Fyne Vintage


Active member
May 8, 2013
Bucks County PA
Looks like Fyne is coming out with a Vintage line to go up against the traditional Tannoys

Fyne Audio could reveal 'Vintage' retro-modern speakers at High End Munich | What Hi-Fi?

As one who owns Tannoy Cheviots and loves the vintage look style, I’m pretty excited about this new line. My aspirational speakers for the future were Canterbury GRs, but I haven’t been thrilled with the direction of Tannoy as of late. Interested to hear how the new Fyne Vintage 15 in. driver model compares to the Canterbury. One thing I like about Tannoy is they haven’t followed the trend of being overly detailed as it seems many company lines have taken. I actually like some warmth in my sound. Not sure where Fyne falls in this regard. Looks and construction wise I’m already sold on the new Fyne line. 🙂
Just saw the Vintage 15 inch on Fyne’s site. Man, they are freaking gorgeous! Drooling over them. Mike, I believe you own or have owned the Tannoy Cantebury GR. I’d love to hear your impressions between these two.

(Btw, didn’t see how to properly “@“ someone when posting.)
Just saw the Vintage 15 inch on Fyne’s site. Man, they are freaking gorgeous! Drooling over them. Mike, I believe you own or have owned the Tannoy Cantebury GR. I’d love to hear your impressions between these two.

(Btw, didn’t see how to properly “@“ someone when posting.)

No problem. I haven’t had a chance to hear the vintage series from Fyne yet. I’m on the fence right now about bringing in a pair. They are very big in size and not sure how that will fly with customers. It’s not like Tannoy’s are a big seller (we carried the line for 3 years). I’m very partial to the original Fyne lineup. I like the modern look with the great sound. When I personally had the Catebury GR’s, they needed a BIG BIG room. THAT BEING SAID, one of my most memorable listening experiences was with Paul Yoo (the audiophile formerly known as BlueMcIntosh) when he had the big Westminister GR’s paired with Shindo 300b amps.

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Haven’t generally been a fan of that vintage look, partly because they don’t fit my home decor style.

Have to say though, those are really very attractive, particularly the Vintage 10. If I ever went with an interior style that fit better, I would definitely consider those.
No problem. I haven’t had a chance to hear the vintage series from Fyne yet. I’m on the fence right now about bringing in a pair. They are very big in size and not sure how that will fly with customers. It’s not like Tannoy’s are a big seller (we carried the line for 3 years). I’m very partial to the original Fyne lineup. I like the modern look with the great sound. When I personally had the Catebury GR’s, they needed a BIG BIG room. THAT BEING SAID, one of my most memorable listening experiences was with Paul Yoo (the audiophile formerly known as BlueMcIntosh) when he had the big Westminister GR’s paired with Shindo 300b amps.

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Yes, if I went with these it would correlate with building my own home with a dedicated listening room. What size room would you say they’d need?
Yes, if I went with these it would correlate with building my own home with a dedicated listening room. What size room would you say they’d need?

I would want something like 17 x 21.

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so are these supposed to do something the original fyne line doesn't do; they don't seem to be using different components.
In other words is the point of this series strictly looks?
anybody with thoughts on the new vintage lines vs the older 700 series?