Official RMAF 2017 Photos and Comments


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL
Let the fun begin!


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Mike, are you planning to do any videos this time? If so, would be grateful if you could do an extended one of the Nagra/Alexia 2 room as Nagra will have their new HD preamp in the system. No worries if you don't get a chance as I am sure you have a crazy schedule. Enjoy the show.

Looking forward to your coverage this year. I will surely miss the Friday and Saturday Shark dinners.
Mike, are you planning to do any videos this time? If so, would be grateful if you could do an extended one of the Nagra/Alexia 2 room as Nagra will have their new HD preamp in the system. No worries if you don't get a chance as I am sure you have a crazy schedule. Enjoy the show.

Sure. I'll sure try.
I am excited to go, this will be my first show and looking forward to a great time! Hope to run in to some of you all!
Someone please check the Focal room to see if the new Kanta No.2 speaker is there. Thanks.

Update: Just received a press release. Kanta line is debuting at RMAF. Beryllium and Flax. Listening impressions please.
Hopeful for a report on the new Spatial Audio X2 Modular speaker. Looks interesting from the limited info I can find.