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  • Still alive and not much to say lately! I guess I've got my bases covered system wise :)

    Just waiting for Etna and some tubes for IO otherwise I'm good. You seem to be doing fine too from what I see?
    Yes Paul; things are going well enough for me. :)

    ...About you?

    * Glad that you show some sign of life! :cool:
    Hi Paul,

    I used to spend roughly between $200 and $500 every single week on music and movies (CDs, DVDs). ...Anything to do with the emotional chords that vibrate inside us.

    It's not what we own or don't own, it's what we live for.
    And the common passion we all have here, and there, is the "Sound". ...The "Music".
    ...And it's everywhere, even outside in the trees, and in the air, and in the ground.

    ...And the degree, the level of our communication lets us explore all the young and older generations.

    Through our emotions and inspirations and dreams and passions, a lot of things is going on in the world, and it affects us all more or less in what drives us in the first place. Music can be an escape to the ugliness that happens here and there, and it can also be a complement to the happy things that's going on. There is a reality, and there are doors that are close and others that are open.

    Talking is one thing, doing another, living is the reality.

    - Wrote 500 characters too many.
    Hey Paul!

    I guess you have some other occupations nowadays, you keep a lower profile at the Shark's room.
    That was a nice music recording you just posted; it must sound fabulous from your system.

    I'm off for tonight, sweet dreams. :lookatthat:
    We all are pulling the strings of life, in one direction or another.
    And you're my friend too, and I'm your friend.
    Paul, I really really really like your latest avatar (apple trees). ..Please, keep it for a while.
    It is truly magic in all senses. ...And so peaceful and beautiful.
    Haha, I've been so swamped at work. Get in at 7am, get home at 7pm, then 9:30pm calls w Asia. Consecutive days, too! Gotta pay for this bad habit I guess.:p. I'll email you tonite.
    Hello Paul, here it's cloudy, but it's nice 'cause the sun has some openings once in a while.
    ...18 degree Celsius right now.

    - I finally found out how to post pictures properly now, right on! :cool:
    ...Good times ahead.
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