AV RoomService-EVP (Equipment Vibration Protectors)


Jan 22, 2014
Recently tried these ...EVP HDR 2"...under my Lumin A1 and, upcoming,under the Lumin's Kenneth Lau PSU. I saw the PF review by Tom Gibbs, 9-1-18,and read a review by Jim Smith of Get Better Sound,fame and ordered 4 of the 2" EVP HDR,units. These are superbly well constructed and finished. At their price, roughly $45 / unit at this size, they are not expensive. I have been a tweak junky most of my audio life.I don't change any of the major equipment that i have but isolators and the like i enjoy seeing if i can improve what i9 hear at a reasonable price, which these certainly are. I started out putting 4 of them under the Lumin A1, and immediately heard a significant improvement in imaging, depth of field, tightness of plucked strings and vocal naturalness...I took 1 of them out and went to a triangle placement, with on in the back and 2 in the front without loosing anything and possibly improving things even more. I have ordered2 more, which should be hear this week and will place those under my Luminary's PSU. I also will be replacing the Symposium platforms under my REL 212 SE subs with the 4" HDR devices.Jim Smith,who also has the REL 212 SE subs, says the change was just an amazing improvement in bass response..stay tunes..Mr. Varney...of AV RoomService,is a very nice gentleman also.
I bought a set several months back also and have them under a Teac Reference streamer I am trying in place of the Lumin. Also noticed an improvement though the felt tops can be a bit slippery. Haven't tried them under the subs yet or any other gear. I knew Jim had asked about them but didn't know he had actually tried them. They were still $29 when I ordered them.
I talked with him a few weeks ago after reading his thoughts on them under his RELs.He was very positive about their improvement...
I added 3 of the EVP 2" HDR devices under my Kenneth Lau PSU last night and the previous improvements just got better.Definitely a win-win experiment.Will next put the EVP 4" HDR devices under my REL subs..First i have to find someone to help me lift them off the Symposium platforms...stay tuned
As an update on my usage of the AV Room Service EVP devices i have recently added 4 of the 4" HDR devices under each of my REL 212 SE subs with very positive results. These replaced the Symposium Ultra platforms previously used that were very good. The EVPs improved the bass significantly more with a marked improvement in the quickness of the bass notes as well as a marked sharpening of the whole soundstage secondary to the non blurring of the lower frequencies.At their cost they are...to me ..a no brainer. The company ..Norman Varney...is a great gentleman to work with also.
Further update..i removed the EVPs under my RELs and placed them under my Tidal speakers after removing the Symposium platforms.The improvement in what i was hearing was not subtle but immediate. Faster more defined bass. Better then what the EVPs under the RELs had brought. Better soundstage with better depth also. I have ordered 8 more of the EVP 4" HDR devices to go back under my RELs. That should sound even better..cant wait.

When using 4 EVPs under your main speakers, did you have to level them out with something? Existing speaker spikes, shims, etc...

I have been emailing with Norman about his EVPs but he can not answer how much of a possible difference in deflection/compression may occur from front to rear, when using them under speakers, where most speakers are heavier in the front than the rear.
I thought he would have some sort of expiriential observation here but he could not give an example of any kind.

He was able to inform me that the weight of my speakers would deflect the EVPs 27%.

Do you you have anything you could add about leveling when using 4 EVPs?

I know weight distribution of any given speaker will be different but just trying to find out if the EVPs may generally have a large or a smaller percentage differences in deflection under these types of situations.

jriggy..After i installed the EVO HDRs under my Tidal speakers....on carpet....i waited for about 24 hrs for them to settle ....I used both the enclosed leveling device that Norm sends with each order and a linear level i have on hand. I did need to level both of the speakers some ..with shims purchased at Lowes....and positioned under the devices ...on top of the carpet.This worked well as i have not had to re-shim either speaker to this point ..more then a week out.The amount of settling was not significant but may vary with the type of carpet you use ...if any...My guess is that without carpet..there would be very little needed shimming..hope this helps..i have 8 more ordered to be replaced under my REL 212 SE subs where i borrowed them to go under my speakers..hsould be a significant improvement after all is treated..dave
Yes, thanks for the details, this does help some. Much appreciated!
actually I was wondering, how much up the shims balanced your particular speakers? Regular wood shims I presume? And did you cut your shims length off once settled?

I am interested in the EVP and would like to use them under my REL.

Could you please share with us how did you use it with the REL?
Did you place them under the REL cabinet around the down firing woofer without removing the REL's feet?
Are they higher than the REL feet?
Did you place them directly between the floor and the REL?
What is your floor? wood, laminate, tile...etc
I am interested in the EVP and would like to use them under my REL.

Could you please share with us how did you use it with the REL?
Did you place them under the REL cabinet around the down firing woofer without removing the REL's feet?
Are they higher than the REL feet?
Did you place them directly between the floor and the REL?
What is your floor? wood, laminate, tile...etc
....Sanbobo...i place the EVPs beneath the feet on the REL 212s..i contacted REL about possibly removing the feet and the process was not going to be as easy as thought so i went with them beneath the feet.My room is carpeted but this /that does not affect the way they perform.I have a friend nearby who ordered them after me and who has REL Gibralter subs and also placed them under the feet with great improvements. He has wood floors..He also placed them under his Monoblock amps with great results..hope this helps..dave
....Sanbobo...i place the EVPs beneath the feet on the REL 212s..i contacted REL about possibly removing the feet and the process was not going to be as easy as thought so i went with them beneath the feet.My room is carpeted but this /that does not affect the way they perform.I have a friend nearby who ordered them after me and who has REL Gibralter subs and also placed them under the feet with great improvements. He has wood floors..He also placed them under his Monoblock amps with great results..hope this helps..dave

Did you try to place them under the cabinet directly? (Not under feet)

I did many exterminations with feet and platforms under my REL.
Non so far managed to reduce the cabinet inherent vibrations.
When I touch the REL's cabinet I feel the same level of vibrations no matter what is under the REL.
I am hopping that the EVP will dissipate the vibrations and convert it to heat as they claim.
sanbobo..the EVPs are not as tall as the REL 212 feet are so in order for me to place them under the sub itself i would have to take the feet off which is not easily possible..dave
Tremendous products, tremendous value. I now use them under all components and speakers. In addition, I've worked with a metal worker to design custom equipment racks with butcher block shelves, each shelf isolated with four 2" EVPs. The racks have 4" x 4" feet (plates) so the whole rack system can sit on four 4" EVPs.
Recently tried these ...EVP HDR 2"...under my Lumin A1 and, upcoming,under the Lumin's Kenneth Lau PSU. I saw the PF review by Tom Gibbs, 9-1-18,and read a review by Jim Smith of Get Better Sound,fame and ordered 4 of the 2" EVP HDR,units. These are superbly well constructed and finished. At their price, roughly $45 / unit at this size, they are not expensive. I have been a tweak junky most of my audio life.I don't change any of the major equipment that i have but isolators and the like i enjoy seeing if i can improve what i9 hear at a reasonable price, which these certainly are. I started out putting 4 of them under the Lumin A1, and immediately heard a significant improvement in imaging, depth of field, tightness of plucked strings and vocal naturalness...I took 1 of them out and went to a triangle placement, with on in the back and 2 in the front without loosing anything and possibly improving things even more. I have ordered2 more, which should be hear this week and will place those under my Luminary's PSU. I also will be replacing the Symposium platforms under my REL 212 SE subs with the 4" HDR devices.Jim Smith,who also has the REL 212 SE subs, says the change was just an amazing improvement in bass response..stay tunes..Mr. Varney...of AV RoomService,is a very nice gentleman also.

$45 dollars? That sounds expensive!

These 2" x 2"x 7/8" isolators are for sale at Amazon for less than $10 for a package of four. I wonder how much different they are. By the way, I use the 4" x 4" under my turntable and they do damp the vibration from the equipment rack.

DiversiTech MP2-E E.V.A. Anti-Vibration Pad, 2" x 2" x 7/8" , Pack of 4 https://www.amazon.com/dp/B01KAFG8EG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_i_ZEhtDbRH7RSKG
Retail for the 2" models is $39 each and the 4" models $105 each unless there has been a very recent price increase I'm not aware of.
Retail for the 2" models is $39 each and the 4" models $105 each unless there has been a very recent price increase I'm not aware of.

Are these any different than the $1.53 each (for the 2"x 2") or the $3.61 each (for the 4" x 4") sold by Amazon?
The construction and materials are very different. As to the sound, I have not tried the Amazon product.
The construction and materials are very different. As to the sound, I have not tried the Amazon product.

Reading from the specs both sites, I can't tell that they are different. Can you elaborate?
BTW, the Amazon product works.