Some PMC Porn for your enjoyment!


New member
Jul 10, 2013
My new PMC Fact 8s






Congrats Jax! Beautiful. How do they sound?

Do they have built in adjustment? Weren't we just talking about that in the Raidho forum?

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I'd post pics of my newly-arrived FACT 3s; but they would pale in comparison :blush:

Besides...just slide the ATL port, up underneath the bottom mid-bass driver; and you have my 3s!
Now those speakers look like they could possibly be transmission lines.
Nice pics Jax.......I can certainly see this pair in my system one day. :D :snicker:

CDLehner.....your pair looks awesome too. :cool:
Congrats Jax! Beautiful. How do they sound?

Do they have built in adjustment? Weren't we just talking about that in the Raidho forum?

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Yes, they have 3 position toggles on the back for treble and bass. Really nice feature.

And to answer your question about sound, I'm planning to write a mini review soon. Just getting a bit more seat time in before I post my opinion. I will say this though, they are very different from all the other speakers I've lived with.
Just checked, you still need 38 votes to get the Fact 8 SAM file for your incoming Devialet 200.
Jax. We owned IB2 before so please tell me what made you to change to smaller model :)

Boredom mostly. I loved the IB2s and had them for about a year. Just wanted some new blood in here so to speak. I'm glad I did it too. Loving these fact 8s. Desperately want a pair of fact 12s.

And BTW, there's no doubt that the IB2s are world class, but no speaker that big can disappear like a small two way.