Florida Audio Expo Show Report

Handful of other rooms i dont remember as well.

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These weird robot looking things were really, really great sounding. WAF for me at least would be a big, "um, no".

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I found this room kinda interesting. Much more minimalist than most.

Graham Audio speakers, Moonriver integrated. I wasn’t familiar with either of these (not that that should be a surprise, I’m not familiar with too much).

Speakers I wouldn't personally consider attractive (just a rectangular wood box and black cloth on an ikea-looking stand), turntable and an amp sort of buried in the shadows under a low shelf unit. Like they didn’t want anyone to actually see it; the man behind the curtain I guess. /shrug

But gotta say…. to me this was one of the better sounding systems and very reasonably priced.

Great sense of balance across frequencies to my ear, well controlled, tight but punchy bass, nice soundstaging, great vocal timbres. Just really musical.

Would not make it thru WAF for me but was a sound I could very happily live with. Pleasant surprise of the show, imo!

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This was one of my top 3 favorite rooms. The sound was organic, relaxed yet dynamic, balanced, lush and infinitely musical.

They tried to explain the tech to me but all I got was something like its class D amp inside a glass tube. /shrug, tl;dr my ears told me what I needed to know.

Not to mention that imo its among the best looking esthetically I've seen. Speakers weren't as beautiful but they sure sounded amazing.

I will consider both brands for future purchases.

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Last room pics for now and not only not least, but for me, first.

If I could take home anything from the show it would be this system. Borreson speakers, Aavik electronics. Makes me want to go rob a bank, right now.

This was not hit-you-in-the-head-wow shock value sound. It was to me by far the most musical, organic, crisp, balanced, extended without harshness or smear anywhere to be found, punchy yet non fatiguing.

As close to perfection as I've personally heard. Next Level, indeed.


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Handful of random personal observations and notes.

Almost without exception the rooms I liked most were solid state electronics.

With only one exception the rooms I liked best were digital/streaming/CD.

Surprised that my 3 or 4 favorite systems had stand mount speakers.

The effort made by room hosts was incredibly inconsistent. You had guys like Mike who clearly went all out to provide a highly professional and immensely enjoyable presentation, and you had rooms with zero acoustic treatment, no branding or decoration/room setup, sloppily thrown together systems, and/or inattentive hosts. I dont get it. You don't get too many shots to impress the public with this level of gear why short yourself? You had professional looking hosts who threw on decent outfits and you had guys in scruffy t-shirts and cargo shorts. I have suggestions for the organizers if they're interested in hearing 'em.

I really wanted to hear the new 200 series T+A gear but the guy in the House of Stereo room abruptly told me "I may play those later this evening come back then" then turned away to do something else. I wasn't going to point out "there is no evening to this show". Even tho he was really kinda surly with me, I went back around 5:15 and anyway he was still playing the big stuff, with the new line sitting idle. Well, i guess it looked cool... One other room they were guarding the door at like 2pm smack in the middle of the show and wouldn't let me in as they were filming a video. "Come back later". Um, yeah, no... You couldn't arrange to film early or at the end of the day? Put on your pro pants; maybe I'll remember to come back maybe not, there's lots to see.

This was my first show and I'm glad to have been able to go. Saw lots of great stuff, lots of frankly disappointing stuff, finally after 10 years met Mike in person, talked to lots of super people, and even had a Jay siting. Look forward to doing more of this kind of thing.

Now I'm gonna go listen to some music on my own system. It may be humble, but it's in my living room.
Handful of random personal observations and notes.

Almost without exception the rooms I liked most were solid state electronics.

With only one exception the rooms I liked best were digital/streaming/CD.

Surprised that my 3 or 4 favorite systems had stand mount speakers.

The effort made by room hosts was incredibly inconsistent. You had guys like Mike who clearly went all out to provide a highly professional and immensely enjoyable presentation, and you had rooms with zero acoustic treatment, no branding or decoration, hastily and sloppily thrown together systems. I dont get it. You don't get too many shots to impress the public with this level of gear why short yourself? You had professional looking hosts who threw on decent outfits and you had guys in scruffy t-shirts and cargo shorts. I have suggestions for the organizers if they're interested in hearing 'em.

I really wanted to hear the new 200 series T+A gear but the guy told me "I may play those later this evening come back then". I wasn't going to point out "there is no evening to this show". Even tho he was really kinda surly with me, I went back around 5:15 and anyway he was still playing the big stuff, with the new line sitting idle. Well, i guess it looked cool... One other room they were guarding the door at like 2pm smack in the middle of the show and wouldn't let me in as they were filming a video. "Come back later". Um, yeah, no... You couldn't arrange to film early or at the end of the day? Put on your pro pants, maybe I'll remember to come back maybe not, there's lots to see.

This was my first show and I'm glad to have been able to go. Saw lots of great stuff, lots of frankly disappointing stuff, finally after 10 years met Mike in person, talked to lots of super people, and even had a Jay siting. Look forward to doing more of this kind of thing.

Now I'm gonna go listen to some music on my own system. It may be humble, but it's in my living room.

Thank you for all the pictures and comments.

Many thanks for all the posts and photos. Well done, mate.

Thanks, was hoping folks who couldn’t make it could get a sense of the show. Meant to bring a real camera and forgot so just did what I could with cellphone pics.
Positive Feedback has a report on the show up on their website, including coverage of the Suncoast Audio room.

He loved it (!!!) once we moved him to the middle and back row. The front row is too close. I’ll probably just remove it today. My little room is killing it and our MBL room is insane.

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My little room is killing it and our MBL room is insane.

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Hate to say it, but neither of those rooms/systems were impressive at all to us. Sure, they looked good, but that was about it. Not much in the way of sound, and that was sitting in the "good, better, best" seats. Then again, this was the same for many of the rooms/systems this year, hence why I only took about 13 photos at the entire show for the six hours we were there.

Our top pics of the show from good to best were...

1) Good imaging and sound stage, refined top end and surprisingly punchy and detailed...

2) Great dynamics and texture without being bright or "horny", and a shocking amount of low end bass grunt and detail from a 12" pro-audio driver, albeit a highly modified driver I'm sure.

3) AJ's room was great. Though for that particular room, I feel the smaller towers were a much better choice. Those little towers were extremely impressive all around, well balanced and extended a whole heck of a lot deeper than one would think, especially at higher volumes. Excellent work AJ! Also, it was great to finally meet you and it was a pleasure talking with you for a bit.


4) These had to be the most "full range" stand mount monitors I've ever heard, with the exception of maybe the old Wilson Audio Cub's from many moons ago. Though those didn't have anywhere near the extension and refinement of these. Truly excellent sound.

5) Another well balanced, very musical system with great dynamics and punch...

6) Very musical and relaxing system. With a sparkly top end that was still clean and smooth.

The absolute best of show, and most likely one of THEEE best systems I have ever heard. Lifelike size and scale, even with large pipe organ pieces, most realistic reproduction of pipe organ I have heard from any system, other than listening to an actual pipe organ live in a large church. Guitar, piano, vocals, everything... It all sounded absolutely real and life-sized. Completely balanced from top to bottom, very convincing, expansive sound stage in width, depth, and most certainly height! Plenty of natural, realistic bass extension and reproduction at any volume, and plenty of output overall for effortlessly filling that large room without even breaking a sweat. This includes that also excellent, very natural top end from those tweeters.

And all of this from a total of four small 6.75" drivers in two small ported granite enclosures that only cost $37k. Still a ton more than I can afford, but they are definitely worth it, and are far less expensive that the majority of far less impressive speakers that were at this show costing one to several hundreds of thousands of dollars.

We spent nearly an hour in this room alone! And the gentleman running the show in that room was equally as impressive. A complete joy to talk with.




Hate to say it, but neither of those rooms/systems were impressive at all to us. Sure, they looked good, but that was about it. Not much in the way of sound, and that was sitting in the "good, better, best" seats. Then again, this was the same for many of the rooms/systems this year, hence why I only took about 13 photos at the entire show for the six hours we were there.

Our top pics of the show from good to best were...

1) Good imaging and sound stage, refined top end and surprisingly punchy and detailed...

2) Great dynamics and texture without being bright or "horny", and a shocking amount of low end bass grunt and detail from a 12" pro-audio driver, albeit a highly modified driver I'm sure.

3) AJ's room was great. Though for that particular room, I feel the smaller towers were a much better choice. Those little towers were extremely impressive all around, well balanced and extended a whole heck of a lot deeper than one would think, especially at higher volumes. Excellent work AJ! Also, it was great to finally meet you and it was a pleasure talking with you for a bit.


4) These had to be the most "full range" stand mount monitors I've ever heard, with the exception of maybe the old Wilson Audio Cub's from many moons ago. Though those didn't have anywhere near the extension and refinement of these. Truly excellent sound.

5) Another well balanced, very musical system with great dynamics and punch...

6) Very musical and relaxing system. With a sparkly top end that was still clean and smooth.

The absolute best of show, and most likely one of THEEE best systems I have ever heard. Lifelike size and scale, even with large pipe organ pieces, most realistic reproduction of pipe organ I have heard from any system, other than listening to an actual pipe organ live in a large church. Guitar, piano, vocals, everything... It all sounded absolutely real and life-sized. Completely balanced from top to bottom, very convincing, expansive sound stage in width, depth, and most certainly height! Plenty of natural, realistic bass extension and reproduction at any volume, and plenty of output overall for effortlessly filling that large room without even breaking a sweat. This includes that also excellent, very natural top end from those tweeters.

And all of this from a total of four small 6.75" drivers in two small ported granite enclosures that only cost $37k. Still a ton more than I can afford, but they are definitely worth it, and are far less expensive that the majority of far less impressive speakers that were at this show costing one to several hundreds of thousands of dollars.

We spent nearly an hour in this room alone! And the gentleman running the show in that room was equally as impressive. A complete joy to talk with.





????. Number one on your list above is my room.

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????. Number one on your list above is my room.

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I had no idea that room was yours. I only saw you in the room with those Vivid Audio speakers that were lack-luster at best. And even though your room us "number one" on my list, that is actually only the "good" room. They get better as the list goes down... Obviously.
Thank you for the pictures :congrats:

Any headphones and headphone amps present at the show, just wondering

There were a few rooms centered on headphones/amps. From quick visits they seemed to be getting good traffic, were nicely setup, and the hosts seemed enthusiastic and engaging. Different vibe from many of the other rooms; more energy somehow.