Any Shindo 604 AlNiCo owners here?

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The 604 horns are about 34" high which is just about perfect ear height when I'm on my listening sofa. Imaging usually puts sound sources slightly above the horn height.

FWIW: The Fostex super tweeters are on the center top of each speaker. If I could mount them more at ear level, they would probably disappear even more than they already do, which is nicely.
Thanks Craig. I think getting my horned up to 32" will be near ideal. Of course I have the play in my chair, but I find my sweet spot is my ear being no more than 32" off the ground. (-:
I am new to this forum and I appreciate reading posts like yours as they come across straightforward. Can you comment on any experience you may have had with room placement - most of the pics I have seen show the Latour speakers very close to the rear wall and apparently even side walls.
I am new to this forum and I appreciate reading posts like yours as they come across straightforward. Can you comment on any experience you may have had with room placement - most of the pics I have seen show the Latour speakers very close to the rear wall and apparently even side walls.

Hi Francis, welcome.

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I am new to this forum and I appreciate reading posts like yours as they come across straightforward. Can you comment on any experience you may have had with room placement - most of the pics I have seen show the Latour speakers very close to the rear wall and apparently even side walls.

Until Bill responds, I’m happy to chime in. From memory, my Latour 604s are around 24” out from the front wall and nearly 30” from the sidewall, 7.5 feet apart and slightly toed in to a point behind the listening position 10 feet away so the inside panels are just visible. The speakers rest on 2’x4’ plywood, until I make permanent wood platforms, per the dealer’s recommendation. Better to sit on wood than cement, I’m told.

My situation requires placement closer to the front wall, but they do sound great several feet out too. When placed in a much larger room (25x40’), many feet away from all walls, they opened up and breathed nicely, despite a crossover mis-setting that was later fully fixed by Shindo. However, the reflective effects of a smaller room lend atmosphere (excitement) and bass reinforcement to many recordings, provided the reflections and resonances are controlled. The mid/tweeter horns are directional and that helps to control HF reflections.

On that note, behind the speakers I have three 2’x4’ wood framed bass traps filled with 4” thick mineral wool batten covered with linen. The right side wall has three similar absorbers with 2” batten to negate mid and high frequency reflections from the plaster and cement.

Not that you asked, but for context, my room is kind of trapezoidal, with the front wall the shortest (15 feet or so), the back wall longest (21 feet), side walls asymmetrical (14 and 16 feet) and 4 for wide passage ways abutting the back wall. 11 foot wood and beam ceilings. All walls are plaster over solid adobe (mud bricks), except the back wall which has a very large window/ sliding door. Floor is finished cement.

more than you asked for...
Update - my 604s had a crossover setting issue that limited their HF response. Shindo fixed this. At this point, the speakers are broken in and I no longer need the super tweeters.
Supertweeters are unnecessary with Altec 604. See the freq. ressponse curves!

That’s what you would think! Of course I looked at the response curves before purchasing the speakers. The problem arose when the speakers did not perform as anticipated. It took them over a year to break in. It’s possible that the attenuators did not need to be adjusted, but I was not prepared for the length of time it took for them to start to perform above 10,000 Hz. At this point, they can sound absolutely magical. I’m amazed at the imaging and the size of the soundstage. They can be delicate and brutish. Of course they’re not perfect for every type of music, congested poorly recorded rock in particular, and their placement and the room make a big difference. Normally reside in a billiard room. Some people might call this a profane use of such a nice system. I however, there is not a god to which I bow. I have reveled in listening while playing pool, but I have no listening chair per se. I’m one of those people that likes to also get up and walk around or boogy to music. However sometimes I move them. They sound best without a doubt in our 25 x 50’ living room/kitchen. They open up and create an effortless and large soundstage, through which the horns project all of the impact in detail that I would want.
Any luxury product in that price region could be expected to work at least within specs. We are talking about a heavy moded speaker which distincts itself from the mass production model not only by the modification but by its price. If I bought Rolls Royce than I would expect the company to have a quality control inspection plan to assure that every product that leaves the factory works flawlessly. If that may not being happen for some reasons, at least the local dealer should check before delivery to the customer that it works properly. In your case, it seems that both have failed in delivering an unfaulty product.
Any luxury product in that price region could be expected to work at least within specs. We are talking about a heavy moded speaker which distincts itself from the mass production model not only by the modification but by its price. If I bought Rolls Royce than I would expect the company to have a quality control inspection plan to assure that every product that leaves the factory works flawlessly. If that may not being happen for some reasons, at least the local dealer should check before delivery to the customer that it works properly. In your case, it seems that both have failed in delivering an unfaulty product.

"walter" has a grudge against Shindo and Keith at A23. No sure why. I would ignore is opinion as it seems to me he is just trying do do damage to both brands.

Walter acts like a ....
"Cucumber_jones" has a grudge against Shindo and Keith at A23. No sure why. I would ignore is opinion as it seems to me he is just trying do do damage to both brands.

How do you know about other peoples behaves hundreds miles away from you and never met personally?
Isnt this all obscure speculation from your side?

Why do you always react personally offending to other forum members when someone is critical with "your" Shindo brand?

I'll tell you something. You have become personally identified so much with this brand, that it hurts when someone is critical to it.
And thats what can be called a true Shindo- fanboy.

I suggest to ignore your opinion as it seems to me he is just trying do damage to both brands with his fanboy behaviour.

How about this, Chris? Are you the new forum master here on this board to advise other members how to behave?
But what is your criticism, Walter? If you have something specific to say about your experience with Shindo gear and or service, please explain in detail. Otherwise, you are just slandering Shindo with vague accusations. Given that this is the most micro of micro brands, with some amp productions in probably the single digits, and this is one of the only public sources of information about the brand, your comments can unfairly do significant damage.

For context, I’ve spent probably close to six figures with Shindo dealers. I have sold much of that gear. So I have significant “skin” in the game and an informed opinion. Am I a fan boy? Yes and no. I have had some criticisms of Shindo through my period of ownership, so I’m not going to say everything is perfect. That is only natural for a rational person. If you want to have a fair and open discussion about your experiences that is one thing. I’m sure that the reps don’t love that, but what can you do? If you sell expensive things, you have to accept criticism of your products and your service. although it seems contrary to prevailing hi-end audio tradition, the customer IS the one in charge and those guys selling the stuff are working for you and your business. You don’t owe them anything EXCEPT fairness and honesty in your dealings.

One thing I am a fan of is the level of service and degree of commitment from the Shindo representatives. From J. Halpern, Matt, Keith - they are all passionate about what they do and could certainly make more money by sacrificing their vision for the brand. They are professionals and unfounded criticism hurts them professionally. That’s not nice.

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"Cucumber_jones" has a grudge against Shindo and Keith at A23. No sure why. I would ignore is opinion as it seems to me he is just trying do do damage to both brands.

How do you know about other peoples behaves hundreds miles away from you and never met personally?
Isnt this all obscure speculation from your side?

Why do you always react personally offending to other forum members when someone is critical with "your" Shindo brand?

I'll tell you something. You have become personally identified so much with this brand, that it hurts when someone is critical to it.
And thats what can be called a true Shindo- fanboy.

I suggest to ignore your opinion as it seems to me he is just trying do damage to both brands with his fanboy behaviour.

How about this, Chris? Are you the new forum master here on this board to advise other members how to behave?

Uwe Seck, like I said. You seem to have an axe to grind. Not really sure why. Maybe you should find another brand to slander.
Uwe Seck, like I said. You seem to have an axe to grind. Not really sure why. Maybe you should find another brand to slander.
Whos that guy?
After sending me personal emails and not having received any replies from my side, now nothing but pure speculation comes to your mind?
Again my question to you: Why do you always have to become offending on a personal level when it comes to objective criticism?
You may know that your method trying to offend other forum members have been executed by the nazis as well. So you are not only intollerant and a fascist, you have proven to be a real nazi. Congratulations, Chris!
Because I am sick of watching you slander two brands I am a nazi? That is the funniest thing I have ever read. Nice work losing what ever credibility you may have had.
I strongly pled to the forum hosts to remove you from this forum because you offended the forum rules many time by being personal indulgent to other forum members and are unable to tolerate different opinions from forum members. Instead, you try to kill other memebers by spreading speculative misinformations about them.
You should post no longer here in this "friendliest forum on the internet". Your behaviour here is contrary to that statement and absolutely untolerable.
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