Don't Miss Event at Paragon Sight and Sound

Myles B. Astor

Active member
Apr 5, 2013
Analog Music Night
Friday, 11/6 from 6:00-10:00pm


Dan D'Agostino Master Audio Systems
Doshi Audio
Transparent Audio
Brinkmann Audio

Special Guests:

Dan D'Agostino presenting the Midwest Premiere of the Momentum Phono Preamplifier.

Nick Doshi auditioning his latest improvements to the V3.0 Series.

Josh Clark of Transparent, demonstrating the new Opus power cord.

Andrea Brinkmann, reviewing the Brinkmann turntable design philosophy

Michael Fremer of Stereophile, discussing the finer details of turntable set-up.

Myles Astor of and, exploring all things analog including reel-to-reel tapes.

Space will be limited.
Please RSVP.

For more information:
call us at (734) 662-3595
email [email protected]
or stop in and see us!
Thx for sharing Myles!

BTW, missed you at RMAF. Heard you were there but did not see you.
Thx for sharing Myles!

BTW, missed you at RMAF. Heard you were there but did not see you.

Hi Mike!

Yes I was, sorry we missed hooking up! :( But unless plan things in advance, am usually running around like a chicken with my head cut off at shows, especially Rocky Mountain, to try and see and hear everything. Hopefully soon or if you happen to find yourself stranded in New York with nothing to do!

If you're in the neighborhood, make sure to drop by Larry Marcus' store tomorrow night for a very special event!

We'll have tape spooled up from Opus 3, The Tape Project, Yarlung Records and more playing through Nick Doshi's electronics and Wilson Audio speakers. It doesn't get any better than this folks!
Yes, wish I was there. Myles, doing something like that closer to home?

Tapes for Paragon Sight and Sound Audio's Analog Night tonight!

Looking forward to hearing them through system comprised of Doshi tube electronics and Wilson Audio speakers!

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk
I would love to join you guys, Myles. Tonight is my 20th school reunion (obviously *I* didn't pick the date, haha).

I will be there tonight. Larry reminded me that there will be several demo's going on and I don't have to attend all of them. :D

I don't mean Myles.
Jim and Myles - Look forward to reading your thoughts on how the night went at Paragon.
How was the event?

Sorry it took so long to respond. Saturdays in the fall for me are focused on college football. No time for audio.

The event Friday evening was very good. It turned out there were three rooms to cycle through. I will touch on each room in the order I sat through the presentations.

First up was Myles tape demo. The gear in that room was all Nick Doshi 3.0 including one of his tape stages handling the duty for the 15ips tape machine. Speakers were Wilson Alexia's. Myles began his demo with a Powerpoint presentation touching on the current state of tape in hi-end audio. He then played several tracks from various tapes. What surprised several of us was how quiet these tapes were, no tape hiss could be heard on the majority of the tracks he used. As one would expect the SQ from tape was exemplary. My issues are content, price and user issues. (track access, short playing time, pre and post listening handling issues) I am sure that for many here those are non-issues. Great job Myles. I came out of that demo smiling.

The second demo I attended was by Josh Clark of Transparent Audio. Before A/B 'ing the new Opus Power Cords versus their previous top of the line Powerlink MM2x Josh spent time covering the changes in wire, network box, and connectors that went into the cords. The gear used in this demo was McIntosh 601's, the new C-1100 pre-amp, Sonus Faber Lilium's with the new dCs Rossini cd/DAC. Speaker Cables and interconnects were Ref Gen 5. For the demo they played parts of a track a couple of times before swapping just the 601's pc's from MM2x to Opus. Everyone in the demo I sat through could readily hear the improvement with the Opus.

The main room was the last I one I cycled through. This room was Dan D'Agostino's Momentum mono blocks, his pre-amp and him discussing his new 3 piece phono stage. Andrea Brinkmann's showed off top of the line turntable. Speakers were Wilson XLF's (not sure if the two Thors Hammers were in or out of the picture) with Opus Magnum SC, and the amps were connected to the Meletsky StroMtank battery power unit. Michael Fremer selected and discussed the vinyl used for the demo. I stayed for about half of this demo as I had no interest in the music selections.

It was a lot of fun
Sounds like this was a wonderful evening.

Nick's equipment with the Alexias is a very good match. Glad you enjoyed the demo with Myles.

Interestingly, there's been very little written or discussed about the DCS Rossini. It was at RMAF in the Wilson room but I don't recall anyone writing about it. I was in this room briefly so I didn't get to listen to it.

Thx for sharing Jim!