Magnepan owners, please tell me what you have and amplifier(s) you use ...

Other than replacing the feet, the LRS are not mod friendly. The MMG, 1.6 and MG12 are the ones that respond well. It seems that there were manufacturing changes to the current speakers that discourage mods.
I forgot to mention this fuse upgrade kit from Mike Powell at


Joe, what mods are you considering doing to the LRS? I heard great things about the speakers but haven't read anything about the mods. Thanks.


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Curious how your LRS journey has gone. Which amp did you select? And how does the LRS compare to the Linton’s?

Thank you.

Unfortunately I have decided to temporarily forgo the purchase of the Magnepans at this time. They would require more floor space than I'd care to give up along with moving other speakers around. I've been loving and living with my Avantgarde Duo XD's and occasionally swap in the Linton or other small bookshelf speakers. I may eventually put up a second system but with my schedule and listening habits, the second listening room is a little too impractical.
Excellent Randy. At least they are not going to waste. I’m so happy everything worked out great for you.
Just wanted to let everyone know I am adding a Subwoffer system to my ‘Gunned Maggie 1.6qrs’. Just booked my order with Audiokinesis in Dallas for The Swarm! The 4 speaker subwoffer system in built to order - so I should have them in mid November. I am having them built to match my Gunned Maggies - they will be veneered in ambrosia maple. Can’t wait to get them integrated into my system - they have won TAS’s Golden Ear award several times in the last 5 years. I already use Maggie’s base panel with my other system - the DWM runs with my 1.7is. Once I biamped this system - the bass has been much better. I use Krell integrated to push both systems ( Krell K300i and Krell S550i) I will give everyone an update once I get The Swarm hooked up!
I've been using Devialet E440's for approximately 3 years and it sounds fantastic...tremendous bass. Prior to those I was using Devialet D400's and they could not drive the Maggies very well. Would consistently shut down when driven hard. And prior to the D400's I was using BEL 1001 MKV's in mono mode. They were a terrific match but I was trying to scale back my system. I also had a huge, two box Lampizator DAC and there was just too much gear...hence the move to Devialet.
Probably not useful information.... Driving a pair of bi-amped, modified, 3.6s, I have 2 custom-built, hybrid, Counterpoint NP220s (successor to SA-220, but totally different circuits. 4 channels x 400watts into 4 ohms.). One amp was built by Counterpoint's owner, Michael Elliott; the other, by Bill Thalmann of Music Technology. Not much to look at but exotic parts and big power supplies.
Which Magnepan ?

I am new to Magnepan. I had heard about them for a very long time but I had never heard them. I was looking for a change and with a lot of reading and research I believed they would most likely be good for me so I purchased a pair. I was very concerned with the size and wife acceptance factor. I ended up buying some MG .7's (as listed in my signature) and I believe I made the right choice since my wife did mention they are "pretty big", so the 1.7's or larger would probably have been too large. She has since made me a very nice set of covers to protect them when not in use.
I have switched my amplifier out for a classic McIntosh MC7100 v2. It sounds wonderful with the Maggie's.
I think Joe decided to not get the Maggie's.

The Job should be able to power Maggie's just fine (I would love to try Joe's 250's sometime :)). I would not hesitate in using a Job 225 even. I have definitely came to the conclusion that it is quality not quantity that matter with Magnepan's.
So a switch from Bel Canto to McIntosh ..?

Yes... I had the MC754 and found I tended to use that more then the Bel Canto. I simple enjoyed the sound quality more. However I did not want to let the Bel Canto go until I got a balanced input with direct banana speaker terminals amplifier first.

I found a deal on a pristine MC7100 late edition therefore I call it v2. It was recently checked and refurbished as needed by an authorized McIntosh shop. Being a late edition model it has the connections I want. And as an added bonus it has updated end caps (or whatever they are called) with the modern day McIntosh look.

I also meet the gentleman selling it. He is a McIntosh fan, to put it mildly and has tons of their gear. His wife told him he had to thin the heard some to buy more 😁... I did not complain!

It is fantastic with my Magnepan's!
I owned Magnepan 3.7’s and have listened extensively to the Magnepan 20.7’s and 30.7’s. I have always been impressed with their speed, transparency and the wall of sound that they produce. One of the best systems I ever listened to consisted of the 3.7’s driven with Cary tube components.

My challenge was replicating the glorious sound I heard at my dealer in my own listening room. I have found that the Magnepan’s love space around them. Too close to the front or side wall or the ceiling and the sound quality suffers. Careful setup, room treatments and a decent sized room are the keys to success.

Yes... I had the MC754 and found I tended to use that more then the Bel Canto. I simple enjoyed the sound quality more. However I did not want to let the Bel Canto go until I got a balanced input with direct banana speaker terminals amplifier first.

I found a deal on a pristine MC7100 late edition therefore I call it v2. It was recently checked and refurbished as needed by an authorized McIntosh shop. Being a late edition model it has the connections I want. And as an added bonus it has updated end caps (or whatever they are called) with the modern day McIntosh look.

I also meet the gentleman selling it. He is a McIntosh fan, to put it mildly and has tons of their gear. His wife told him he had to thin the heard some to buy more 😁... I did not complain!

It is fantastic with my Magnepan's!

Im a fan of the Mac vintage sound , was actively looking for an MC2500, but prices have been , well boosting :)

With vintage mac’s , if matched correctly to load , music can be heard...
