Review: Wyred4Sound's STP-SE ....

A fuse is easy, but I would stay away from other places that do "mods". There are places out there offering cheaper or what they call "better" upgrades and they, in general are not upgrades and some in fact actually hurt the performance of the pre-amp. Other than something like a fuse definitely make sure that any upgrades are done by Wyred themselves.... the only way to get upgrades on the STP-SE done is to send it to their facility in Atascadero, CA.

I call EJ a friend and know the crew at W4S. I actually worked for EJ for a few months before getting a position back in my normal field. So I do know what I talk about in this regards.
This is the place I was talking about for the mods..I think he is a reputable guy, I think he owns Parts Connexion now?

The only reason why I might consider these guys is because it is in Canada, then I don't have any cross border issues
I believe it was on Audio Shark where someone talked about the Chris Johnson mods.
I don't know how the 2 different mods differ sonically. Like I was saying they do use the op amps, not sure if that is good or bad.

I talked to EJ and he said go ahead and do the Furutech AC-1501 IEC...did that myself and when my fuse comes in I will do that too,that's all though.
It was just an easy DIY thing that I could manage. EJ sounded like a really nice guy in his emails. I got the rhodium one.
Yes Chris is a reputable guy who was one of the founders and owners of Sonic Frontiers and Anthem. After he and his partners sold out to Paradigm he went back to running Parts Connexion which actually was before the other two companies. He still has some of the techs from the amp companies on staff and they continue to work on and update Anthem and SF gear. As far as I know Walter and Underwood HiFi are not W4S dealers anymore so don't know if Chris is still doing the mods to the STP-SE. Give him a call he will be happy to talk to you.
This is the place I was talking about for the mods..I think he is a reputable guy, I think he owns Parts Connexion now?

The only reason why I might consider these guys is because it is in Canada, then I don't have any cross border issues
I believe it was on Audio Shark where someone talked about the Chris Johnson mods.
I don't know how the 2 different mods differ sonically. Like I was saying they do use the op amps, not sure if that is good or bad.

I talked to EJ and he said go ahead and do the Furutech AC-1501 IEC...did that myself and when my fuse comes in I will do that too,that's all though.
It was just an easy DIY thing that I could manage. EJ sounded like a really nice guy in his emails. I got the rhodium one.

On an upgrade I do not believe there is a cross border issue since it would be dealt with as a unit being sent in for a repair, I believe.

Bottom line is that it is your call, but I would not purchase an upgrade through them. By the way, Underwood is in Hawaii.

I will say it only once again, do not purchase any upgrade for a Wyred 4 Sound STP-SE except from Wyred 4 Sound. It is not an improvement and you are not, in any way shape or form getting a Stage 1 or 2, and you may very well actually hurt your pre-amplifier. That is my last warning... :)

Your IEC and a fuse upgrade is not the same thing....
Just wanted to say I got another pair of XLR interconnects today. I was running HT Magic Link II XLR from the Musical Paradise MP-D2 DAC into the STP-SE and HT ML II RCA out to my Red Dragon S500s. When I got the STP-SE I did try RCA in and XLR out. I didn't do any real critical listening that way. I think for some reason I liked XLR in and RCA out better.

Well anyways my new XLRs got here today. With the RCAs there was a little bit of noise from the tweeters when I muted the STP-SE. With the XLRs everything is dead quiet. The new XLRs are Cerious Tehnologies Graphene Extreme. I think I like them better than the HT. The CT GE might not have quite as much air. To me they don't sound like copper interconnects either, but they do seem to have a bit more warmth.
I know my amps are most likely still breaking in. I maybe have 300 hours on them, so they are getting better too.

Anyways the CT GE sound fantastic. Balanced in and out with the STP-SE is definitely the way to go.
My speakers are Dynaudio Focus 340s. All I can say is wow, everything sounds awesome together.
Great news! I loved and miss my STP-SE. Hopefully another sale comes along. Hint, hint. :)
I’m tempted to order one with the stage 2 upgrade. My original one just needed to be opened up a little volume wise, otherwise it’s absolutely wonderful.
The sales don't seem to come as often as they used to that's for sure. I think you would have to spend quite a bit more to beat the Stage 2 as an all around performer with most any amp. Seems to have become Srajen's go to preamp for reviews. I still pull my standard STP-SE out every couple of months and it never disappoints. It is an especially good partner with any of the Job based amps.
I read all the reviews for the STP-SE, there isn't a bad one. Its funny I knew what it was, but was looking elsewhere. I really wasn't crazy about the style. I was looking at much more expensive preamps. Then I had one fall into my lap...ok I will give it a try. Wow, one listen is all it takes to make a believer out of you.

I like all the functions and everything the STP-SE does. As I mentioned before I wish the display was a bit bigger and maybe red, but hey its so good I don't really care. You know I actually like the cosmetics now, its a real sleeper. Mine is black and with its discreet looks you don't expect much. Fire it up and I think most people will be floored, its that good. I will most likely have it a very long time as I know I will have to spend allllllllllot more money to get what will amount to pretty much cosmetic improvements and maybe slightly different flavor.
Kind of a late post, only found this thread today, but I got my used STP-SE stage 2 beginning of the year and I instantly loved it. Upgraded to a SR Black fuse from the beginning. Lots of inputs and outputs, great functionality, and more importantly, huge resolution. I am a proud owner! :D

Inside pic of my unit when I was replacing the fuse. Lots of screws!

I had a STP-SE a couple years ago, in my re-learning phase. I loved it, both flexibility and sound quality. I was never crazy for the cosmetics, but thought it was a wonderful pre-amp.

Being that I was re-learning this crazy hobby after being out of it for about 20 years I decided to try other pre-amps. Some I really liked such as the Audio Research, but most every one that I research I thought the flexibility (inputs/outputs etc.) were really lacking compare to the Wyred.

But over the last few years my tastes have been refining and I have decided that sound purity was utmost important to me. Therefore the Stage 2 was very much on my short list of pre-amps to settle on for the long haul!

Well my STP-SE Stage 2 arrived yesterday. First listening session last night was wonderful. Like most new main components I have to give myself some time to settle in and learn the joys of this pre-amp. My initial impressions are that this will be my long term pre-amp.

With this in mind I do believe that I might finally be settling in (finally) to my long term system. I currently do not believe that a single one of my components are a weak link.

I agree. The Stage 2 is sooooo good that the non upgraded version should be discontinued.
Well as a business model I think it makes sense. I do not know for sure but I think they sell more STP-SE's then the Stage 2's. They also do a decent business with upgrading older units. The standard model falls in a more affordable range for a lot more people :)....

The units use the same cases, boxes, main boards, connectors, remotes, etc., etc.... therefore it is not much of an extra cost to offer the other models.

PS... a lot of people don't know but a portion of their business is building for other people. Example is the MoFi new phono pre-amp to go with their new turntables are built by W4S, as only one example. I remember a guy in one of the forums ranting and raving about how this one brand of amplifiers was so much better then W4S. He was insistent on how much better this guy was at building his amplifiers then Wyred was. It cracked me up because the amp he was raving about was actually built by Wyred :)... there was a stack of about 30 of them ready to be shipped the last time I was at their facility :D....
Hehe Jack... I really don't have any idea. It has been over a year since I have been to their facility :)... I do know that Walter used to sell a fair amount of SST's...

Not sure what the EP amps are???
IMO they should add to the STP-SE stage 2 another transformer, a dual 9038 DAC board and digital inputs, and sell it as a "DAC-3" line of all-in-one top of the line DAC+preamp.
The new pre-amplifier that is on the way is a line stage only. I know EJ had talked about making it modular but decided to keep it a straight pre-amp.

I do not know how successful the mPre has been, but I do know the mInt has been a fairly popular piece.