Roy Gregory Compares ARC Ref 10, VTL 7.5 Series III, and CJ GAT Series 2...

The author states there is no clear overall winner. Once again, it comes down to proper component matching and personal taste.

RG is quite comprehensive and detailed in his reviews, yet concise. When I listen to a component that he has reviewed, most times, I find that he is quite accurate in his description of the sound quality and in giving a flavour of what you might expect.

Even in private e-mails, he does not say if one component is "better" than another. What he does offer to do is let you know which component provides more of the aspects that you value, be it presence/immediacy, tonality, harmonics, dynamics, soundstaging, etc.
RG is quite comprehensive and detailed in his reviews, yet concise. When I listen to a component that he has reviewed, most times, I find that he is quite accurate in his description of the sound quality and in giving a flavour of what you might expect.

Even in private e-mails, he does not say if one component is "better" than another. What he does offer to do is let you know which component provides more of the aspects that you value, be it presence/immediacy, tonality, harmonics, dynamics, soundstaging, etc.

Hi Nicoludio,

Overall, I enjoyed the article and thought Roy Gregory put a lot of time, effort and care into creating as objective a comparison as possible. Having heard the Ref 10 with a number of different amplifiers and knowing what performance it is capable of, left me wondering if the Berning pairing was less than an ideal match due to the Ref 10's higher output or just a general lack of synergy.

If I were setting up a serious minimalist singled ended tube-based system, the Gat 2 would be the pre i'd put in the Christmas stocking. Love that champagne facia & natural sound :audiophile:.
thanks for highlighting that report . I saw an arc anniversary in for repair last week . it was truly a thing of beauty. not easy to accommodate those boxes though . some years ago I had the vtl 5.5 and it was very enjoyable , never heard the 7.5 . there is one in UK in classifieds now for 11k

must try to get to hear some vtl sometime , we don`t hear a lot about the brand in UK but several dealers
Glad I found this. I’m actually looking to upgrade my preamp. Considering the following:

ar ref 10
DAgostino Momentum
constellation Virgo III
Merill Audio Christine

Would love more first hand experience with these preamps. Is the SE design of the CJ VAC a deal breaker as I have a balance system.
What amp do you have? I forget.

VAC Master and ARC Ref 10 are spectacular. I love my GAT2 and I don’t think there’s an issue with it being RCA or single ended only unless you only have XLR inputs. I don’t like using adapters but they are an option.

I’m sure the Constellation is wonderful too. I have no experience with the Merill Audio preamp.

Glad I found this. I’m actually looking to upgrade my preamp. Considering the following:

ar ref 10
DAgostino Momentum
constellation Virgo III
Merill Audio Christine

Would love more first hand experience with these preamps. Is the SE design of the CJ VAC a deal breaker as I have a balance system.
Glad I found this. I’m actually looking to upgrade my preamp. Considering the following:

ar ref 10
DAgostino Momentum
constellation Virgo III
Merill Audio Christine

Would love more first hand experience with these preamps. Is the SE design of the CJ VAC a deal breaker as I have a balance system.

If you get to listen to the GAT and the Momentum, please let me know your thoughts. I own the GAT, but also own the Momentum Stereo, so would luv to hear the Momentum Pre amp.

the GAT is better sounding than the Dagostino Progression pre amp when I demoed it.
The DAG Momentum HD is a great pre. Also, all of the pres you are considering are world class.
My gut tells me he’s going to love the GAT2 and the music that it produces.

Please update when you can.
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Odd, I read it as the VTL was his favorite, without actually coming out and saying it. [emoji2371]
My brother and I sat for a couple hours with the Ref 10; with all its prowess, the smoothing effect or whatever it’s doing to my favorite singers voices, decidedly takes the Ref 10 out of the running for me. Damnit I wanted to love the Ref 10 with its gorgeous looks and it amazing control of the music in terms of imaging, dynamics (top to BOTTOM) and soundstage. Moreover, on principle alone, what with the “standard” hi tech plastic cheap shitty top and the requisite 1k for the proper metal replacements, I will NOT consider ARC products, ever. It’s such a slap in the face, me thinks.

I wanted to thank everyone for your insight, I’ll be take that leap onto the CJ sound train with a brand new unit. Now all the worlds problems on my shoulder breaking in the unit for the next 200 hours or so. Can’t wait till it arrives.
Congratulations on the GAT2.

Regarding the plastic cover of the Ref 10, tests were done and it actually sounds better than the metal cover. I think it started with the Ref 40 and people realized they preferred the sound with the plastic instead of the metal.

I like the look (and sound) of the CJ more anyway.
I’m still on the stock tubes from the factory. I need to check what CJ shipped with it.