Whispers of a Magico M9 Coming Soon?

Some are whiners. Funny, I don’t recall those same guys attacking the Wilson’s WAMM? Hmm...wonder why that is?

Congrats to those who can afford the WAMM’s or the M9’s. Ditto for the guy in Sarasota with that gorgeous Ferrari.

There have been multiple 20 page threads on the WAMM and "trickle down" XVX over there - also Wilson's latest feet have taken a bath. The $400k TechDAS is another. Basically if you want to charge absurd amounts for audio, it's going to create controversy.

The problem is these boxes with drivers cost 2x what a Ferrari 812 does. With probably <$1mm spent on "R&D." It's all BS catered to wealthy Asian audiophiles. The M9 was a "me too" vanity product and i expect a half dozen others to come out in 5 years. It was telling that TAS mentioned the "hot $50k speaker market" awhile back - when the average Stereophile reader's entire system is <$25k. The audiophile world has gone crazy into the $ stratosphere. It's terrible as it shrinks our once blue collar hobby to the .01%, mostly boomer demographic. I've watched it happen for 20+ years now.

I think the A3 is a bigger accomplishment than the M9.
There have been multiple 20 page threads on the WAMM and "trickle down" XVX over there - also Wilson's latest feet have taken a bath. The $400k TechDAS is another. Basically if you want to charge absurd amounts for audio, it's going to create controversy.

The problem is these boxes with drivers cost 2x what a Ferrari 812 does. With probably <$1mm spent on "R&D." It's all BS catered to wealthy Asian audiophiles. The M9 was a "me too" vanity product and i expect a half dozen others to come out in 5 years. It was telling that TAS mentioned the "hot $50k speaker market" awhile back - when the average Stereophile reader's entire system is <$25k. The audiophile world has gone crazy into the $ stratosphere. It's terrible as it shrinks our once blue collar hobby to the .01%, mostly boomer demographic. I've watched it happen for 20+ years now.

I think the A3 is a bigger accomplishment than the M9.

That is simply not true, I just spent another 30 min going through some of these Wilson threads you mentioned, it is mainly a ‘choir,’ the only few cynical posts got reprimanded quickly. I think that this forum, although run by a dealer, is more balanced and less egocentric (I do get carried away sometimes :|).
I agree prices are insane, but you clearly spent no time considering what went into building these speakers. The reason products like the A3 exist is products like the M9/Q7. Magico A5, which I hear is better than the S/Q 3, is $22K, do you think they could have done that without building the Q5 first ($70K)?
I put the M9 into the same category as the M Project from 5-6 years ago. The M Project was to show case a new speaker design, and new speaker technology. When announced Magico limited sales to only 50 speakers. Later releases of M series speakers used M Project technology. I suspect the M9 follows this model. Rather than limit the M9 to only 50 sold, I think it is priced to limit its sales. Later speakers will incorporate M9 technology, but at a more realistic price.
There have been multiple 20 page threads on the WAMM and "trickle down" XVX over there - also Wilson's latest feet have taken a bath. The $400k TechDAS is another. Basically if you want to charge absurd amounts for audio, it's going to create controversy.

The problem is these boxes with drivers cost 2x what a Ferrari 812 does. With probably <$1mm spent on "R&D." It's all BS catered to wealthy Asian audiophiles. The M9 was a "me too" vanity product and i expect a half dozen others to come out in 5 years. It was telling that TAS mentioned the "hot $50k speaker market" awhile back - when the average Stereophile reader's entire system is <$25k. The audiophile world has gone crazy into the $ stratosphere. It's terrible as it shrinks our once blue collar hobby to the .01%, mostly boomer demographic. I've watched it happen for 20+ years now.

I think the A3 is a bigger accomplishment than the M9.

I wrote the same about Ferrari , they never listened ...! :)