Reel to reel - anyone jumping in the waters?

Kind of pricey for the equivalent of one album. I own Ben Webster - Gentle Ben in Analogue Production SACD. It is one of the best sounding master recordings you will ever hear due to the close miked recording. It is my best sounding AP SACD and I suspect that it would sound wonderful in any format.

This is the problem IMHO with R2R tape; even with what most people would consider an expensive 2-channel audio system, if you get into tape the hardware and software will quickly end up costing more than everything else in your system combined, and without that much music (and even less if you are only counting "major artists")
Tapes used to be reasonable , you could buy the odd 15 ips master copies for 65-100 bucks about 5 or so yrs ago , now madness ...

Get your deck in shape and wait for the audiophile estate sales .. :)
Its only expensve if you think about it .....
Great line. I will have to use that someday, and take full credit. Thanks for the belly laugh A. Wayne.

I have a Teac 4 channel 15ips, 10” reel to reel just sitting in my closet. Owned a Teac 3300SX many years ago and sold it. It was lots of fun though. I sold it when my brother’s Nachamichi cassett deck outperformed it. In any case the Teac was thrown at me and never used. It needs an overhual simply from lack of use. But it’s not the repair that’s holding me back. That I can swing. I tried starting to look for a used 10’ empty metal take-up reel. The prices I saw were ridiculous. Buying blank 10”, 3,600” tapes are just as bad. In spite of the fact that I believe reel to reel software is the best sounding source, I am not sure I want to go down that golden highway.