital audio interfaces. The only downsides of the Pro ISL interface are 2W of power consumption and compatibility only with MSB DACs.

DAC syncronous scrambled streaming data. Clocking of the data stream is syncronized to the DAC with a separate clock feedback link in a second fiber. Unlike block based protocols like Ethernet or USB, the Pro ISL interface does not generate electical noise in the audible band upon reception.

Strong forward error correction (optionally traded for more audio data channels) instantly corrects most errors including up to 1024 bit gaps in the audio data stream upon reception.

Very strong CRC based error detection (an HD8 CRC polynomial protects each 64 bits of audio data, an HD10 CRC polynomial for misc data). Allows quick identification of failing links and prevents playback of erroneous data.

Less than 10 milliseconds to lock to an active data stream.

Very low noise reception due to very low noise hardware decoding, data stream scrambling and balancing. Ethernet for example requires a complex operating system and usually an electrically noisy general purpose processor for reception and decoding. Ethernet, even optical Ethernet, also uses large asyncronous data blocks that generate much low frequency noise during decoding.

Perfect isolation from the non conductive single mode glass fiber.

Greater than 1km cable lengths are possible. Also no EMI radiation or conduction due to non conductive cabling. Cabling is safe safe to run anywhere because it is non conductive.

Much lower received jitter than any other digital audio interface. Cabling even at extreme lengths adds almost no jitter because single mode glass fiber cable has nearly zero dispersion and extreamly low attenuation of the modulated infrared laser light.

Supports 12 channels of 32bit/768Khz PCM data with forward error correction or many more channels without. Supports up to 32bit/3Mhz 2 channel PCM data. Supports 8 channels of 16x native DSD. Support for data stream format extensions for future data formats. Simple mailbox style communication channel for misc information. Strong CRC based error detection for all data. The Pro USB uses just a subset of the complete capabilities of the Pro ISL interface so it is ready for future expansion.

The Pro USB is as easy to install and configure as any other of our USB interfaces."

Actually it was posted by DMSB who I'm thinking is Daniel Gullman.....
I'm not fully up to speed on MSB world, but is this really only for hard drive / nas scenarios? Or, is it a possible replacement option for the ethernet renderer?
Mike, do let us know how you get on!
It seems that we in Europe will get them soonest around the Munich show. Can't wait!
Best, GN
Mike, do let us know how you get on!
It seems that we in Europe will get them soonest around the Munich show. Can't wait!
Best, GN

I had a full day of testing yesterday. In 65% of the songs, we preferred the Roon Renderer (with GigaFoil/Keces). In 35% of the songs we preferred the Pro USB (with GigaFoil/Keces feeding either the Nucleus + or the Aurender N10). We tried multiple USB cables as well: Curious, WW Platinum 7, Synergistic Research (some new top of the line Ted gave me) and a few others.

It’s a great product for those who still want to use a USB player in their system and may not necessarily like Roon. But in my opinion, it introduces the characteristic of three different cable types into the mix: Ethernet, Fiber, USB. Backgrounds did sound blacker with the Pro USB. I think. The issue was that they were both so close in sound, there cannot be a clear cut winner. Each had very subtle characteristics and benefits.

It is certainly on par with the Roon Renderer. For the store, I will be sticking with the Roon Renderer for simplicity sake.

Personally, I would love to see a Ethernet to Pro ISL box (even if it would require power). Just my two cents.

But in the end, it’s another great product from MSB and further lending to the benefits of a modular system.
I had a full day of testing yesterday. In 65% of the songs, we preferred the Roon Renderer (with GigaFoil/Keces). In 35% of the songs we preferred the Pro USB (with GigaFoil/Keces feeding either the Nucleus + or the Aurender N10). We tried multiple USB cables as well: Curious, WW Platinum 7, Synergistic Research (some new top of the line Ted gave me) and a few others.

It’s a great product for those who still want to use a USB player in their system and may not necessarily like Roon. But in my opinion, it introduces the characteristic of three different cable types into the mix: Ethernet, Fiber, USB. Backgrounds did sound blacker with the Pro USB. I think. The issue was that they were both so close in sound, there cannot be a clear cut winner. Each had very subtle characteristics and benefits.

It is certainly on par with the Roon Renderer. For the store, I will be sticking with the Roon Renderer for simplicity sake.

Personally, I would love to see a Ethernet to Pro ISL box (even if it would require power). Just my two cents.

But in the end, it’s another great product from MSB and further lending to the benefits of a modular system.

Thanks Mike for the review. I will be sticking with the MSB Renderer V2. I agree that the Renderer V3 would also benefit from going outboard to a specially designed Pro ISL Input Module that has a DC power output to the Renderer V3. I would purchase this even though it would reduce the utility of my GigaFoilv4 Ethernet Filter.


Confused here. Did u try a standard ethernet cable from your network into the Nucleus+ and then USB out thru the PRO USB connection into the SII DAC?

If not could u try that please?

Confused here. Did u try a standard ethernet cable from your network into the Nucleus+ and then USB out thru the PRO USB connection into the SII DAC?

If not could u try that please?

Yes. Already did. Subtle differences. I started with the plain Jane cable setup.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Yes. Already did. Subtle differences. I started with the plain Jane cable setup.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I really have no interest in going back to using a USB cable unless the Pro USB Module blows the Renderer V2 out of the water, which it does not appear to do.

Thank you, Mike for your findings, which are very interesting!
Having a well isolated ethernet switch connected with cables one finds satisfying to the MSB renderer seems to be the ticket for now...
And I agree, ETH to ProISL looks like a winner for the future.
I will report back in a few months when I get a chance to compare myself.
All the best, GN
The PRO USB sounds real good to me....

Hi King,

I am not surprised by your comment, I expected the MSB Pro USB to be excellent. Every MSB digital input module has been outstanding and all are designed in-house. They don’t play follow the leader. That’s why they’re better.

As for me, I will stick with the MSB Renderer V2 until a V3 comes out. Since the addition of the GigaFoilv4 Ethernet Filter, the Keces P3 LPS for the GigaFoilv4, the Keces P8 LPS for the Roon Nucleus Plus, Audience AU24SE Power Cords for each Keces LPS, and AudioQuest Diamond Ethernet Cables for the network, I am getting unprecedented sound quality out of my system. Extraordinary detail, nuance and ease, as well as holographic imaging, all coming from a dead silent background.

I never thought it could could be this great. Thanks again to Mike for the recommendations!

What I'm trying to come to grips with is the bass between the PRO USB and GF into V2 renderer.

The GF bass on its own is very enticing but when compared to PRO USB it's bloated, heavy, artificial, like going to most non classical concerts.

On the other hand the PRO USB might be a TOUCH thin. I never played the USB connection games but my instinct tells me a good USB cable might get it perfect....

Also I don't listen loud and the PRO USB is clearer and more focused