Luxman D-08u

I dont own the D-08u but have used quite a few streamers. In my experience the Lumin software is far more intuitive and stable than Aurender’s. I also enjoy Melco’s simpler but super stable player software. I have also found that Melco’s player retrieves Tidal songs a little better than Lumin... but there may be a number of things goin on here.
I have the D-08u, and i use a mac ---->USB to the D-08u and the sound is fantastic. The dac is right up there with the best. I have also try to use Bricasti M1 and Lumin X1 beside the D-08u, but i sold them because the Luxman was better than M1 and very close to reach X1 on my system. I have Spendor sp 200, and I use Tidal Premium.
Just hooked up the D-08u with Pass Int-250. Love the sound. I plan to add a music server for this combo. I am thinking Lumin U1/T2 or Aurender N10.

What music server/streamer are you using with the D-08u?
Welcome to the forum, thank you so much for joining.

Happy you love the Luxman.

I have the D-08u, and i use a mac ---->USB to the D-08u and the sound is fantastic. The dac is right up there with the best. I have also try to use Bricasti M1 and Lumin X1 beside the D-08u, but i sold them because the Luxman was better than M1 and very close to reach X1 on my system. I have Spendor sp 200, and I use Tidal Premium.
Has anyone intermittently lost USB connection while streaming music to the D-08u from an attached USB streamer? This would only be apparent if you have a long playlist playing in the background from say a Lumin?
I've used Aurenders with the D08u. Sounds good to me. I compared the Lumin U1 to the x100 in a different system/dac and, while the U1 had marginally better detail retrieval I prefer Aurender's Conductor app to Lumin's and love Aurenders physical buttons (don't always have to have handheld in hand) and fade in/fade out on play/pause. SQ wise it's probably a wash between the N10 and U1.