MBL 101e MK2


Staff member
Apr 2, 2013
Sarasota, FL





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Those looks like they weight a ton. Can’t wait to hear your thoughts, Mike!

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I’ve always loved MBL’s and frankly, they’re exceeding expectations right out of the box. Amps too. Just a big wall of sound. The magic of the melon!

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Sweeeeet, I need to hear that setup.

Congratulations Mike. You are picking great gear.
I really like the looks, they’re something special. The sound must be super, based on what I heard in Munich.

Congrats, Mike!

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Wow.........Mount Everest! Yo!.......If E.T. had a stereo it would be this one....Congrats!........I won’t even ask it they fit in my SUV.
lol. :shocking:
Thanks Sean, Joe, Ken, Kouppis, Jim and Larry. I spiked them late in the day yesterday and wow, even a bigger difference. The 101e mk2's also have adjustments on the back for bass, mids and treble. Helps to get them dialed in. The soundstage is massive, yet still focused in my room. The bass is incredible and obviously the lower midrange melon is a big advantage over the two cones in the 111F. The amps might be the biggest surprise. They control the speakers marvelously, especially in the bass. But they don't sound "digital". Quite the opposite in fact and they run cool.

The cables are all new (AudioQuest Oak), the amps are new and speakers are new, so I need to let everything run in.
What do you think of the bass, as compared to your other sealed bass enclosure speakers (such as Magico / Avantgarde)?
What do you think of the bass, as compared to your other sealed bass enclosure speakers (such as Magico / Avantgarde)?

I would need to wait for them to break in to properly assess. Hard to beat Magico bass for definition and Avantgarde bass for adjustability.

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Thanks Sean, Joe, Ken, Kouppis, Jim and Larry. I spiked them late in the day yesterday and wow, even a bigger difference. The 101e mk2's also have adjustments on the back for bass, mids and treble. Helps to get them dialed in. The soundstage is massive, yet still focused in my room. The bass is incredible and obviously the lower midrange melon is a big advantage over the two cones in the 111F. The amps might be the biggest surprise. They control the speakers marvelously, especially in the bass. But they don't sound "digital". Quite the opposite in fact and they run cool.

The cables are all new (AudioQuest Oak), the amps are new and speakers are new, so I need to let everything run in.

What amps are you using mike ..?
I would be very interested in hearing your thoughts on the comparison between the MBL vs Mágico vs AG.
I would be very interested in hearing your thoughts on the comparison between the MBL vs Mágico vs AG.

Not every design is a fit for every room or every listener, but they’re are all insanely good in their own right. There’s no sense bringing in a “Magico-like” speaker like Wilson, Focal, Rockport, B&W, as it just creates confusion. BBC monitors, omnipolar and horns offer a nice variety, along with SOTA cone and dome Magico. My goal is to get people to think about design for their tastes and room rather than just brands.

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MBL N15 monos

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Congrats! Are you using MBL DAC and Pre also? I think that MBL DAC made the cover of Stereophile recently, quite a feat, I think - with so many products out there