Magico M2

There is always a carpenter in every crowd! Lol
Yep those crates are a real turn off........
I've had 3 sets of Magico speaker crates here. I wouldn't be surprised if they were all made by the same person. They really should redesign them for flat packing storage.
Actually I opted for the MCast instead of Mcoats S3Mk2’s not only because of costs but the fact they are packed in cardboard boxes which are more manageable to store specially in small spaces.
And you never know when the upgrade bug will hit and and you need to have those boxes or it becomes a real hassle and expense to get new ones.
Actually I opted for the MCast instead of Mcoats S3Mk2’s not only because of costs but the fact they are packed in cardboard boxes which are more manageable to store specially in small spaces.
And you never know when the upgrade bug will hit and and you need to have those boxes or it becomes a real hassle and expense to get new ones.

Upgrade bug? You know Larry, these M2’s will work fabulously in your room. [emoji41]

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One thing I might say about the carpentry of the wooden shipping crates. I find it odd that they nail from the thick bracing timbers into the thin ply sheet. Sometimes leaves sharp nail points on the inside of the shipping crate. It seems far more sensible to me to nail from the ply sheet side into the bracing timbers. Then you get the nail head holding it together better, and no sharp points on the inside.

Agree. Even better if they used screws. My old Mini 2 crates were works of art.

Venice Italy.

I feel a great sense of accomplishment knowing that I (and many others of us) helped pay for this trip. :D

I am heading to a local dealer tomorrow to listen to the M2s and possibly S7s. Will definitely compare them.
I am heading to a local dealer tomorrow to listen to the M2s and possibly S7s. Will definitely compare them.

He’s a great dealer! One of Canada’s finest. My money is on the M2 for your room. [emoji41]

Say hi to Mark for me.

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Spent a lot longer than I thought I would listening to the M2 and S7. It was a great experience.


When I first saw them they looked nice but rather small. I immediately felt… these can’t possible deliver a solid low end. Spoke for a good while with the seller Mark who was extremely kind and helpful. He really knows his stuff and was very welcoming, thanks Mark!

Anyhow after a bit of an intro and discussing my needs and my current gear I sat down. Please keep in mind that the speakers are in a room that Mark admits is lean and irregularly shaped so they are not 100% ideal. Basically its a basement room that is asymmetric with an opening hall way ‘port’ going far to the right, the listening area I would estimate is about 18 x 24 x 7 feet (but not totally sure). The M2 and S7 were connected to a luxman integrated 300 watt amp with chord dave + mscaler and nordost interconnects and cables.

First Mark played a Jazz piece by Lee Morgan on his turn table. It sounded solid.. the speakers had very good staging and placement. However there was some slight noise and crackling that sometimes accompanies vinyl sound. I was eager to move to digital.

Finally we got to move to some digital and thats when I was pretty shocked. Mark played some tracks that he thought were a good demonstration of the speakers prowess.. One of them was one that showed off the speakers bass which was unlike anything I ever heard before. I am not sure if it was the speaker or the track (I have to get the name of it and try to play it on my home system) but there was an ultra precise fast low thumping that vibrated as if I was listening to bass heavy headphones. It felt as if the sound was 1 cm from my ears on both sides. I was really taken aback! I had never heard imaging so good that the sound was perceived to be literally right near to your ears. Suffice it to say the M2 has bass… it is not necessarily the most powerful thumpy bass in the world but its fast and super precise. In techno tracks I listened to (Vonda7 - Don’t hesitate and Steffi - nightspacer) I appreciated the speed and precision of the bass which I was not used to.

What blew me away the most of these speakers is the holographic soundstage. It was the best I ever heard. Listening to Nicholas gunn - Veracruz the level of immersion was unreal. I could hear hums and tones from this somewhat newage/tribal rhythm that was up and behind my head… it left me feeling completely immersed and engrossed in the sound. Its incredible that such a small speaker can accomplish such a feat. Now of course the rooms were different but I don’t recall such a large and immersive soundstage from even the Stella Utopia Evo I heard 2 weeks back!


Mark then rolled in the S7s, he did note that there not totally optimized in terms of placement and there was a bit of issue with the tilt of them on the feet they had (I think he flipped the L + R ones). They looked impressive and had bright orange ‘lamborhigni’ style paint as Mark put it :D.

S7’s also sounded crisp, clear and very detailed but brought a low end authority that I realized then that I was missing on the M2s. This made for a truly exceptional and fun listening experience because it allowed me to play some thumpy techno and be even more engaged. The low rumble still remained taut, fast and crisp which I appreciated. I am really liking the Magico sound signature… if there is one?

However something was missing. As good as the S7 was, that last bit of transparency, detail and surprisingly soundstage size was missing. The M2 was the superior speaker with respect to these qualities. The difference wasn’t night and day at all but left me just with a feeling that some of the magic that the M2 brought was lost. Reading these words sounds harsh… please do not overanalyze this… the S7 is an amazing speaker. However the M2 is just better a squeezing out every last nuance. Strings plucked in the opening of Celtic Woman - Isle of Isinfree had a sub-shimmer micro detail that has to be heard to be believed. The resolving power of the M2 is truly amazing… the S7 follows close behind!

I didn’t spend as much time with the S7 as the M2 as I started feeling bad for Mark spending so much time on me… and I had to eventually go home, but I am eager to go back and listen more.

He also had an A3 and S3 Mk2 which I hope to hear next time. Both the M2 and S7 are very impressive speakers. I urge you to listen to them. I will be coming back to them I am sure as I close in on my final decision on my speaker upgrade.

EDIT: btw some pics over on my forum here:

Wow! Excellent write up. Mark is a great guy.

I’d love to hear the M2.
Congrats! Glad all went well with the demo. The M2’s are incredible.

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They truly are. I kind of want to hear the M3s.

I am sure both are great. But in case you have a smaller room, it is easier to add subs (also) for more bass heft in case desired. Rather than try to correct it, if the speakers simply overload the room.

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