Donations :)


Aug 16, 2017
I recently joined Audioshark and the advice, information and general help that fellow sharks have given me has been invaluable to helping me choose the best possible loudspeakers that perfectly suited my requirments. I started from ground zero and had many ‘stupid’ questions, which to my surprise many Audiosharks embraced, understood and then responded to in a way that made sense to me. As a result, I purchased some speakers which now give me absolute pleasure. And I mean absolute pleasure. Speakers which I had not even heard of until I joined Audioshark. Since then, I am now on a mission to upgrade my electronics (high end audio is an arms race after all!) and, again, I am astounded at the willingness of Audiosharks to share information and advise (and disagree, which is even more informative!).

Mike has created something quite special here. A place where anyone can come to learn, share information, and generally have fun and indulge in our very pleasurable hobby/passion/whatever you want to call it. And this collaborative effort helps us all navigate through a maze of equipment and, I believe, ultimately, helps us find the best possible solution for each of our particular requirements.

To come to the point (sorry, being a typical Kiwi now!): I call on all regular users to donate to Audioshark. I think we all get huge value from participating in this forum (well, I certainly do) and almost by definition we are not exactly hard up, so how about those of us who can spare some dosh contribute in an amount commensurate with the value (and fun!) we get from being Audiosharks. I suspect Mike is far too polite to ask for contributions. So iin a moment of deep empathy (no, nothing illegal, maybe it was just the bass line pumping out of my speakers that has got me all excited😁), I just feel it is the right thing to do.

I have committed to make a fairly sizeable (I think!) annual donation. I think I have already saved a multiple of that by buying the speakers I settled on.

Thanks guys. :heart: 100% of the money goes into account and is used 100% for Audioshark. Always has, always will.
I, too, like the people and the place Mike has set up so I decided to donate $25 for a three month trial period. What I may have actually committed to with Paypal is a three month period for $25 time three transactions for another $50.

If this is what I actually committed to, how can I get this resolved?

Thanks folks!

I, too, like the people and the place Mike has set up so I decided to donate $25 for a three month trial period. What I may have actually committed to with Paypal is a three month period for $25 time three transactions for another $50.

If this is what I actually committed to, how can I get this resolved?

Thanks folks!


Thanks Joe. If there is any issues, let me know and I can do a refund. There’s also probably a way through your PayPal page to adjust things. Just google it and I’m sure you’ll find it. I think it’s under the Payments tab.
Thanks Mike. I am sure it was me not reading the offering properly but I will let you know if I can't.