Lumin X1

Will be receiving the Quantum Audio 'yellow' fuse early next week. will report back. If it improves the sound I will probably upgrade it to the next version. Tweek Geek gives you full price with return when upgrading..will be replacing the fuses in my SET monoblocks this friday..I replaced the fuse in my Innuos PheonixNet with a yellow fuse and it improved the sound significantly. That really surprised me..
@bluesky “ Incidentally, my X1 has been running nonstop, 24/7/365 for probably a bit over two years now running a nice mix of music served up from a NAS connected optically to the X1 and I am as happy with it then as I am now”

Can you share the specifics of your NAS and how it connects optically to the X1?


Sorry I missed this question until just now. Nothing special for me here. I am using a QNAP TS-1685, a QNAP QNAP QSW-1208-8C unmanaged switch, single mode fiber and some cheap transceivers I found on Amazon.
Please relax my friend...!!!

Now I've really started to worry!! With the installation of that super expensive super fuse I am concerned that the fuse holder and IEC itself may need to be swapped out! Just kidding and having some fun!
I installed the 2 4amp 'yellow' Quantum fuses in my Grail SET amps yesterday. One of the amps designers helped me install them. we both were amazed at the improvement they made with regard to the clearness the presentation and blackness to the background they made. Even my wife immediately noticed the improvement and commented on it.i have another 'yellow' fuse coming next week for my X1..
Is 4A the same rating as the factory default fuse in the Grail SET amps?
I installed the 2 4amp 'yellow' Quantum fuses in my Grail SET amps yesterday. One of the amps designers helped me install them. we both were amazed at the improvement they made with regard to the clearness the presentation and blackness to the background they made. Even my wife immediately noticed the improvement and commented on it.i have another 'yellow' fuse coming next week for my X1..

Hello from Northern Virginia and it's good to hear that your experience is a positive one and a thumbs up from the wife is really icing on the cake. My wife's and my taste in music is so diametrically opposed that we rarely find the time to do any critical listening together but that's okay too.

Your findings particularly in concert with one of the amps designers does beg a question that I've always been wanting to ask but never did and that question is: Does any manufacturer of high end audio equipment specify these high end fuses as standard kit in the bill of materials from which they build their equipment? If not I wonder why not? Maybe it's the same reason that they don't provide ultra high end interconnects or power cables as standard equipment. Maybe it's all about the cost associated with providing the stuff or the sonic differences are so unique to an individual's hearing and the level of quality of their systems that it just doesn't make sense to try from an OEM perspective.
I am not aware of audio equipment that is supplied with audiophile-priced fuses from factory. However, I think there is a brand which specifically uses ceramic fuses. I think I've also read a European brand using a brand of fuse that is quite cheap in bulk, but when the fuse is packaged and sold to retail market the price is increased 50 times or more.
Back when I was in the US Navy, we used ceramic bodied fuses exclusively in all our equipment for safety reasons as fuses made of ceramic material wouldn't shatter like fuses made of glass have been known to do when severely overloaded. Roger that on the methods of packaging adding much to the cost of anything fuses included.
after installing the fuses and hearing the improvement they made compared to the stock fuses the designer stated that if/when he started the company back up he would offer the Quantum fuses as an option.will be upgrading to the next version in about 1 month. he is very interested in hearing that upgrade...
BlueSky....if you are ever in the southern Virginia area...Va/NC border just north of Durham ,NC, would love to have you drop in..Danville,Va.
Same holds for me if you are ever in the Ashburn area a stone's throw and directly under the approach path to Dulles Airport. Have a good weekend!
I apologized if this has been asked: Is it a "waste" if I were to purchase a X1 to run through a Lyngdorf MP50? I ask because the Lyngdorph only has digital inputs (SPDIF, USB, AES, etc) and it's impossible to bypass the MP50 DAC. I like the MP50 DAC and love roomperfect, but since part of the X1's excellence is the DAC, would I be better off with an U1 or other high end streamer-only?

Does the X1 digitial out bypass the X1 DAC?
I apologized if this has been asked: Is it a "waste" if I were to purchase a X1 to run through a Lyngdorf MP50? I ask because the Lyngdorph only has digital inputs (SPDIF, USB, AES, etc) and it's impossible to bypass the MP50 DAC. I like the MP50 DAC and love roomperfect, but since part of the X1's excellence is the DAC, would I be better off with an U1 or other high end streamer-only?

Does the X1 digitial out bypass the X1 DAC?

While digital output does indeed bypass the DAC stage of X1, so it might seem like you are paying for something you don't need, LUMIN X1 is still the best LUMIN transport.
We have a graphic showing the differences on this page with an explanation of why we included X1 in the 'Transports' section:
LUMIN Model Differences

Obviously, whether the improvements found in X1 are worth the extra money is something only you can decide. Always worth demoing if you can.
I apologized if this has been asked: Is it a "waste" if I were to purchase a X1 to run through a Lyngdorf MP50? I ask because the Lyngdorph only has digital inputs (SPDIF, USB, AES, etc) and it's impossible to bypass the MP50 DAC. I like the MP50 DAC and love roomperfect, but since part of the X1's excellence is the DAC, would I be better off with an U1 or other high end streamer-only?

Does the X1 digitial out bypass the X1 DAC?

I apologized if this has been asked: Is it a "waste" if I were to purchase a X1 to run through a Lyngdorf MP50? I ask because the Lyngdorph only has digital inputs (SPDIF, USB, AES, etc) and it's impossible to bypass the MP50 DAC. I like the MP50 DAC and love roomperfect, but since part of the X1's excellence is the DAC, would I be better off with an U1 or other high end streamer-only?

Does the X1 digitial out bypass the X1 DAC?

X1 digital output bypasses the X1 DAC.

For connection to your Lyngdorf, I suggest using a 1.5m AES cable from a Lumin U1 or U1 MINI.
I just purchased X1 with remote control, It’s on the way.
Can I use X1 directly into my power amp which has relatively ( compared to Lumin AMP) low input impedance of 30K ohms.?
But it has reasonably good gain of 28db.

Here are the specs of my amp
KA S180Mk2

Fully balanced dual mono power amplifier. 2x180W (8 Ohm) in class A

Channel separated power supplies from a 680 VA toroidal transformer, 80.000 micro Farad filter bank and four stages of stabilisation
Frequency response DC – 300kHz +0, -3 dB
Signal to noise ratio better than -112 dB
Intermodulation distorsion less than 0,03% at rated power into 8 Ohms
Gain is 28 dB
Pink noise min RMS Power 180/300W into 8/4 Ohms (not recomended for loads under 3 Ohms)
Input impedance 30 kilo Ohm

And my speakers are 8ohm 91db efficiency.
Hi everyone.
My X1 arrives tomorrow 🤗
I agonized over choosing a streamer and DAC for quite some time but I feel super confident in my choice.
Wanted to thank Peter for all his time answering my newbie questions. The whole streaming digital thing is very foreign to me.
Now I guess the real work begins in deciding how to set it up in my system, what I will use as storage for my own music as well as how I will set it up to stream from Qobuz and Roon
I have a Luxman D-10X so will use the X1 to stream to it’s dac as well as using the built in one. Choice is good!
But for now I just want to hook it up and get it burning in.
I know the questions will follow thick and fast !
Aloha 🤙