Magenpan 3.7i - What amplifier ?


Senior Member
Apr 4, 2013
I just acquired the 3.7i Magnepan speakers and trying to find the amps to go with, Will pair with my AirTight ATC2 tube preamp.

Here are my 3 amplifiers on the short list.

1. Bryston 4B3 ( goes up to 500 watts with 4ohms ) - $6000 MSRP

2. Bryston 7B3 ( Mono with 900 watts)-$12,000 MSRP

3. PassLabs X260.8 ( mono ) - MSRP $13,500 MSRP

Any one using the amps above ? In terms of power I don't listen too loud so 4B3 really makes sense and $$$

But i'm open to your opinion.

Any of those choices are good!

Agree with the ARC 250SE as well.

I've owned 5 pairs of Maggie's in my life. I really liked them with McIntosh too.

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Hi Paul,

I owned the Magnepan 3.7's and they have terrific synergy with Pass Labs amps. Virtually a can't miss combination but you should audition anyway before purchasing.

Joel of 6 moons and dpod4 on this forum preferred the 20.7 best with Luxman. Joel went through many SS amps including Karan 2000.
I owned 3.7s (not the i version), ran them with JC-1s for ages and used them initially with my 20.7s.
Lots of great options already mentioned as well.

I've since turned to the hot side and become a tube guy.:disbelief:
Thanks so much guys. I forgot to mention that I do have two more speakers ( Tannoy Canterbury GR and Harbeth M40.1) meaning I need amp that can go well with all 3 pairs of speakers. Also like to mention I do have two sets another amplifiers in my room which is AirTight ATM3 Monos and NAF set amp as well. I'm leaning more toward to either Bryston 4B3 or PassLabs again possibly 260.8 Monos but do curious about the 350.8 stereo amp as well. I only have experienced with 600.5 and wasn't really my liking and we only have one dealer for PassLabs so hearing them or home demo is very much not possible. Hmmm

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In Mark's lineup you have Bryston, CH Precision, Rogue and PS Audio BHK, one of them would surely work. I'm partial to the BHK, but that's me. The BHK 250 or 300's should be plenty and you have tubes in the front end of the amps.
Pass X260.8 will drive them ease. There is just something 'right' about Nelson Pass and Magnepan .........
Pass X260.8 will drive them ease. There is just something 'right' about Nelson Pass and Magnepan .........

I think I saw somewhere you owned the 260.8. What speakers do you have ? Also , are they sounds warm ? Do they have enough slam on bass ?
Paul, when I had the 20.7's I always found that the better the transformers in the amp/s the happier you are going to be. The age old argument of who is right over less power compared to massive watts means nothing unless you have amps that can slew down to 2ohms & then not run out of boogy on the rebound. I would love to hear your opinion on these speakers with a pair of "very" decent subs. My vote would be who ever has the best transformers!

In Mark's lineup you have Bryston, CH Precision, Rogue and PS Audio BHK, one of them would surely work. I'm partial to the BHK, but that's me. The BHK 250 or 300's should be plenty and you have tubes in the front end of the amps.

Currently I have a loan Bryston 4B3 in the house and sounds amazing with 3.7i. Not sure about the BHK. I think they are hard to re sell.... and PSAudio price in Canada is crazy.

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I didn't know what the PS Audio situation was in Canada I was just going on my experience with the one I bought from Mike almost a year ago. Bryston is the long time go to amp with Maggie's so with a good tube preamp in front of it should be a winner.