Shunyata Research Announces Everest


New member
Dec 13, 2013
CG/SR - I look forward to your success with this product, God Speed!

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Congrats Caelin and team. From a loyal customer and Denali 6000T owner this is an eventual upgrade for me.

Thank you keeping the tower form factor the and price below 10K US MSRP :-)

The silver is wonderful looking in pictures and i'm sure much so in person.

Can't wait to start reading reviews and owner impressions soon.
Zone 1 consists of top two outlets
Outlets 3 & 4 are individual isolated zone 2 and zone 3 respectively
Outlets 5 & 6 are individual isolated zone 4 and zone 5 respectively
Bottom two outlets 7 and 8 constitute zone 6
Thanks. In that case, just curious why Zone 1 and 6 are not subdivided like the middle two outlets?
I have already contacted my dealer and he has confirmed they will be ordering a demo unit which I can try in my set-up. My plan is to compare it against my 6000T which has everything save for my amps connected. I will then give the Everest a go with my amps plugged into the unit. With the 6000T I preferred the amps direct into the wall. Looking forward to the A/B.
I have already contacted my dealer and he has confirmed they will be ordering a demo unit which I can try in my set-up. My plan is to compare it against my 6000T which has everything save for my amps connected. I will then give the Everest a go with my amps plugged into the unit. With the 6000T I preferred the amps direct into the wall. Looking forward to the A/B.

As another 6000T owner, I'm looking forward to reading your comparison between the 6000T and the new Everest.
I have already contacted my dealer and he has confirmed they will be ordering a demo unit which I can try in my set-up. My plan is to compare it against my 6000T which has everything save for my amps connected. I will then give the Everest a go with my amps plugged into the unit. With the 6000T I preferred the amps direct into the wall. Looking forward to the A/B.

Jim I have a couple of questions for you if you don’t mind.
When you say you plug the amps directly into the wall, is that wall outlet a separate circuit from the one the Denali is plugged into? What is the current rating of your AC circuit?
Jim I have a couple of questions for you if you don’t mind.
When you say you plug the amps directly into the wall, is that wall outlet a separate circuit from the one the Denali is plugged into? What is the current rating of your AC circuit?

I have each amp plugged into its own 20 amp circuit and the 6000T is plugged into its own 20 amp circuit.

I tried several variations over time including just the amps plugged into the 6000T.
Jim I have a couple of questions for you if you don’t mind.
When you say you plug the amps directly into the wall, is that wall outlet a separate circuit from the one the Denali is plugged into? What is the current rating of your AC circuit?

Hi Caelin,

If you would like, I can provide you with apples to apples thoughts once I get mine. All gear on the same circuit with front end into Triton v3 and amps into wall.