Pittsburgh / Cleveland


Active member
Nov 23, 2013
Garretts suspension, enough ? criminal charges ?
Suspension is good. Big fine too.

Still pales in comparison to hockey, but certainly better than the girls who cry foul in the NBA. Their “fights” are a shoving match in hockey.

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Looked like assault to me. There was clearly intent to cause damage with the helmet. I think he goes to jail if charges are brought.
The QB started it all by trying to pull Garrett's helmet off. He went all Beast Mode and did the same back with a little extra at the end. They should all be fined equally.
The QB started it all by trying to pull Garrett's helmet off. He went all Beast Mode and did the same back with a little extra at the end. They should all be fined equally.

show me the video .......
Doug, all that video shows me is the QB is getting mauled on the ground and he appears to be grabbing at Garretts helmet. Correct me if I'm wrong, he never did 'rip it off' ? Minor compared to what Garrett did IMO
I’ve watched the replay many times and the only action that is clearly over the top is when he hits the quarterback in the head with his own helmet. He could have seriously injured him. I think a one year suspension is warranted.

I guess we see it differently then. What I see is the QB trying to rip the helmet off the guy who sacked him.

Maybe you aren't looking at the right video. How can you not see that the QB is trying to rip his helmet off?
I think tugging or pulling on a face mask and pulling off a helmet and using it to hit someone on the head are two different levels of aggression.