My Select II DAC Journey


New member
Sep 11, 2014
My MSB Select II DAC journey began on a Sunday morning at Axpona in April 2017. I arrived at the MSB room first thing in the morning and I had one hour of uninterrupted listening, spinning all of my own CDs and SACDs. The sound I heard that morning was a true revelation. I knew that somehow I needed to have this component in my system.

Fast forward to Summer 2018, the Select II DAC remained right at the top of my wish list. However, I was locked into my digital gear, the very fine sounding Esoteric Grandioso K1 Player and G1 Clock. It wasn’t until I spoke with Mike Bovaird and he offered me a very fair trade-in on my Esoteric gear, that I came to the realization that the Select II DAC would become a reality.

As Mike and I carefully worked through a plan as to what options I would require, it became clear that if I wanted to get a loaded Select II DAC (with Two Mono Powerbases and Femto 33 Clock), I would need to concentrate on just one digital input and that would be the Renderer II input module. However, I had minimal experience with computer audio and knew very little about the Router, NAS and Roon Nucleus Plus I would need to get this show on the road. Mike told me not to worry, just to ship the NAS down to him and he would install the two additional circuit boards I had purchased in the NAS and get it up and running. Once all the components arrived at my house, Mike spent three days and countless hours on the telephone with me working through the Router, NAS and Roon Nucleus Plus configuration and explaining how each of these, along with the Roon software and Tidal music service operated. I have never seen anyone go above and beyond to this degree until everything was working perfectly and I was totally satisfied.

Now I am enjoying the best sound I have ever heard in my listening room by a huge degree. The resolution, layering, imaging, dynamics and wholeness of the music are the best I have ever heard from a source of any type. The sound quality of everything from Redbook CDs to DSD, high resolution and MQA files is simply stunning! There is a lifelike quality to the music that I am unable to put into words. The nearest thing I could compare it to would be listening to Master Reel-To-Reel Tape with the music coming from an entirely black background.

The Roon software is so easy to use with the ability to seamlessly jump back and forth between my stored music files and Tidal. The software is very intuitive and building playlists is a snap. There is also wonderful information about each album, composer, lyricist as well as the lyrics of each song!

So, if you are thinking of going with MSB Technology, I would highly recommend buying from Mike as he knocked down every single barrier until beautiful music was playing in my listening room. If you decide to go with the Renderer and Roon Nucleus Plus or any other configuration, he will get you up and running. Thank you Mike, so greatly appreciated!

Humm.....Mike is so close by.........already fell in love with his Vac gear...salivating for a IQ200......or should I try an Msb entry Dac.....I am happy with my Chord Dave....or get the tubes as an additional sound flavor? Which would you go with?...have a Diablo 300 presently.
When I break that price point barrier for buying digital Mike will be the only person I go to for a MSB DAC. Maybe next year Mike.....
Humm.....Mike is so close by.........already fell in love with his Vac gear...salivating for a IQ200......or should I try an Msb entry Dac.....I am happy with my Chord Dave....or get the tubes as an additional sound flavor? Which would you go with?...have a Diablo 300 presently.

Hi Larry,

In my opinion, the Diablo 300 is so good, you may get more improvement to your system by moving to the Discrete DAC. Of course, best to stop at Suncoast and listen for yourself.

Now I am enjoying the best sound I have ever heard in my listening room by a huge degree. The resolution, layering, imaging, dynamics and wholeness of the music are the best I have ever heard from a source of any type. The sound quality of everything from Redbook CDs to DSD, high resolution and MQA files is simply stunning! There is a lifelike quality to the music that I am unable to put into words.

+1. Revolutionary technology.
+1. Revolutionary technology.

I wholeheartedly agree! The Select II DAC is the source component on some mighty fine systems here on AudioShark. Your D’Agostino Momentum M400 monoblocks and Magico M3’s; Kingsrule’s Nagra HD monoblocks and Magico M6’s; Mike Lavigne’s darTZeel NHB-458 monoblocks and Evolution Acoustics MM7’s; and my (modest in comparison) Vandersteen M7-HPA monoblocks and Model 7 Mk2.


Congratulations. If I was willing to spend 6 figures on a DAC the Select II would probably be at the top of my list.
Congrats on the Select II! I see myself moving in this direction as well. The Esoteric gear has treated me well but I loved what I heard with the Ref Dac and can't overlook their modular design that keeps a digital piece relevant for some time. Anyone using the select transport with the select II? I still like cd spinners:D
Congratulations on the new DAC. I can also attest that Mike goes all out trying to help his clients. Well done to both!
Ken - Congratulations on your Select II! It is definitely at the top of the digital music domain. Buying from Mike is always a pleasure. Enjoy in good health.
Congrats on the Select II! I see myself moving in this direction as well. The Esoteric gear has treated me well but I loved what I heard with the Ref Dac and can't overlook their modular design that keeps a digital piece relevant for some time. Anyone using the select transport with the select II? I still like cd spinners:D

Thanks Dave! Mike Bovaird has the Reference Transport to go with his Select II DAC. The only difference between the Select Transport and the Reference Transport is the matching casing. The transport mechanism and all internal components are exactly the same. So, you can save a lot of money by purchasing the Reference Transport, which still looks really fine. I heard the Reference Transport several times with the Select II DAC. It brings the fullest potential out of the Select II DAC as does their new Renderer input module.

It’s the middle of the night and I’m listening to Simon & Garfunkel’s Concert in Central Park on the Select II DAC. Just a redbook CD rip but the sound quality is supernatural. Total immersion. I’m magically transported back in time to the Great Lawn. Not getting much sleep lately but I’m enjoying my music more than ever before. It’s become much more of an emotional experience.

It’s the middle of the night and I’m listening to Simon & Garfunkel’s Concert in Central Park on the Select II DAC. Just a redbook CD rip but the sound quality is supernatural. Total immersion. I’m magically transported back in time to the Great Lawn. Not getting much sleep lately but I’m enjoying my music more than ever before. It’s become much more of an emotional experience.


IMHO this is what it is all about.....The music and having the system take you to magical places, emoting old memories, forging new feelings, or just getting you closer to whatever your concept of infinity is.

Congratulations on your journey so far and whatever the future brings.
It’s the middle of the night and I’m listening to Simon & Garfunkel’s Concert in Central Park on the Select II DAC. Just a redbook CD rip but the sound quality is supernatural. Total immersion. I’m magically transported back in time to the Great Lawn. Not getting much sleep lately but I’m enjoying my music more than ever before. It’s become much more of an emotional experience.


IMHO “just redbook” is as good as it gets on the SELECT II.

I love my Select II and was an early adopter. One of my first observations about this incredible DAC and which I had many conversations with Vince of MSB was just how much better redbook was than anyone could have ever imagined. Sony belived and maybe still does that redbook was “perfect” and maybe they were right but no dac was capable of reproducing it the way it was meant.

Congrats and enjoy. It’s an amazing DAC and am glad people are getting in on what I was raving about for a long time.
IMHO “just redbook” is as good as it gets on the SELECT II.

I love my Select II and was an early adopter. One of my first observations about this incredible DAC and which I had many conversations with Vince of MSB was just how much better redbook was than anyone could have ever imagined. Sony belived and maybe still does that redbook was “perfect” and maybe they were right but no dac was capable of reproducing it the way it was meant.

Congrats and enjoy. It’s an amazing DAC and am glad people are getting in on what I was raving about for a long time.

Thanks Priaptor. Yes, redbook is indeed very special on the Select II DAC.

I forgot you on my list of Select II owners on AudioShark. You have CH Precision M1 monoblocks but I can’t remember the speakers.

IMHO this is what it is all about.....The music and having the system take you to magical places, emoting old memories, forging new feelings, or just getting you closer to whatever your concept of infinity is.

Congratulations on your journey so far and whatever the future brings.
And if you live in Colorado, it's much easier to go to magical places with a little help from mother nature!:D
Thanks Priaptor. Yes, redbook is indeed very special on the Select II DAC.

I forgot you on my list of Select II owners on AudioShark. You have CH Precision M1 monoblocks but I can’t remember the speakers.


I have Gobels Epoque Aeon Fine. Just took delivery of them today. Have been using Elliot’s demo until mine were ready. Elliot Goldman aka Bending Wave USA became the US distributor of them as well as a CH dealer. His showroom opens next week.

Great sound.

Next “upgrade” is on Nov 7 when Ch upgrades the M1 to the M1.1 which utilizes new caps.

It’s the middle of the night and I’m listening to Simon & Garfunkel’s Concert in Central Park on the Select II DAC. Just a redbook CD rip but the sound quality is supernatural. Total immersion. I’m magically transported back in time to the Great Lawn. Not getting much sleep lately but I’m enjoying my music more than ever before. It’s become much more of an emotional experience.

What a terrific album . . . And I dreamed I was flying . . . high up above my eyes could clearly see . . . the Statue of Liberty . . . Sailing Away to Sea . . . And I dreamed I was flying