Speaker cables for Shindo speakers

With speakers at or above 95 dB sensitivity, some of us are moving to the Western Electric 16 GA - though hard to find with the recent run on it. I love mine.

It's also affordable - though I've not heard a better cable at any price for speakers with higher efficiency.

Hi Jim,

Thanks for this...interesting! This is the 2nd time in a week i have heard mention of these cables. DDK whose Siemens Bionor, Lamm ML3 system is the stuff of legend, mentioned them as well.

When you say sensitivity of 95db or above, does one also need to consider ohm load? Specifically, any thoughts on how they might work with my Wilson X1s (95db and fairly friendly 5ohm load overall, with a 3ohm at 15khz or so, and another around 80ohms)? Thanks!
With speakers at or above 95 dB sensitivity, some of us are moving to the Western Electric 16 GA - though hard to find with the recent run on it. I love mine.

It's also affordable - though I've not heard a better cable at any price for speakers with higher efficiency.

There are a lot of ebay listings for WE speaker wire. How can one identify the wire you recommend? For example, is 16 guage the only option? Does it come in only one color of sheathing and should that sheathing be cloth only? Thanks!
I now recall that it was the "Jeff's Place" site where I first read about this WE wire. After looking on eBay and attempting to find the kind of wire described in the article on the website, it seems clear that it's pretty difficult to get and therefore, not a practical consideration for my purposes. However, buying old spools of wire on eBay is cheap, and probably worth some experimentation.
So I got mine from the same place that Jeff got his. It is the same 16g WE wire. I have spent some time with it now but not enough to be totally convinced.

First off A23 auditorium wire is quite a bit better in my opinion. After swapping back to back I enjoy the A23 more. I was listening yesterday to the white album in mono and I was wondering why I did not enjoy it as much as the last time I listened. Then I realized I was not using my A23 wire and the WE was in use. That being said the wE wire is very interesting and for the cost is perhaps a good option for people who can get ahold of it and don't want to spend too much money. I can't say anything bad about the WE wire, just that it does not create as complete a presentation as A23 wire does.

I have a pair of transparent cables that I use in a 2 nd system. The WE wire is much better then the transparent.

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WE wire will fit old WE style systems better and A23 will fit better to the more modern sound of Shindo. Its all about matching a system right.
WE wire will fit old WE style systems better and A23 will fit better to the more modern sound of Shindo. Its all about matching a system right.

Shindo is a modern sounding system?

My speakers are A23 Auditorium 755a. The drivers are line magnetic WE755a. That is as close to a WE type of sound you could get. Am I wrong is my assumption that the WE wire would be highly compatible with my setup?
Yes, this is a different sounding system than old style WE, the speaker would have the most in common with WE. otherwise different.
So, different cable may suit better. WE used their own cable and never came up with an idea to substitute, because it fits best for their idea of sound.
I was also under the impression that this thread was about speaker cables with shindo. Someone brought up the WE16. I have shared my thoughts of WE16 with shindo. And how I think a23 is better.

I cannot speak about the WE wire and other systems.
So I got mine from the same place that Jeff got his. It is the same 16g WE wire. I have spent some time with it now but not enough to be totally convinced.

First off A23 auditorium wire is quite a bit better in my opinion. After swapping back to back I enjoy the A23 more. I was listening yesterday to the white album in mono and I was wondering why I did not enjoy it as much as the last time I listened. Then I realized I was not using my A23 wire and the WE was in use. That being said the wE wire is very interesting and for the cost is perhaps a good option for people who can get ahold of it and don't want to spend too much money. I can't say anything bad about the WE wire, just that it does not create as complete a presentation as A23 wire does.

I have a pair of transparent cables that I use in a 2 nd system. The WE wire is much better then the transparent.

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I was under the impression that you stated that WE speaker cable wasnt as good in general, but your statement may be true only for your system.
I was also under the impression that this thread was about speaker cables with shindo. Someone brought up the WE16. I have shared my thoughts of WE16 with shindo. And how I think a23 is better.

I cannot speak about the WE wire and other systems.

I am definitely appreciative of your opinion Chris. I consider it directly applicable to my situation.
I was under the impression that you stated that WE speaker cable wasnt as good in general, but your statement may be true only for your system.

I think I said it was a good option for some people. I also said A23 is better to my ears in my system.

I do think that my statement is true for more than just my system.

In Ivan's mcintosh room maybe wire world is better. I would not know.
I wonder why WE has choosen to use those cables if they wouldnt fit perfectly into THEIR systems. Todays hifi and perfectionists sound approach was not their goal. All they wanted was reality and credibility to their audio sound. May they have failed? I dont think so.
I wonder why WE has choosen to use those cables if they wouldnt fit perfectly into THEIR systems. Todays hifi and perfectionists sound approach was not their goal. All they wanted was reality and credibility to their audio sound. May they have failed? I dont think so.

Schmitt, where did you get your WE wire from and what systems have you tried it in? Did you compare it against A23 wire as well?

I got mine from the same gentleman that Jeff Day did.

Was this specific wire used by WE for speaker wire runs? Do we know this.

I am confused as to why you are so defensive about this stuff.

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Hi Jim,

Thanks for this...interesting! This is the 2nd time in a week i have heard mention of these cables. DDK whose Siemens Bionor, Lamm ML3 system is the stuff of legend, mentioned them as well.

When you say sensitivity of 95db or above, does one also need to consider ohm load? Specifically, any thoughts on how they might work with my Wilson X1s (95db and fairly friendly 5ohm load overall, with a 3ohm at 15khz or so, and another around 80ohms)? Thanks!

Sorry to be so tardy in replying. I write this from my wife's hospital room. I have been here since her surgery yesterday.

My 95dB number is simply an impression - I have no facts to support that observation.

In general, I have never considered a 95dB 4-5 ohm speaker to be sufficiently high in efficiency, but that's just my viewpoint.
I used several different versions from WE speaker cable and yes, I know A23 wire as well from my own setup and some others. I know how it sounds. Different materials and manufacturing techniques led to different sound, thats the nature of things.
But it all boils down to the question what goals in listening someone has. And the higher the equipment quality goes, resolution and other hifi artefacts become a byproduct of something like authenticity in the result of the efforts. And thats a rare quality in cables today as you can read in Jeffs review.