[Review] The Magnepan Magneplanar MG 1.7 loudspeakers


New member
Mar 3, 2014
Tarragona (SPAIN)
tnt-audio.com The Magnepan Magneplanar MG 1.7 loudspeakers by Maarten van Casteren, April 2014


The M1.7 are a 3-way system, with most of the panel dedicated to bass and a section of about 5cm set aside for the higher frequencies. An even smaller section of that HF section is dedicated to the upper frequencies. The HF section is to one side of the panel, and the recommendation is to use the speakers with the HF sections on the outside of the speakers. That's what I did, and it worked brilliantly.

Maggies have a reputation to be difficult to drive and to need a lot of power. Impedance is 4 ohm and efficiency is rated at 86dB/Watt, so that doesn't indicate an extremely difficult load. My Usher R1.5 didn't have any trouble driving them, and the Hypex NC-400 power amps worked even better. I do realise that both these amplifiers are relatively powerful and capable of driving problematic loads, so I cannot really say much about smaller amps...


This is what the Maggies are famous for, so I was expecting something good. I wasn't disapointed: the sound is immediately impressive. Soundstage is about 50% bigger than with anything else I've used, and I'm really not exaggerating this. Focus is not as pinpoint precise as with my own Unity Audio 'The Rock hifi' active speakers, but it is still pretty good, certainly given the size of that soundstage. Tonal balance is fine, with only really deep bass missing. Bottom end is well textured, top end really silky and sweet and the bit in between just gorgeous. Overall the first impression is very, very good.

Distributor's comments

2. The price of Maggies here is often scrutinised but rather unfairly so. Note for example that the oft quoted $1999 US price is a bit of a misnoma... for one it doesn't contain their equivalent of VAT and also it refers to the basic finish, which is (how can I be polite here) er... basic?! For that reason we don't bring it in. Add this to the cost of getting a pair here safely, duty paid and the difference is nowhere near where many imagine it would be. Any UK Magneplanar dealer will earn less on this than any other speaker brand he sells so I really appreciate their support and therefore I admit I do find it frustrating that so much is made of the price. All imported product here is more expensive than in its native country so I struggle so see why it is mentioned so often. At £2500 the MG1.7 represents great value when coupled with electronics of an appropriate spend and surely that's the important bit not how much they cost in the US.
Thanks for this, Maty.

BTW, how is the availability of Magnepan speakers in Spain? I might imagine that they are effectively much more expensive there than in the USA (or Canada for that matter), rather like in the UK as the reviewer discusses.

I have MG 1.6QR's and love them. The Magneplanar speakers are a pinnacle of value in audio, IMO. Basically given my constraints, not the least financial, I have no urge to upgrade my speakers -- something I cannot say for my various other components. However going from the 1.6QR to the 1.7 would bring refinement no doubt.
In Poland thay are also much more expensive than the net US price for the base model. I belive they are 3000 euro or therabouts. The distributor mentioned is right, as a frind of mine, who is Maggie distributor, told me a similar story a while back (he actually complained about the situation).
how is the availability of Magnepan speakers in Spain?

-> Distribución de MAGNEPAN

Es una pena que hoy -hablando con el importador en Sevilla- me haya enterado que ha desistido de su importación, por motivos de desigualdad en el trato por parte de la empresa matriz. Parece ser- y ésto viene siendo ya algo habitual- que la empresa de Minnesota no ofrecía las mismas condiciones a nuestro inportador que al europeo, con lo que al tener unos márgenes muy cortos y no jugar con las mismas condiciones, los bebeficios eran casi nulos. Y a lo que hay que añadir la obligación de comprar un stock determinado, que sumado a lo dicho anteriormente aún perjudica más su venta. Digo ésto por que el culpable en parte soy yo - así me lo hizo saber-, ya que a través de mi se supo que manejaban unos precios inferiores. Tal como le comenté al gerente, siento que ésto haya ocurrido así, y sobre todo que se juegue a dos cartas por muchas empresas búscando únicamente ganancias a cualquier precio y, olvidando otros factores como pueden ser la trayectoría en pos de éstas cajas, el camino labrado en su disfusión , o el cariño a la hora de hacerlas sonar bien. Parece ser que con los tiempos que corren, ya muchas empresas pongan su único empeño en vender al cualquier precio, desligándose de cualquier ética o filosofía mantenida anteriormente...Repito, ¡es una pena!, y tal vez un error.

with Google Translate:

It is a pity that today, talking to the importer in Sevilla- I have heard that has withdrawn its import on grounds of unequal treatment by the parent company. Apparently - and this is being now routine - Minnesota company that did not offer the same conditions to our inportador that the European , thus having very short margins and not play with the same conditions, were almost nil bebeficios . And what you need to add the obligation to buy a certain stock , which added to the above even more detrimental sale. I say this because the guilty party is me - so let me know , because through it emerged that handled my lower prices . As I told the manager , I feel that this has been the case, and especially to be played over two cards for many companies seeking only profits at any price and , forgetting other factors such as the trajectory towards these boxes, the way wrought in his disfusión or affection when them sound good . It seems that with the times , and many companies put their unique efforts to sell any price, becoming distant from any ethics or philosophy maintained above ... Again,it's a shame ! , And perhaps a mistake.
Maybe, at MOC show (Munich), this month

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Brands and exhibitors 2014 - HIGH END Society

Magnepan Taurus high end gmbh Halle 3 D01 + E01

You can contact with them and pehaps buy them without to go to Germany.
Hi Feanor, Magnepan prices in Canada are essentially the exchange plus a little bit for shipping and brokerage. We try very hard to keep the prices reasonable for most of the range. The MMG series has a higher ratio due to the non-existent margin for that range. Most dealers don't stock the MMG for this reason

It is true that Magnepan speakers are some of the lowest margin speakers around. The company tries hard to keep the selling price reasonable, and rarely changes the models. I believe the 1.6 was made for about 12-15 years without any substantial changes until the 1.7 was released. The retail price difference between the 1.6 and 1.7 was about $200-$250 if I remember correctly, yet virtually everything was changed and improved.

As a dealer, we have a love/hate relationship with the line. We hate the margins, but we love the value.

Magnepans also cost substantially more for shipping. They have to ship on a pallet/skid which increases the cost of transportation in most cases.

Finally, it is almost always true that products cost much less in their native countries than when they are exported. This is due to the exchange rate, duties, shipping, brokerage, distributor's margins etc.
maty: I have a pair of the 1.7s and love them, although my main speakers are the new Dynaudio C2 Platinums, I had the original C2 for 10 years and upgraded but during my upgrade quest I fell in love with the huge detailed soundstage the Maggies produce and bought a pair as well. From the Looks of it you have a Threshold Amp sitting next too them, which would be a great match!

On a side note anyone notice on Magnepans website that they went from the 1.7 to the 1.7i? LOL I was told they were not going to do this with this model but they decided to technical trickle down the same thing done with the 3.7 to the 3.7i... But of course no technical explanation, they just sound better so live with it! LOL ;)
I just heard the .7i s and if the 1.7i s sound anywhere close in the mids and highs I'm ordering a pair! Btw 3 feet from the back wall minimum to open up the soundstage. The position the spkrs are in the pic would be adequate for television viewing only.
maty: I have a pair of the 1.7s and love them, although my main speakers are the new Dynaudio C2 Platinums, I had the original C2 for 10 years and upgraded but during my upgrade quest I fell in love with the huge detailed soundstage the Maggies produce and bought a pair as well. From the Looks of it you have a Threshold Amp sitting next too them, which would be a great match!

On a side note anyone notice on Magnepans website that they went from the 1.7 to the 1.7i? LOL I was told they were not going to do this with this model but they decided to technical trickle down the same thing done with the 3.7 to the 3.7i... But of course no technical explanation, they just sound better so live with it! LOL ;)

I have heard the 3.6's, 3.7's and 3.7i's. The 3.7i's sound the best. They are more coherent and have a slightly darker and warmer sound. The word is from my local dealer here in Minneapolis that the 3.7i's use different cap's. I have the 1.6's and I am trying to decide if I want to upgrade to the 1.7i's or the 3.7i's. The 3.7i's are a huge step up from the 1.6's but they are also huge in size.

Here is a TAS review of the new 0.7 maggies-

I have heard the 3.6's, 3.7's and 3.7i's. The 3.7i's sound the best. They are more coherent and have a slightly darker and warmer sound. The word is from my local dealer here in Minneapolis that the 3.7i's use different cap's. I have the 1.6's and I am trying to decide if I want to upgrade to the 1.7i's or the 3.7i's. The 3.7i's are a huge step up from the 1.6's but they are also huge in size.

Would that dealer be on Lyndale?

After the death of Acoustat Magnepan became the BEST bang for the buck speaker NOTHING even come's close the MMG is not sold in stores it is factory direct only and for $550.00 you will have your ears full of music BUT if you are looking for NOISE forget ALL Magnepans.:)